Characters are no longer allowed to be this masculine, macho, american, or patriotic

>Characters are no longer allowed to be this masculine, macho, american, or patriotic

Why is this?

Other urls found in this thread:

You do realize that the soldier's masculinity, machoism, americanism and patriotism is played for laughs, right? You realize he's a parody of the stereotypical drill sgt, right?

How is being masculine sterotypical?

God TF2 is fucking autistic

Geralt is pretty much a cowboy

That doesn't mean he lacks any of those traits though.


overwatch made them too serious; soldier is dumb and that's why he's a great character. OW needs more shittalking in general, everyone is too buddy buddy

>too buddy buddy
Ow heroes are fucking pussies
They don't have the balls to say actually mean things to each other

>one is a nihilistic grandpa
>Another is an edgelord

Mccree is close, but Blizzard + the VA being an SJW are making him subtly bisexual and undermining his southern hospitality personality.

Torb would have been one of the only ones, but his recent comics show that he is secretly an omnic sympathizer, so thats gone too.

Valve exhausted the unfunny cringe quota for the next 30 years.

>market research: the game

Overwatch has no good character designs
Prove me wrong
you can't

I'm really not saying overwatch has the great character design, but you guys don't think tf2 actually has great characters do you?

I love his blood-curdling scream when he gets backstabbed/headshotted

The only 1 in the game.

It hurts how true this is to Overwatch

>the one character who's memed by tumblr babbies for being an edgelord(wich is the entire point of his design) actually has the best design in the game

>Overwatch will never get another developer sanctioned comic that gets these quality good jokes.


In terms of character design? TF2 characters are simplistic while Overwatch characters have more detail. There's nothing wrong with either approach, TF2 is a game based around 9 solid classes whereas Overwatch is intended to have dozens of unique heroes, it only makes sense for it to be that way.

In terms of character personality? It's not even close. You can maybe chalk it up to TF2 characters being around for a decade but at the end of the day each TF2 class has way, way more depth than any Overwatch hero. Even the borderline mute Pyro has more depth than anything Overwatch has to offer. Overwatch characters are so one-note it hurts. The worst thing is that they're all so sterile. Nobody ever swears, no one ever says anything mean. Being sterile isn't something that's limited to the characters either. There isn't even any blood in the game, Blizzard are desperately trying to be the next Pixar with Overwatch, you can tell by how quick they were to pull the Tracer victory pose at even the smallest amount of criticism.

Imagine if they had real global banter:

>Soldier on Sym kill
"Hard to find good tech support today"

>Sombra on Reaper kill
"Gab quiere ser hardcore y su mama no le deja!"

>Winston on Zarya kill
"You russians barely put a dog into orbit, but this Moon monkey just put a man into the dirt!"

>Hanzo on Genji kill
Glowing lights and neon chrome, your corpse look like a Dekotora wreck!

>Tracer on Orisa kill
The sun never sets on a British asswhoopin!

>Reinhardt on Lucio kill
"Make that 8 to 1"

>Reaper on Roadhog/Junk kill
Sorry, that murder was "refused classification

I haven't played it since like 2009 or something, but I remember every character being fairly one note. heavy was angry russian man, sniper was sterotypical sniper, soldier was drill sarge.

Maybe they got expanded since then or something.

>we will never get this and instead get tumblr tier dialogues

I love Reaper because he's an unapologetic edge lord. I got that statue of him from the Blizzard Gear shop.

It feels a lot like what World of Warcraft was like in comparison to WC3. A trend we would see in all of their future games as they move away from the edgy 90's-00's themes. We'll never see shit like Half-Life anymore where a single protagonist goes against the world. Now it's all about the power of friendship.

And that is why I love TF2s dominated lines

>Ahem...why don't we just give up pardner?

He's also the only one who's actually kind of a dick

>it's a parody
>he's still the most likable character

Even a shadow of the ideal is better than one of those dress wearing nurses

Dominated! ya ploddin' potatohead

All the TF2 lines are great. They've got so much charm and personality to them, basically the complete opposite to Overwatch.

>Even the borderline mute Pyro has more depth than anything Overwatch has to offer
And do you know why is that?
It's because Pyro's muteness is a part of his personality that extends his character and gives him a special quirk
Contrary to just doing it because you're lazy/don't want to pay a voice actor for Bastion

Stupid cunt, you realize Valve is the last redpilled company left in the industry, right? Back to Overwatch.

TF2 was Valve trying to push boundaries and create something unique and artistic.
Overwatch is Blizzard trying to recuperate their losses with Titan and were as safe as possible and made it as appealing as possible to every demographic to assure they get as much money back as possible.

Overwatch is not a bad game, but it's incredibly bland artistically. However, over time Valve has taken a bigger focus onto making money than retaining artistic values. Not just with TF2, but Dota 2 as well. So it's more of a change of times than devs.

I just want Overwatch to fucking die already

Was it? Or was it just them doing what they always do and taking a mod and making a game out of it. Valve is good at polishing but they're not exactly original.

>McCree on Genji kill
"You see these things? They're called guns."

>soldier to Tracer
"Bullets are still faster."

>Junkrat killing a female

The originality isn't in the games themselves. Their originality and talent comes from the presentation. Left 4 Dead was a pretty boring and repetitive game, but people fondly remember the characters.

One thing Battleborn got right was Oscar Mike

>Attention all units Feminism is awesome!
He says that when he dominates a female player.

best line in the game. Others are not far behind though.

Other way around for me, I enjoyed the gameplay but the characters were whatever. I guess valve charm just doesn't do it for me.

Purge the xenos.

>"Make that 8 to 1"

>make that 8 to 1


>Scotland is not a real country!
>you are an englishman in a dress!


>"words cannot describe how much I HATE FRANCE right now"

>Its intimidatin....


>Roadhog on Ana/Pharah kill
Haram kill HAHAHAH!

>Mei on Hanzo/Genji kill

>Zarya on Widow kill
The Russian Aristocrats used to speak French too........ we killed them as well......

>Symmetra on Mei kill
Nuh uh uh, you're not building walls in my territory

>Widow on winston kill (while wearing huntress)
A wonderful mount for my eastern wall!

Swearing makes me feel mature and a big manly man! That's why I tell mom she's a cunt every time she forgets to buy me lego!

I just noticed that not only tf2 has more personality, but just has better voice acting

>most likable character

Have you even played TF2 man?

So are you just shitposting here until your tendies are done or what?

>Spy to Heavy: "Too bad this wasn't an eating competition!" "I'm putting you on a special diet I like to call: DEATH"

>Scout to Heavy: "Nice hustle, tons-of-fun, next time eat a salad!!"

Sniper to Heavy:
"Gotcha, ya pot-bellied lardass!"
"Thanks for the target practice, ya plump bloody freakshow!"
"Dodge that, ya fat jigglin' butterball!"
"Oi! Yer bleedin' gravy, fatso!"
"Thanks for bein' such a whoppin' big target, mate!"
"I just bagged the world's fattest man!"
"That gotcha, ya lard-arm simpleton!"

>a butthurt mod deleted the post showing how terrible ow voicelines are

He probably deleted it himself because it's already been posted.

Yeah that patch that replaced combat with group hugs was really too much.

Will Doomfist finally show some balls and personality to the ow cast?
probably not

For all of Soldier's faults, he's still endearing.

Ahaha you delusional faggot. Get your blood pressure up a bit?

That's because for most of its run TF2 had literally some of the best writers in gaming for some reason on it (and not writing narrative games because Valve) whereas Blizzard has braindead automatons that write like focus groups.

>he thinks that just because you fight things it's not the safest "don't offend everyone" shit
They'd rather make their characters autistic and gay than expand on a backstory and world that is literally screaming to be expanded

All the 9 characters in TF2 are too likable.
Even Pyro, despite being a creep with a mask.

Hell even niggas like Merasmus , Pauling, The Announcer and such are great too.

Not as bad as dirty bomb

>make that 8 to 1

>Make that 8 to 1

Isn't that from a Team Service Announcement video?

No? It's when spy dominates engineer

>Implying anyone actually gives a shit about back story

No, even dirty bomb has better bants than OW.

>"Make that 8 to 1"
Fucking golden fuck you

They could if jewzard actually tried on it

You mean "her", right?

>Everyone back to the base, pardner...

Call of Duty is like that but there still going through a xX720N0SC0P3T4CT1C00LSN1P3RXx faze.

>Forget the bullets, how much are all of these coffins costin' ya?

>bastion on any living character
"01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01001111 01110010 01100111 01100001 01101110 01101001 01100011"

I don't get it

OW couldn't have savage character trash talk like TF2. Someone would get their feelings hurt and cry on the forums and blizz would remove it in the next patch

>It's another insecure Sup Forumstard whines about MUH MASCULINITY episode again
fuck off retard

it's making fun of when germany dumpstered brazil in the world cup semifinals 7-1

Looks like the overwatch community finally arrived

OW does have banter. it's just really tame compared to TF2.

>professionals were paid to write and voice these lines
jesus christ

>McCree on D.Va/Mei kill

Too bad Sup Forums didn't understand the context and thinks everything Gearbox does is by Anthony Burch.

>having shit taste

>his new voice lines are just straight up anti american

i dont know, shitting on Russian fatasses, German maniacs, and Boston sissies seem pretty American....

no like its current event politic shit.

>Soldier being anti-american

In what possible world did you get that message from what he says? He is literally a jingoist.

He was intentionally made to be the edgiest character possible. Unironically edgy in fact.

>no longer allowed to

says who?
or is this just convenient for your narrative?

as in unaware self deprecating.

like if heavy was like "Oh vut a relief we won, now we are not going to russian gulags!"

give example

>"Nothin personnel....kid": The webm

Name 1 in the last 2 years.

That doesn't make it any less terrible