How would you make a game based on the Flash?
How would you make a game based on the Flash?
It would basically be a "The Flash"-Mod for Infamous 2nd son.
Turn based Rpg
Make a VR Flash game where you realize how incomprehensible being the Flash would really be for us mortals.
Imagine trying to find out information on the game.
All the results for "Flash game" on google...
>VR Flash game
Probably just like every superhero game (3D beat-em-ups), but instead of just mashing a button to win every fight you use crazy Flash physics to knock shit around and trample over people. Physics-based puzzles, dodging entire groups of people unloading weapons at you with slow-motion, etc.
I've never really stopped to examine this picture. What the fuck happened here?
Walking simulator
>not running
The game ends when you press start to begin it. The credits are longer than the game itself.
I dont know
going super fast is probably actually really boring, imagine trying to capture the feeling of going so fast that everything slows way down or completely stops
it's not that interesting from that perspective
Go fast
Reverse flash intercepts every action you make
>what is quantum physics plus speed force
Puzzle game style, have to make the fewest amount of moves in the shortest amount of time to save the most amount of peoples.
It's an action game by Platinum except it plays at like 5 times the speed of Bayonetta or Devil May Cry
Isn't Pepsiman literally a game about a slower blue Flash?
>QTE pops up where you have to stop him from shitting in your pants
The plot involves some bullshit draining the Speed Force so you only go really, really fast and not 500 Bullshits Per Hour
And then at the end you get it all back and the final level is a super slowmo shitfest as you beat up everyone
A good Flash game doesn't exist because Reverse Flash keeps stopping it from existing.
i imagined a dual trigger acceleration where one trigger on a controller would increase flash's speed , while the other would decrease the flow of time. Combining both in full essentially pauses the game world and makes flash near impossible to control