Boot up Neverwinter Nights 1 out of nostalgia

>boot up Neverwinter Nights 1 out of nostalgia
>only ever played a goody two-shoes Paladin back in the day
>this time, decide to play a Lawful Evil Cleric

>'evil' options are just 'I'll save Neverwinter...for a price!', or robbing/murdering random civilians for petty coin like some CE lunatic
>Defensive Casting can't be turned permanently on, it resets itself back to 'off' each time you move

Do the expacs have better evil options? Also, any way to unfuck defensive casting?

If you want evil options in a game, nwn isn't the game for you. Give KotOR a try if you want to play an old dnd 3.5 based game with hilarious evil options (sadly with lightsabers).

Even then only hordes of the Underdark is a decent xpac, the first two are garbage, and every one of those lacks reasonable evil options. As for the stance changes, I'm sure there's a fix online that lets you toggle it.

>willingly replaying the OC
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>Dnd 3.5

KOTOR was based on the actual Star Wars table top rpg

No the expansions aren't much better in that regard from what I can remember.

Nwn 2 has better evil options, especially for the expansion Mask of the betrayer. Otherwise yes kotor 1 & 2 have great evil options. Abusing your companions into being evil is fun as fuck.

What? Really? The rules are basically simplified 3.5 rules so I assumed Bioware dumbed it down and called it a day. Guess I learned something new, thanks user.

The Star Wars d20 system was based out of 3rd edition D&D and then Bioware dumbed it down to the KOTOR system. /tg/'s Star Wars thread has the books in one of the OP links if you're ever curious.

No much, you still save the world "for a price, but you can do more evil things in Hordes of the Underdark, like double betray people, force the final boss to kill himself, learn the true name of your allies and ruin their lives, buy mind-fucked slaves, etc.

All this game does these days is remind me how much 3.5 sucks ass.

I'm pretty sure HotU lets you be an evil motherfucker.

Unsurprising, given the Underdark is an edgefest. See

>he didn't play a big black barbarian half-orc with maxed physical stats and rampaged through Neverwinter

Dumb fun is fun.

Just be happy that you didn't tried nwn2 oc
AT leat you could tell people to fuck off in the first nwn
There many quests in the OC where you can double betray fags too, like the one with nymph in the city

3.5 undeniably sucks ass, but somehow I still love it as a character building system compared to stuff like PoE

How bad did I fuck up by playing NWN OC with a pure monk? I think it was unnecessarily difficult at times.

>How bad did I fuck up by playing NWN OC
>playing NWN OC
Yeah you fucked up pretty bad.

NWN1 Class Tier List

>God Tier:

>Top Tier:
Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric, Shifter

>High Tier:
Champion of Torm, Black Guard, Bard, Weapon Master

>Mid Tier:
Paladin, Harper Scout, Fighter, Red Dragon Disciple, Dwarven Defender

>Low Tier:
Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Pale Master, Arcane Archer, Shadow Dancer

>Trash Tier
Barbarian, Assassin, Purple Dragon Knight

>not liking frenzied berserkers

That's because the first isn't a party-based game, which is far worse.

I always took a level in Pale master for that sweet sweet skeleton arm.

>>God Tier:

Being a shitty cleric in leathers =/= God Tier

>m-muh animal form versatility!


is there a UI scaling or widescreen patch for nwn? I got it when gog gave it out for free but can't play it because all the text boxes are tiny as fuck.

You do realize the actual game lies in the multiplayer mode and the modules you can play / create, right ?

R I G H T ?

>People still use my old screenshot but with different name
ANyway, the only actually party based game in the series was storm of zehir, and it had everything you would exoect from the party based game

gotta love that vibrant and living multiplayer scene of NWN1 in the year of our lord 2017
goddamn user is stupid and you're so much smarter WHOAH

The NWN1 OC is absolute garbage.

Shadows of Undertide is ok, it's a bit more interesting and well-structured than the OC but still not great. Hordes of the Underdark is pretty good, it's mostly a dungeon crawl but it's the best designed of the three and it also has some good bits besides the dungeon crawling, especially towards the end.\

NWN2 is better than the first in every way except when it comes to custom games, multiplayer, PWs, and shit like that.


You can steal baby in soa and turn it into drider in hotu.

What is this meme about the OC being bad?

>NWN2 is better than the first in every way
>Worse story than OC
>Worse characters than OC
>Worse gameplay than OC

>lawful evil
>murdering random civilians

Obsidian kids are buttdevatated because nwn oc actually allows you to pick answers in the dialogues instead of just pressing [next] like in the nwn2 oc

I thought you need 7 or so levels for that, similar to rdd wings.

I can't stand nwn2 simply for its interface. I didn't play motb because of it till this day despite all the praise.

Did you even play the NWN1 OC?

It was fucking horrendous. I'm not saying the NWN2 OC was great, but it was definitely better than the "clear these four areas, then return to the hub to end the chapter, then do that three times, the end" original one, where henchmen didn't matter even slightly to the story and barely had a personality beyond a few meaningless lines about their past. And even NWN2's generic "you're secretly the chosen one who has the McGuffin everyone wants" setup was less retarded than NWN1's "you are the only survivor of the hero academy and nobody else can save us from the ancient evil" bullshit.

NWN2 was generic and at times poorly paced, but NWN1 was just plain shit in every way.

>NWN2 is better than the first in every way

Levels are too big, pacing is really fucked. They improved their approach in addons.
I liked it back then though.

It literally is.

Learn how to play NWN

It is. That's not to say the NWN2 OC is some spectacular revolution of rpgs, but holy fuck, ANYTHING is better than the NWN1 OC.

It has to be the worst rpg I ever played. It's worse than fucking Inquisiton. Story, world, characters and dialogues are fucking terrible, game is ugly and have shit combat, and no matter whenever I am dorf, elf or half-orc no gives a shit. I can't even command my companion. How people are even able to play this?

Awful story, NPCs don't matter and henchmen are useless, main villain is ridiculous, barely any actual roleplaying opportunities, the whole "hub area + 4 question/grinding zones" setup is the most tedious and unfun thing ever designed.

Nathyrra best girl
>made sweet sweet love with her at the end.

This NWN2 is a much better game

>tfw used to roleplay as a dragon on a erp server back in the day

was fun.

People made some pretty cool shit with the toolset. That's it. What other game lets you create your own puzzle games, psychedelic nightmares, traditional roleplaying modules, persistent online worlds, etc.?

The NWN campaign was nothing more than a showcase for the toolset. It was an afterthought and not worth a damn if you had no interest in the toolset.

you have shit taste.



>but it was definitely better than the "clear these four areas, then return to the hub to end the chapter, then do that three times, the end"
Yep, in nwn 2 after you reached city it was
>clear area, return to the hub, press [next] 5-6 times, if game feels genereous you can even pick answers few time, go clear next area, repeat
Yes, after you get keep you actually can choose your answers(still on the first nwn oc level), butgenerally game was terrible
I replayed all games in the series last year
NWN2 oc is definitely worst shit that happened with genre

>play NWN OC
>make a shit character
>game is frustrating as fuck and not fun
>make a good character
>game is a complete walkover and not fun
>make a mixed bag character
>game can be alright at times but gameplay is still about as interesting as playing isometric morrowind
Well not that we've established gameplay is shit, we got to rely on story and atmosphere. If those are great, the game can still be great despite the gameplay. After all, it's an RPG so maybe it'll work!
>music is shit
>setting/atmosphere is generic as fuck high fantasy
>no moral ambiguity in the story
>villains are irredeemable mcevilbads
>you're the last survivor hero noob who grows and saves the world
goty 10/10

If there's something, it's almost definitely on the Neverwinter Vault, or the GOG forums.
Can't you just play at a lower resolution? I have it installed on my shitty laptop and it's fine.

Good point. I really meant 'game balanced around party control' rather than a party-/based/ game, but I couldn't think of a way to phrase it that wasn't unwieldy and then I just couldn't be bothered fixing it.
Of course, user! Those threads were fantastic, everything you could ever want in a nwn thread.

Just make a lawful evil monk and wear the robe of the dark moon. Run around at the speed of sound punching people out in one round of combat

Never finished the main OC since it was so fucking boring. A dance with rogues was great though.

>upset that maybe 15% of NWN2 was running back and forth between the hub and outlying areas
>but it's ok in NWN1 where it's 95% of the game

Time to take off the rose-tinted nostalgia glasses, Timmy.

No, monk is weak as shit

MP is actually still alive
Hope you like erp

Can I still make the fallen Paladin chick my evil waifu if I play a female character, or had Bioware not yet invented homosexuality?

If you want to play something braindead, why not just play a Fighter so you can actually do damage instead of gently massaging the enemies with your fists?

A lot of the mods are really damn excellent. ADWR turned out to be spectacular even though I initially only started playing it because of porn.

This was pre-homosex Bioware.

D&D 3 is based on a D20 game system published by wizard of the coast as a free open license so many other table top rpg used it as a result

NWN1 was painfully boring, but NWN2 was outright painful. Camera was horrible, controls were horrible, interface was horrible, every single visual element of everything was ugly in some way, magic fireworks made it impossible to see what is going on, combat design assumed that because you're dragging three other imbeciles along filling every map with hordes of superpowered trash mobs would make things intense, trap and lock DCs forced you to have a worthless straight rogue with you at all times, your party roster was forcibly filled with aggravating bums you could not fire or kill, and the story was a tired cliche awkwardly subverted by the sub-sub-villain being too stupid to stop killing for ten seconds to explain himself.

Yeah, it had a ton of choices and stuff if I remember correctly.
I always wanted to do a non-slutty playthrough but the urge to whore myself out always got the best of me.

>hardest skillcheck in the game is to get a threesome

You should stick with Diablo and not a real RPG.

>b-but druids are good if you multiclass them with three other classes at level 40!


Pure princess is the best. Pity you can't be an innocent virgin

>Shit is better than mulched newspapers because it has a stronger flavour.

No to all of that.

>Nathyrra best girl
I agree. Delicious drowfu done right, and a bunch of really cute interactions.
NathxGoodAribethxyou OT3 ending a best, though.

No cute yuri, sadly. It's from before Bioware realised the purest form of love.

Learn how to play NWN, casual

>setting/atmosphere is generic as fuck high fantasy
Considering d&d codified the concept of 'generic as fuck high fantasy', OC was right on the money with that one.

>Pure princess is the best.

is there actually good porn mods for it? when I saw it required a femc at one of the mods I instantly lost interest

All of the best characters are multiclass user. It is called exploiting a system.

Is this possible with an evil character too, or will only 'good' Aribeth and Nath go for it?

>no comeback other than l2p casul

Keking @ur life, m8

This is bait

I think I can see why you'd like it.

Jesus Christ dude are you that much into triangle tits?

adwr is literally the best porn mod ever.
All you need is 38 points in persuade.

But then you're not proving a CLASS is god-tier, which was the original assertion.

>Outing yourself as a casual who has no idea how to play the game
>This level of damage control after getting BTFO


>you need air to live
>no I don't

Oh okay I didn't read that. (it is cleric)

Of course it's "I'll save you... for a price" No matter what you have to get from Point A to Point B in a story.

As long the writing is good, I can imagine my own images.

>still no comeback
>buzzwords and more buzzwords

Druid shit all over cleric, better spells, better gear, infinite casting, l2p NWN

NWN and DDO gave me an unholy love for any game with strong class-combining tools

I also wish that other games captured that feeling of the first floor of Hordes of the Underdark; just this incredibly dense puzzle and loot pinata where every room had some crazy shit guarding a cool magical item

I want the druid meme to go. Monk is better and anyone who says otherwise is a pleb who can't build a good one.

>he banged his head on the toilet once and made his shitty OC donut steel some loot on the editor

>Monk and Paladin are in the bottom half of the tier list
>when they are some of the best "dip" classes in the whole game, and form an entire chassis of great but basic multiclass builds like Monk/Cleric, Monk/Druid and Paladin/Sorcerer

This tier list implies all classes exist in a vacuum and as such is not particularly representative. Wizard is fantastic and one of the candidates for a straight-up single-classed level 40 build, but you hardly want to multiclass away from it, or use it as a dip.

If we're taking things out of context, Barbarian is a superior class to Fighter, it's just that Fighter is a better chassis for broken multi-class combinations.

But yeah, the first thing you have to do when looking into your build is whether it can't be improved by a simple dip into Monk, Paladin, Fighter or even Rogue. That should elevate them a fair bit, even if standalone they're kinda trash.


Like said, either Aribeth will go for it - Dark Aribeth is more openly seductive about it. Remember to fix your game so her flags trigger properly!

DDD should've been set in Faerun instead it's set in a literal who. Missed opportunity

>Still trying this hard to damage control after exposing himself as a casual

Zero gear pure druid is stonger than any other class in the game, the fact you dont know about druid getting infinite spells per day shows how little you now about the game, go back to your mario threads.

Eberron is a way better setting than Faerun

Besides, they go to Faerun in the expansion packs and it has all the shitty generic adjective-noun Knights and shitty book characters you could handle

Monk is garbage

>he doesn't want to be the hot girl
Also, most porn modules are shit. Adwr did it right with fade to black. One of the many things Gladiatrix did wrong was lentghy, awkward sex animations