DBZ is getting a new actual fighter by ArcSys

>DBZ is getting a new actual fighter by ArcSys
>Pokemon is getting Pokken DX

When is Fate/Unlimited Codes 2 coming out? They have a huge goddamn roster of servants to pick from now.
If FGO is any indication, they could make back all their development costs if they just make some DLC like Jannu, or swimsuit costumes.

Or a new Melty with Saber in it. When will Type-Moon get on the big stage at EVO?

The concept would probably sell well but Type Moon doesn't do good gameplay.

Not even a Fatefag but I'd play it. Only as long as it's made by Arcsys though. Pretty sure Type-Moon can't develop anything for shit.

>Type Moon doesn't do good gameplay.

Just outsource it, it's not like either of their fighting games were developed in house, aside from the very first Melty Blood. Which didn't play all that well, honestly.

>aside from the very first Melty Blood
French Bread did that too

I'm almost surprised we didn't see more companies throw themselves at Arc system works to have them develop licensed fighting games with the Xrd aesthetics.

Really? Well damn, they improved in all gameplay aspects for ReAct.

It is probably because ArcSys is big enough and a large enough name that they can't be pushed around easily. When WayForward remakes a game like Duck Tales or a licensed title like Adventure Time, the majority of people buying it are doing so for the DuckTales/Adventure Time license, not because of the name of the development studio. So, companies can bully WayForward into doing mostly what they want, or mostly complying with the payment terms the licensing company puts into place. But most people who hear about a Fate fighting game put out by ArcSys will be interested in the company that puts out Guilty Gear, and so ArcSys has a lot more swap in determining a contract. Type Moon could sign up with ArcSys, but if they signed up with a much smaller studio then Type Moon would have a lot more control over everything from game design to portion of profits.

That, and honestly, I don't think that Type Moon even had fighting games on their radar at the moment.

You'll have to wait for melty HD first.

Makes sense unfortunately. Mobages are enough for type-moon I guess.

I'd rather just have a Fate Fighter that's made of only Sabers with ARC as the final boss

I don't think you realize how much Aniplex/Type-Moon hate investing in things that cost actual money.

They chose Musou for Extella because of how cheap that genre is to produce. FGO doesn't even have voice acting in the story. Mahoyo was deemed a failure despite selling well and only being 8 hours long and the planned sequels were never produced.

>dumb weebshit

Yeah, no. Only DB is a universally liked franchise that will sell more than well.

I'd buy F/UC2 in a heartbeat, but I doubt TM would care to make it or ask someone else too because they're too busy milking everyone dry with F/GO. It's a shame too because Unlimited Codes is a great game and being able to play that with a larger roster would be nice.

Fate/Zero sold more than any DBZ anime and the Fate mobage is more successful than the DB mobage.

I'd murder for a Melty HD and to see it back in tourneys and shit.

Also, is the Tsukihime remake still in limbo?

Choose your character

I feel like Aniplex has more a hand in that, wanting AAA sales from B-tier investment. Very anime studio thought process. Type-Moon seems to be floating along handing out licenses whenever they get around to it.

The only thing Nasu said about it recently is "I want to see Arc in Grand Order eventually!"

I'll take Saberface.

You should already had learned the lesson with FGO and Extella to never expect any good Fate game going forward.

Enjoy your gacha shit for the rest of eternity

I look forward to Morgan Le Fay getting into GO.

I want RiderSaber and RulerSaber pls

Has there ever been a Fate game where the title makes a shred of sense?

type moon is fucking dead they need to pander to gacha faggots and literal pedophiles just to stay afloat. I fucking hope the company dies soon.

Fate GO

>Melty with Saber in it
I'd prefer Melty to just stay dead instead of that

> HD Melty has been locked behind Tsukihime remake by Nasu
> French Bread made Uniel after waiting for ages
I will never not be mad about this.

Don't forget that Miyu Matsuki died before getting to voice Hisui in the remake and MB HD