Why do Americans dislike Yukiko?

Why do Americans dislike Yukiko?

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I dont

I dislike the whole game. It's so fucking boring.

>long feminine hair
>airheaded (easy to manipulate)
>loaded with cash

What's not to like? The only other girl worth a real relationship with would be Rise but that's mostly if you're in the mood for some really easy slutty sex.

Childhood is wanting free easy sex with Rise, Adulthood is realizing you need to settle down with Yukiko. Chie is for closet homosexuals and girls like Naoto don't exist.

They're betalords

I'm gay and I actually agree with this. Chie always stiked me as a dyke, went with Yukiko and have no regrets.

excuse me good sir as the representative of all americans i like yukiko

i actually like Yukiko a lot, but she's the least weird of the characters so she gets ignored.

Margaret is best girl.

Naoto is the best girl, that's why.

Yukiko is literally the girl you romance if you're a betalord. She's the typical shy reserved Japanese girl.

Real men fuck teddie

Rise exists. Very simple answer. Mitsuru also exists when we are talking terms of P3. P5 terms Sensei exists. There simply is no need for a Yukiko unless she shows off her armpits but even Mitsuru beat her to that.


zero personality outside of *SNORT*

Shut up, it's an endearing character trait.

She's fine but like user said,
Rise does exist.

Americans prefer bald sjw dykes to humble feminine women loyal to their husbands.

Best totally honest with yourselves: which P4 girl would make the best wife/mother?

>not likely to get on your case for wanting to spend time with your friends or watch sports or play video games
>would be on your children daily about exercising and being good at sports
>no psycho mother-in-law to deal with
>eats bbq so no fear of having her suddenly turning vegan and force your entire family to eat a bunch of garbage ass vegan dishes
>no dork snort
>would not be afraid of getting on top and riding you to ejaculation
>dresses very casual but looks kawaii as fuck when she ladies up
>not some robot ass doormat

Delicious Gorgonzola

>Best totally honest with yourselves: which P4 girl would make the best wife/mother?

probably chie

chie can't be a mother because she is impossible to ejaculate in, because it is impossible to get hard to her, because she is a man

>he looks at a short haired girl and sees a man

i think we all just see what we wanna see

I hate Oldkiko

What's going on with that right foot?

At least she can fight for her man unlike other girls.

Because we hate thin women. We only like T H I C C

>being so impotent you can't get a man's boywomb pregnant

loving every laugh

Americans prefer slutty girls

I wish I could eat this girl out. Damn she's thicc in the right areas.

Exactly, this is the right kind of T H I C C

I never thought I'd fall for this thicc meme but god damn my fucking dick, this should be illegal

If you paid any attention to the story, you'd know her Shadow being a stripper was a personification of her desire to 'strip' away all her fake personalities to show off the 'real' her

Never played the games so I don't know what the character is like but I do like her from purely a visual perspective.

Love me some pale girls with long dark hair. I like the colors red and black too, which is a plus.

>her Shadow being a stripper was a personification of her desire to 'strip' away all her fake personalities to show off the 'real' her
how the fuck do you read this without cracking up

>tfw you're eating a thicc girl out and she starts cumming, clamping her legs together like a vice trying to get you to stop licking

Judge your girl's progress at the gym by how hard she squeezes

P4 girls are fun flings but I don't see much decent wife/mother material in any of them.


>If you paid any attention to the story

Pantyhose girl is best girl.

Its a jap-written story, what do you expect? The point is, her Shadow isnt a stripper just because Rise literally wants to be a stripper

She doesn't need a shadow to be a slut.

Nice comeback, faggot

>tfw bitch almost snapped my dick in two because her pussy was that strong
Last time I ever fuck a muscle chick

> bruh she squats nigga xD bitch fuck mofucka biz nood
Back to twitter darkies.

Real Americans like Haru

Do you think that only black people have sex user

I'm sorry you'll find someone :(

Not even a laughing matter, I had to put ice on my dick on and off for 3 whole days. The bigger the size, the more vulnerable it is to pain.

Sure user, whatever you say.

>the entire point of her character is that she isn't a yamato nadeshiko
>idiots still call her one

You're not even pretending not to be a normalshit, normie.

This is still one of the best Yukiko pics

So yeah, only normies have sex in your world

You're putting the pussy on a pedestal my guy

I'm a burger and she's my waifu of choice

>Lmao I got laid!!!
Sweet, dude

Stay mad.

Im glad you feel the need to brag about your apparent sex life to people you don't even know on the internet.

It's not even about me not getting laid or anything. Im one of those religious types whose waiting but that's besides the point.

> I'm not a a normie I swear

She´s a too perfect woman that cant exist in the real world.

Haven't really played any personal game, but this girl is best girl by design alone.