Anyone else hyped for this?

anyone else hyped for this?

Finally all the bullcrap of IP copyright and companies removed from the game and back to just pure fighting game mechanics

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Combofiend is not wrong while also being a hypocrite.

He says characters are just a function which is objectively true, but then wasted a space just so his main Spencer could stay in when we could have go Wesker or viewtiful joe

20 bucks says Black Panther is going to have wolverine's moveset.

Characters are just function, that's true, but not in cross-over games.

Saying that about a goddamn crossover game was the dumbest shit.

Maybe people like Magneto because he's goddamn Magneto. Despite Marvel desperately wishing otherwise, people very much remember the X-Men.

Spencer has a unique niche with his arm that isn't as easily replicated as Magneto's boring ass tri-dash rushdown moveset.

Magneto had only three moves that had ANYTHING to do with gravity and magnetism as a concept and of them, only two were useful in niche areas.

You could rework him to be more of a zoner and controller, but then babies would still cry because he plays differently.

Because the shallow ass MCU is all that matters now. Fuck Marvel

Spencer, especially Dreds "My wife is my arm" Spencer, has little to no fanbase to draw people in for this game. Whereas clover studios games helped launch MVC3 hype.

this. the whole point of crossovers is fan service, but disney said no. make it a shilling platform for marvel.

Whats worse is when this game flops, Disney will never give capcom the rights again because of how protective they are of the brand.

Combofiend didn't say that I thought


I'm so sad my main didn't make it into the starting roster, f(x)=x^2+5x+4, where x=-2 as lim->0. He's been there from the start.

bionic commando itself is way less popular than spencer in mvc is.

>Hardcore players for a series that has been supported by a hardcore fanbase only care the mechanics and are uninterested in anything else

Is combofiend literally retarded? DmC proved that shit wrong. Even though the DmC rerelease on next gen played really well and actually was up to par, the character and presentations were such garbage that it didn't sell.

No they're fucking not. This is the most erroneous shit any mouthbreather has ever uttered about video games and you have to be a hyper autist to genuinely believe this.

Character and character design are more important in fighting games than any other genre. How else are you going to pick which character out of a dozen or more to play as? People who play a fighting game for thousands of hours and know the mechanics and every character's moveset like the backs of their hands tend to forget this. And faggot "hardcore gamers" tend to forget that video games are a visual medium in general. Our enjoyment from video games doesn't come from the mechanical act of pressing inputs, it comes from the visual and aural stimulus that is brought about by that act. No one would play a game a like this . It could be the best game ever mechanically, but no one outside a few turbo autistic manchildren would even bother picking it up due to it being visually unappealing and unsatisfying to play.

There's a reason everyone shits on this turd of a game for looking like complete ass, even though the gameplay doesn't look like it has any major issues outside being dumbed down to 2v2s again.


Agreed with Sometimes I am able to just play a fighting game and say "Hey, this character looks fun to play" but more often than not, I'm fairly impartial just with regards to moveset alone, i.e. I could main any one of the characters for all I care, and so the deciding variable is usually which character I think is cool.

Really, would Guilty Gear be half as fun if not for the crazy cast full of veritable explosions of personality? After all, consider that the mechanics of the game were explicitly designed such that playing the game would be like watching an anime fight scene, which is an aesthetic end. Hell, even something like Street Fighter is built around the concept of a fighting tournament rather than the physics, hitboxes and mechanics, which naturally developed around the concept.

I'm sorry, i'm seeing a lot of talk about the fighting game community here, I'm gonna need to see your receipts for pre-ordering your copies of MVC Infinite for proof that you're a member of our community.

but I'm not part of the FGC I only play fighting games for the story mode hence I'm buying MVCI

>your function didn't get in
What was her name, Sup Forums?
They discarded my Spider-Man function.


I downloaded the demo and that was enough to make me cancel my preorder, Capcom and Marvel, specially Marvel can fuck themselves. Even the retards at DC/NRS managed to make a better roster than MvCI.

Spiderman function is DLC according to the leak

>They discarded my Spider-Man function
Wait, didn't the leaks say Spidey was in?

I don't know anything about the community but I enjoy these games.
Is combofiend a developer?

>Spider-Man function is DLC
Jesus Christ Capcom. They always find away to disappoint me even when I expect nothing of them anymore.

Jesus you r/kappa posters are trying so hard to make something out of this functions thing. You fags just want to shit on something for the sake of shitting on it.

>Capcom has no new reps besides Sigma
>Sigma is DLC

The MCU focus is an excuse to hide Perlmutter's embargo on characters whose movie rights are owned by Fox (which he's doing completely out of spite).
Perlmutter doesn't even have authority over the MCU movies anymore after Feige and Disney got tired of his shit

shitty graphics
shitty roster
some chars look like shit

basically i went from "cool a new mahvel" to "buy on steam sale around 2019" literally

This is exactly it. Great fighting games design gameplay around character quirks, not the other way around. You take a character like Faust, decide what his personality is like and build a fighting style around it. If you took the same moveset and made the animations straightforward and all of the keep away stuff just boxes or something, he wouldn't be nearly as interesting.

Players like Lythero prove this is not true by managing to play well with "joke" characters like Joe and Phoenix Wright who are terrible as raw 'functions' and super gimmicky. But he plays them because he likes the characters.

Pic related.

Literally no other genre and no other company could get away with saying this or making a fraction of the the million mistakes Capcom has made with SFV or MVC:I.

I know Capcom is fucking up the visuals but part of me feels bad for them. Their hands are tied by this fucking manbaby and the game will likely bomb for it.

I mean, their roster isn't everything it could be either though. I hope they beef it up a lot come launch.

No, it just speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of what the majority of players want from fighting games.

I mean, yeah, he's trying to put a PR spin on a shitty situation but it's such an awful thing to communicate to your consumers about a game whose gimmick is crossing over characters from disparate franchises.

MvC exists because of the characters alone.

>make crossover game
>the characters are literally important because it's a fucking crossover fantasy world where your favorite heroes fight each other
>don't put characters the audience wants

Fucking kek it's like having Smash Bros but without Mario characters

>Well we saw that Captain Falcon was just a function in Smash as a hard hitting physical character will fast fall speed and high combo capabilities.

>And I feel like players will feel right at home with Fighter from kid icarus who fills that roll well. He has a high fall sleep, hard hitting moves, and high combo capabilities just like Captain Falcon players are used to.

This is correct, like it or not.

>But I want Magneto and Doom and Wolverine!

And if they were nerfed to the level of Thanos in marvel 2, you would never ever see them online or in a tournament. People will go to the top tier. The top tier is not top because their character ips are cool

This, holy fuck.
Never mind the fact that this game is marketed towards Sup Forumsfags and nerds like us that could care less how good the gameplay is when all we wanna do is watch Ryu and Ironman reenact every beamclash scene form DragonballZ.

Im overexadurating a bit but really i could care less about this game if Dante wasn't in it.
There is a reason why nobody fucking wants "new" characters in SFV even though they may play like your main(they won't lol) nobody cares because they aren't really the same character.

But wouldn't smash be better with just wireframes?

No X-men no buy.

Seriously what the fuck is with these games? No Mega Man in MVC3 and now no X-men in MVCI. It's like Capcom and Marvel are scared of making a game better than MVC2. And worse still, you can't even buy the HD rerelease of MVC2 anymore.

>Seriously what the fuck is with these games?

but Falcon players never even played F-Zero anyway, so he is basically a function to them except for those who have, who are cool

DMC is not an esport

The roster is so shit it's not even funny.
I was expecting it to be bad from marvels side but Jesus fucking Chist i didn't expect capcom to literally use zipfile assets from MvC3.

The fact that half the roster is DLC is even fucking worse.

I'm sure it's been said before, but the whole big deal about MvC was that HOLY SHIT I CAN HAVE SPIDERMAN BE ON THE SAME TEAM AS RYU


see Not to mention that there are people in my local scene who play characters like Wright, Felicia, Sentinel, Haggar, Captain America, etc. Whether YOU like it or not, people in local scenes outnumber tournament champions.

Nope, what we wanted this whole time was a few functions modeled to look like coke-whores

Watch Desk's videos.. Basically every combo hit will be a 20 second cutscene of the same combos we've seen for 5 years with a gem gimmick every now and then. It looks like the most boring fucking fighting game in a decade.

I'd honestly rather watch Injustice.

Why the fuck does he even need to say the functions thing.

Everyone knows the reason X-men isn't there is Disney.

How bad do your nostalgia goggles have to be to bitch about Disney/Marvel wanting to shill characters that are relevant and sell and not realizing that half the roster in MvC2 was X-Men for the exact same reason. (And also because the entire game was reused assets, but still)

Do you really think anyone in 2017 gives a shit about Marrow, Silver Samurai, Omega Red, etc. on the Marvel roster? No. They barely care about X-Men. Sales have been tanking for years now and time and again it's been proven the only characters the average person gives a shit about now is Wolverine, Magneto, and Mystique, and she's only on the list because of J. Law nudes.

Do you know how many Avengers lost spots to shit tier X-Men characters in MvC2 just for the sake of advertising? Everyone but Cap, Iron Man/War Machine, and Hulk. Now they're getting their dues because they actually sell comics/movie tickets and you cry? How dumb are you that you don't see it's always been about advertising? X-Men is beyond garbage right now, that's not something they want to draw attention to. They don't give a shit about renewing your interest in some faggy 90s cartoon.

Get over yourselves. Every time I see Gambit on some rosterfag's list I vomit.

So why are EA and Ubisoft still around?

>they barely care about X-Men
>Logan has a $619 million gross
Really makes you think.

>Hugh Jackman's final performance Wolverine, a character probably more well known than the term X-Men, sold seats

Stop the fucking presses.

On the whole I agree, and I do think that it's kind of hypocritical since X-Men shilling in the old games was just like MCU shilling now (seriously, Marrow over Thor or Ghost Rider?), but Deadpool is more popular than most if not all of the Avengers at this point.

Yeah but did anyone like reboot Spencer? Like at all? Could have just got the radical 80's man and no one would have complained.

How anyone can watch the lame out the clock borefest that is Injustice2 is fucking beyond me.
The zoning is actually WORES then in Injustice 1.
Good fucking god.

I took the time to watch the entire top 8 for CEO and literally all it was was people waking up with tridendrush, laming it out with Black Adam and a lone scarecrow battling the tierlist by only using tournament certificate moves, AKA 1/10 of his movelist.

I would take 3 smashgames at EVO over that shit anyday.

GG is full of characters that had their gameplay conceived first and the aesthetics after, as some of the completely retarded animations will attest. If you're suggesting you could have Faust be functionally identical with totally different animations you're admitting this works.

MvC2 had a cast 99% decided by vanity with no gameplay consideration which is how you end up with 10/56 characters being relevant.

What are you trying to say with this post, Wolverine is the poster boy of the X-Men and has given the X-Men attention for decades.

If you care about Wolverine, you care about the X-Men.

But the art for old X-Men was actually good. MCU Marvel is fine for a live action movie but in a game series known for a cartoony flair they all just look/feel dull and lifeless.

>Capcom and Disney think people know who the fuck Black Panther is

They WANT people to know who he is because of the upcoming movie. That's why he's the DLC Darling.

>Magneto had only three moves that had ANYTHING to do with gravity and magnetism as a concept and of them, only two were useful in niche areas.
Throw, Repulsion and its other two variations, Flight, Gravitation, Disruptor, Magnetic Blast + Supers.

I know you're going full blown retard but holy shit.

Capcbros shilling for Capbucks

Thor has no place in this game, neither does Captain Marvel.

>Throw everyone can use
>Flight that 1/4 of the cast can use
>Generic projectiles with magnet in their names

What a master of magnet

Honestly GG is too much, most characters are ridiculously overdesigned and the lore and story is so edgy I can't even read a paragraph of it without rolling my eyes. Shame because the game is dope.

>throw and flight are just functions everyone can use
>i don't like how they stylized the projectile so it has nothing to do with the character

It's not Disney's fault for the embargo
It's Ike Perlmutter, CEO of Marvel Entertainment because of his petty grudge against Fox.
He doesn't even have control over the MCU movies anymore because even Disney didn't like him

see you guys on release date. it's going to be a great show.

>No Dr. Fucking Doom
This shouldn't be allowed.

My IRL friends don't play fightan as much as they used to, and I hate being an online warrior, so even if this game was a perfect fighter I personally would be hesitant. However, this game looks like shit, the amount of re-used MVC3 assets is disgusting (and just makes me want to play MVC3 instead). So with that, I am probably going to skip out on this game, and possibly buy it later when it goes on sale.

GGXrd completely takes the edge out of the water though
>Venom becomes a baker

>Day one DLC for costumes, 6 characters, and the other 2 gems that they haven't shown off yet

>Netcode will be garbage

>Release tourney with a bunch of bugs and people doing cheap lame tactics

>Cringy story mode has a fuckton of terrible writing memery

The last X-men movie that wasn't trash did extremely well, and Fox considers them relevant enough to keep making them.

Nah you just want double air dash :^)

Not to mention that the Deadpool and Wolverine movies were more financially and critically successful than Apocalypse.

>characters don't matter, only their functions
>use characters to shill deluxe edition without showing gameplay

what did they mean by this

They're just reaching for excuses instead of just coming out and saying that Marvel's ruining the production, mostly out of petty animosity towards Fox.

IF true, I'd hate that shitty character even more than I do now.

Yeah, overall it's NOT entirely Capcom's fault, but the function statement had to be the worst answer possible. Honestly, the whole embargo wouldn't matter if the cast focused on new characters/fan favorites. No one cares about half of either side of the roster, because they're not fresh and they're not the big draws. Hell, characters people would normally be okay with (Cap and Chun) look like shit for no understandable reason. The roster is less interesting than vanilla MvC3, and that's with recycling a lot of MvC3. It just feels like a rush job, and a rush job where Ike Perlmutter stopped them from even having fun at all.

So Disney can't put xmen characters in even if they wanted.

They can, hence MvC3. Fox only has rights to X-Men movies.

So it is Disneys fault then?

f4 already forgotten, kek

Oh shut up Combofiend

Nobody cares about the F4.

What I don't understand if why Chris is still using his RE5 getup when he has had two mainline games and a movie to change his appearance by now. Surely boulder punching Chris wasn't THAT popular that they felt the need to include him again.

Yeah guys just gotta have the character who cares how they play

Just like Juri in SFV. She is loved by waifu fags.

Oh wait, no one plays her because she fucking blows ass

Disney owns marvel

Ergo there is someone above Perlnutter who could remove him.

But user. That's Mexican Chris

reused assets isnt new to marvel games
marvel is the OG mugen
the problem is that they chose the wrong characters to bring back

>Marvel ruins their comics
>Cancels any good cartoon
>Ruins their games with MCU shit

and people wonder why DC is doing so much better than them in every aspect that isnt movies

What the fuck does doom even do? he has eletric powes and a metal mask. I cant even name the fantastic 4

>spectacular spider-man was canned because they wanted to promote ultimate buckley-man
I'm still buttmad.

the best part is that the good episodes of USM were done by paul dini, a guy who mainly writes for DC

Hes a man who understands his priorities
along with trying to piss off richards whenever possible