Should Nintendo try harder to appeal to Youtubers/reviewers that showcase their games/content?

Should Nintendo try harder to appeal to Youtubers/reviewers that showcase their games/content?

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can they make a fighting game worthy of DSP's kahntent?


All these fucks have to do is not monetize the Nintendo video or let Nintendo sponsor them

it's not that fucking hard, you'll make the money back with your next minecraft video

>There are people that are shitposting Joshy for loving the Switch and calling him a fanboy when he's been shitposting Nintendo for the entire Wii U Generation

Whether his opinions are negative or positive, he's pretty unlikable regardless. That's where the shitposting comes from.

why are they both leaning forward so much

that guy on the right looks like one of the dudes from the TWINKIEHOUSE! comic

His opinions are absolute shit regardless and he's both a literal and figurative faggot

>appeal to leeches


What the fuck is a Joshy?

Sounds gay as fuck.

Josh Thomas (TheBitBlock)

Dude who's notorious for being black listed by Nintendo for all the shitty stuff he says on twitter

But if Nintendo don't like your video they can shut you down from their program and black list you.

And then why even bother with Nintendo stuff if they can just make other stuff that pay more.

They should just do treehouse streams (smaller sessions or otherwise) if they're so concerned with streamers profiting off their stuff, but still want to show it off.

If that's the only way we're getting longer gameplay vids rather than just trailers and press releases, I'd much rather have it from them than from eceleb #837.


I love how Nintendo spits in the face of every Youtuber who insists they need them to stay relevant. Youtubers want to play Nintendo games because they pull massive views. They have a clear financial investment in Nintendo playing ball with them, and every time Nintendo says no I'm happy to hear it.

Nintendo is a shitty company, but I'm glad they don't fall for LPers lies.

I was right, that is gay as fuck.

>you need us Nintendo!

Because he is a faggot?

dispel a bitch and ultimaaaa

Isn't this guy a diaperfag that used to post himself masturbating on porn websites. Nintendo isn't wrong here. I wouldn't associate my brands with this guy either.

This picture is so embarrassing. Grown ass ''men'' being this much into childish video games.


Youtubers, Twitch memers and """reviewers""" are a fucking blight and need to die out.

>embarrassed about videogames

lol check out this faggot

Josh is literally our guy.

He's an alt righter who loves Trump and thinks Nintendo is shit.

As a man who's fairly charming and into video games who took shit from everyone every day of my existence, I cannot for the life of me understand why it's literally OK when Youtubers do it.

lol owned xD *bing bing* *WAHOO* *1-up* *so long gay bowser!* fucking normies man :D

stay mad fag lol

God didn't this faggot quit youtube?

He kept threatening to and having mental breakdowns on Twitter, but then said this summer he'd unveil a ton of more ambitious projects that he thinks will push his channel forward

I know one of them is related to Wii Fit video journals