What racing game to get to scratch an itch i've had for awhile?
PC preferably but can do PS4 too.
Pic related but not limited to
What racing game to get to scratch an itch i've had for awhile?
PC preferably but can do PS4 too.
Pic related but not limited to
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bump for interest
If you like rally you owe it to yourself to buy dirt rally it's one of the finest racing games and probably the best rally game out there
My personal favourite racing games are Initial D, and Gran Turismo.
I imported the ps3 version of Initial D from Japan and had tons of fun with that, prior to importing I was emulating the psp version, and it just wasn't the same.
Bump, what racer comes close to driver san francisco? i dont know why but i nearly 100% it and this doesnt really happen with any games.
original Need for Speed Most Wanted
Dirt 4 just came out and it's a lot of fun.
>Need for Speed Most Wanted
played the psp version, dont remember me being very impressed is the pc version better?
Assetto Corsa. Lots of mods out there for it too.
if you want online races and content, GT Sport will actually stick around longer than any flavor of the month driving game
if you just want to drop in do a race or two a month, then Dirt or Forza Motorsport
Assetto Corsa, Project Cars, Forza Horizon and Grid are really just weak games, no substance and are only talked about because they are pc friendly
Nigger you best be joking.
You must have some sort of brain damage if you couldn't figure out the game on PC is better than that same game's version on PSP.
Great feeling driving physics and lots of downloads available
Wow. This game was my favorite and used to be amazing. Funny how things change.
Try emulating Enthusia and TXR Drift 2 on PC.
Forza Horizon 3 runs(Ran?) like dicks and has really poor relay value and zero online playability despite them shoving it in your face like a smelly smegma covered dick. The hotwheels DLC is an absolute snorefest because it's mostly straight lines, and all the cars you get hit top speed really easily, so you're traveling at a boring constant max velocity.
Now THAT'S the stuff!
GT only has "more" content than Forza since they reuse assets from the fucking PS2 games
Doesn't help that the cars handle the same as the PS2 games either
Forza Horizon 3 ofc.
Forza reuses assets from FM1, and FM has gone full arcade, so don't get uppity.
Besides, You had no hand in creating the game so you do not represent it, nor does it represent you. Acting like you're on "Team Forza" is pathetic. Gain some self awareness you giant embarrassment.
I got it last christmas when it was on sale. It worked fine for a while, but after a point when some more updates came out for it it started acting up.
The update would queue, download, finish downloading, then the files would all vanish and it went back to square one as if it never downloaded anything. It would then repeat this indefinitely and I pretty much never was able to launch the game because it "had to update first".
I imagined maybe it was some of the car mods I'd put in but after a wipe and then vanilla reinstall it was still doing it. After that I just kinda gave up after going through a fair share of the pseudo-career events and uninstalled for good.
Any idea what caused this? This was around the start of this year like I said and I haven't really tried since, so maybe it was fixed by now, but I can't find any other documented cases of this happening to someone else.
>FM has gone full arcade
You are thinking of Horizon.
Please, go to .
I was talking about FM6. It's almost on tier with the supercar NFSes, but with mediocre fantasy tracks.
Nevermind, I found a video that shows something very similar to what was going on on my side.
GT is for people who are too retarded to play a real racing sim. Dont listen to this faggot OP he is just another casual.
no racing game has a physics engine anywhere close to what Gran Turismo can do
Is Dirt 4 better than Dirt Rally? I've been having a rally itch lately and been wanting to play some.
>tfw I was 50th in the world on that
PS2/Xbox/PC version is way better though
>It's another "My thread isn't getting replies so i'm gonna bait as hard as i can" episode
GOD no. Dirt 4 is loaded down with a bunch of not-rally horseshit. Gymkhana events, trophy trucks, rallycross, Dirt Rally is what pulled the series out of the shitter, so they immediatly go back to their swaggies bullshit
>Gymkhana events, trophy trucks, rallycross,
Sold! Codemasters is never realistic enough to make a proper sim anyway. RBR still shits on anything they've done.
>RBR still shits on anything they've done.
lol true, but Dirt Rally's physics were rather nice.
May as well give it a try during the sale. You can always get a refund if you don't like it,
If you want sims you can play: Rfactor 2, R3E, DiRT Rally/4, also Assetto Corsa but I feel like the game is overrated. Arcade you have Grid 1, Forza MS/Horizon, GT, and the NFS games that aren't shit. I'd go with Grid 1 for arcade though its probably the best arcade racer Ive played.
I wish there was a proper sequel. GTA just isn't the same.
Assetto Corsa is purely about the cars and the driving of them. It doesn't have the presentation and variety of events like a console simcade game but for me the driving is the only thing that matters. The physics are at least as good as rFactor 2 and the graphics are far better. Dirt can't even compare in realism.
Given its done by the same studio midnight club is a pretty good sequel.
Have a webm of me badly playing Colin McRae rally 2.0.
The game feels a bit dead and the AI sucks ass but I can appreciate it for what it is. For multiplayer its the go to sim if you cant afford Iracing and hotlapping is great. My main problem with AC is the AI and the brakes. For some reason I can never get the cars in that game to stop, I can race the car perfectly fine in RF2 or R3E but all that goes out the window when I turn AC on. Also, Dirt is pretty good considering the only other rally sims we have are a decade old.
Steam has a disturbing lack of arcade racers
If you're not a massive autist, get pic related or the Forza Motorsport series. GT Sport is absolute trash.
Gas Guzzlers
Flat Out 1 and 2
Codemasters and NFS games
I know there's more but these come to mind.
Fine fine, more specifically, multiplayer ones.
Kart racers too.
Unironically need for speed 2015. If liking this game is wrong then I don't want to be right
Midtown Madness
Midnight Club
Sonic and Allstars Racing Transformed is probably the best Kart game on Steam.
Sky Drift is pretty fun too.
>driving on a literal Hotwheels track
yeah totally not an autist guys
its not bad but incredibly bland
I bought the Season Pass, what am I supposed to do? Ignore the DLC completely because someone on Sup Forums might cry about "hurr le kiddy shit"?
Yeah and it's kind of a shame, my friends and I have already clocked hundreds of hours into it and it's boring now, not enough tracks.
That and the questionable ass physics.
Yeah. It did scratch an itch though. I really don't like regular racing games. It's always been about street racing for me. And I took what I could
just messing with you dude, the game looks like a ton of fun and I wish my PC could run it. sadly my graphicscard is shit and I dont want to spend so much money just for that game.
>Buying shitty NFS when Forza is on PC
what gpu do u have senpai
NFSU2 still holds up pretty well.
did they finally patch the preformance issues
AMD Radeon HD 7950 Boost
I have a pretty decent PC otherwise this is the last part I havent upgraded in a while.
Definitely. 4's got more cars and more tracks to play in.
Well I'm getting above 100 FPS with a 1070 and everything maxed out now, so yeah.
If you don't have a volt locked model those chips are generally good for well over 1ghz if you can feed them enough juice.
what os are you running it on?
it runs very bad for me on w10 even with silentpatch and compatibility options
id love to revisit my childhood but the fps drops to single digits for whatever reason
This, it's an amazing racing game
if you like arcade handling you can turn off the simfag stuff
and it's got loads of content
I wish I could get Rallisport challenge to work on my pc. It's probably a little redundant now that we have Dirt and stuff but I would just like to play an old favorite again.
It is straight up win10 with silent patch. Hell I even installed it off a physical disc because i'm old school and keep a dvd drive in my pc just for old vidya.
>Forza reuses assets from FM1
True. Everything, from the damage model, upgrade, tuning, and assists feel dated as hell.
>and FM has gone full arcade
Not true. Horizon =/= Motorsports
not available on steam, but i find TDU1 to be vastly better than 2
I only played the first one on the PSP. Is the handling better than 2? The weird rubber band elasticy steering was by far my biggest gripe with 2.
I can also vouch for TDU1, it wasn't the best game since all the people looked straight out of Second Life, but TDU2 was so bad that I could actually say TDU1 was actually a decent game.
Has Anybody found a Way to make shadow play work with Windows 10 games? I'd love to buy Forza H 3 just for mindless comfy driving
I've only played TDU1 on PS2 many many years ago. Tell me about its sequel, why does it suck?
Well the cringey cut scenes sucked hard but I can ignore that. The handling just never felt right to me. the way the steering snapped back and forth. I think the cockpit views awkward way of swaying in the corners only heightened it. If not for that it might have been one of my favorites.
Just turn it on.
It didn't work for me on Forza 6 (the pc version of it felt nothing like the xbone titles) hopefully it won't give me trouble on horizon, thank you
I remember it feeling really off. TDU was always an ugly ass game that looked like Second Life, but TDU2 was actually gross looking. These islands are meant to look inviting and exotic but TDU2 looked grungy and dirty. TDU1 while the technical graphics looked like poop, the place actually looked lush. The handling also felt worse but I can't describe it. The progression in TDU1 felt natural and whatever, but TDU2 put me into license tests or whatever and I might have quit there. TDU is such a weird game. You could tell it looked like shit but on the other hand, you realize that it was 2006, the PS3 hadn't even launched yet, but you were sitting in fully modeled interiors controlling windows and dropping the top with the d-pad. You could buy houses, dress your idiot up, GPS was fully working and voiced, the map was fully 3D and did the whole GTAV Skyrim Google Map zoom in many years before those games. Oh and it was marketed as a MMO car game and it actually worked, you just drove around and saw players. What a confusingly cool game.
what's Sup Forums opinion on thurstmaster wheels?
Considering getting T150 pro force with t3pa pedals included
>bought Project Cars instead of Asseto Corza
I made a mistake, didn't I?
they are the best option ever since Logitech stopped making wheels
nothing 15 bucks won't fix.
Fucking Logitech. At least they've copywrited their own mechanical switch so they can charge 200 bucks for a "hardcore gamer" keyboard.
Forza Horizon 3.
I've read around forums that theses models have various issues because of thrustmaster "quality control"
what's the game called?
both are shit, cars magnetized to the track
Get DiRT Rally and Assetto Corsa but make sure you have a good force feedback wheel
I was just playing Assetto Corsa while listening to Inital D, good shit
FH3 hotwheels dlc
Yes, but not entirely. It certainly gets a lot less freezes and slowdowns than before.
is gt sport even coming out this year? they still havent announced a release date yet.
cheers (shame that it's on win10 store only - looks like a more polished trackmania)
Seconded for FH3. That's coming from someone who purchased a x360 for forza.
It's called downforce
I don't, because it doesn't work with G27, and what is the point of playing a racing game without a wheel, let alone of the few that actually support H-shifter with clutch. Although, TDU2 clutch is a joke, but then again so it is in most simcades, pretty much only FH3 has proper clutch mechanics without being a full simulator.
GT Sport is race kino.
They just redid all the assets to last them for at least a generation.
For PC, I definitely recommend the DiRT series or Burnout Paradise. Would have told you to get DiRT 3 but it's no longer on Steam. For Xbox, get Forza Horizon. It's crazy fun. I know some people aren't into the arcade shit so if you're in that category, get the traditional Forzas and DiRT rally respectively.
literally any racing game these guys have made except for virtua racing
How's Grid Autosport? I'm not too fussed about realism, just satisfying gameplay
you talking about scratches and scuff marks?
that's common and doesn't affect anything
only be worried if the grips and rubber is damaged, but that's rare
if you have the option buy from a retail store like Fry's or something, not online
that usually helps
>no longer on Steam
They did the same thing with Dirt 2 so now I'll always be forced to play it at 720p/30fps on my ancient PS3.
This desu, truly the gods of arcade racing.
The cars feel bad to drive