What could save them guys?

What could save them guys?

They could fucking stop playing shitty "story games". I get why they do it, it's because they suck at anything more complex than two buttons (especially Woolie), but they're legitimately at their most boring right now.

For the first time I've actually thought of unsubscribing, because there's nothing interesting to watch on their channel and there hasn't been anything in months.

I think Liam going his own way was a good idea. He actually plays games so it doesn't feel like a chore to watch him play.

its not just story games. its "what did woolie find in greenlight / kikestarter / friend projects"

all of them are shitty incomplete same old same old garbage with that same old "inde graphics / theme" even the general color pallet associated with indie shit triggers me now

I axed for a subject in the OP so my filter works, REEEEEE

>Pat is on the channel less and less
>Matt is in every lp

this is why the channel is going to shit, need less matt, more pat

We need another really bad game. Omikron was their best LP by far.

Some effort to step up quality on their end. Seriously any effort at all. It's fucking embarrassing that videos they posted 3 or more years ago have double the effort of their modern videos. Editing was better, commentary was more energetic, more views and wider exposure. Now we have almost no editing, one smaller channel that is quickly fragmenting, bored commentary. They're getting WORSE at their job. That shouldn't be possible. "it's fine" started as a funny meme but now it's turned everything into low effort garbage.

Ditch Matt.


You faggot retards have two thread of these literally who faggots.

friendly reminder!

typical Matt dialogue simulator :

pat : (x)
matt: ha! boner (x)

woolie : (y)
matt: (y) farts!

They're Leafs, they can't be saved.

>not hiding and reporting

Fucking idiots


>Most recent podcast
>Talking shit about Johnny Gat
>Call him a "white dude fantasy" while also admitting to only having played 3 and 4

Play good games

Be funny

>what they actually do

Play boring games

Not even trying to be funny just normally speaking - Even worse, their opinions aren't even interesting


>nothing interesting to watch
>what is LA Noire

Hey, these guys are different. Their content are so terrible it actually feels genuine unlike most of the other youtuber.

>unsubscribed three years ago
>they're even worse now
>Sup Forumsirgins still make threads about them

nothing they do is entertaining

the last time I enjoyed an LP of theirs was Bloodborne

unsubbed earlier this year

the fact that you even listed manlet in there makes you suspect you're manlet
The only person who talks about him is himself

>missing the joke

A game everyone played ten years ago, and the only joke is "cop woolie shoots innocent", which was funnier in Heavy Rain

Getting rid of Matt. Or at least make him stop playing shit story based "games" like night in the woods or life is strange, or at the very least make let have Pat in more lp's.

Honestly if he fucked off and started his own thing with Liam that would be for the best.

Why do these always get so many replies? Especially the dsp ones

>A game everyone played ten years ago
So? I don't watch them to see new releases, that's not the point
>and the only joke is "cop woolie shoots innocent"
It's nobody's fault you're can't have fun anymore because your body is merging with Sup Forums's material plane

>That tmblrwhale on the podcast ranting about how the death of johnny gat was a symbolic event representing the end of the white male gamer.
I couldnt believe my ears, so many wrong things in a single sentence.

Who? I don't watch their podcast much. Did they have a guest or something?

Latest one, she's the gf of the ex happy video game nerd, now stop skeleton from fighting on youtube.

The LA Noire playthrough is great. The only issue atm, if you can call it one, is that Yakuza 0 and Night in the Woods are games I watched an episode of and realized they were interesting enough to warrant dropping the LP and actually playing them myself.

Hopefully Liam comes back in some capacity down the road. He was Matt's best LP partner imo, they played off each other really well. I don't love Matt and Woolie together and out of necessity that's becoming a bigger part of the channel.

This is an 18+ website

Oh. Honestly I thought you might have been referring to matt.

But killing Gat was them moving deeper into the bullshit zanyness.


glad to see that at least I can keep on importing Canadian comedy by way of NorthernLion.

Nothing. Their channel became cancerous garbage.
I rather Pat and Paige make their own channel.

Eh faggot don't do that to AI-chan she's pure

get that ass banned

You can tell that contract they signed with machinima has taken their smile and optimism away. They're locked into that shit till 2020 too. As much as it sucks to feel trapped in a cage, it's hard to feel bad for guys that get to sit around, with friends, and play video games for a living. I may be wrong, but I can't see it being hard to get creative with a fuckint LP, write a script, pass the controller, being something amusing up instead of the same 10-12 jokes. These dudes have gotten complacent doing something most people dream of, they deserve to have their channel die.

Did you only watch one or two episodes of yakuza? It gets worse because Matt keeps shitting on the plot when theirs usually no reason to or because he didn't pay attention. At some point he just starts wanting to watch porn, go to the telephone club and make jokes about giving Kids porn for the 100th time.

It's the same as the telltale batman lp when they ignore what's on screen to make jokes (shit ones in Matt's case especially.) And get annoyed because the game didn't explain shit afterwards.

The machinima videos are the only good videos they make anymore - hell the only reason they are popular is machinima

You always hear how machinima and youtube are screwing over poor content creators, when all they do is make them make videos to get paid
Imagine if machinima made them go to work 9 to 5 and wear a suit for that 10 thousand bucks a month! The fucking tyrants!

Oh great this thread again.
Fuck off to reddit, faggots.

On top of that they seem hilariously bad at business, which is understandable, but they have a website going that gets basically no traffic, and I can't comprehend why. It infuriates me to see people squander an opportunity because of sheer laziness.


>That time Wollie and Liam tryed to play UDG so they could talk about danganronpa.
>That time Wollie went full Pat and cried about the "problematic" nature the whole time.

thanks for showing me yong

Detroit will save them. Or destroy them completely.

Implying the channel won't be dead by the time it comes out!

Let's face facts; Woolie's shitpost channel is almost getting on-par views of an average Liam LP episode, despite it's half-assed upload rate.

Whereas Pat has established himself a streaming behemoth (The ratio of donations is absurd) compared to Matt and Liam's solo efforts. In fact he is already close to surpassing Twitch numbers that other creators (Like Vinesauce) get weekly.

Pat and Woolie have been very smart this past year and set up these safety nets to fall back on. What has Matt done? Matt despite being the boss has created no alternatives for himself. Which shows just WHO actually wants to make stuff.

I was expecting Matt to have made a channel dedicated to non gaming stuff by now. Where he can talk shit about Netflix movies, Godzilla figures and being a waste of oxygen who can't take some banter.

It's clear he has lost all motivation to actually put any effort into something besides his minimal obligations for the channel.

So much for your "big changes coming to the content" Matt. That time away really did you good and fixed things to make you productive.

I'm waiting for Pat to say fuck it and just be a full time streamer, he's the only person i care about on the channel now.

Matt just goes on holiday every two weeks

more pat less mat

ur sooooo new

we've been talking about tbfp for 5 years here you retards

How retarded, starved for human warmth and affection do you have to be to watch other people play videogames?

>Where he can talk shit about Netflix movies, Godzilla figures and being a waste of oxygen who can't take some banter.

Problem is nobody would watch that crap.

I unsubscribed months ago.

It's highly likely that Matt is jaded that it's Pat and Woolie the fans want to watch. So time after again, Matt has been trying to reinvent himself to appeal to some demographics that may watch. The forced anime humour, the mindless drivel about wrestling despite not knowing anything. As of late he's been pandering to tumblr crowds. Matt craves to be accepted.

When he DOES show his actual interests, nobody cares.That's how boring he is. He manages to make Godzilla boring.

Pat on the other hand did a solo LP in which he panicked most of the time. Was received highly. Fans loved it.

Matt will be the one to destroy his own creation out of pure spite and envy

>liam leaves
>liam does facecam let's plays
>retweeted the new mlp movie for some god damn reason other than he's desperate for subs
They already did. I just want fighterpedia again or do arcade games like horizontals smhups or MOTHERFUCKING TWINKLE STAR SPRITES

We are on the internet, friend. This is the place where aspie shut ins watch unfunny manchildren play video games for hours each day and consider it a viable career and entertainment.

There is an audience for anything. You just need to actually get off your ass and crank the content out. He already has a built in audience of years too. So he has zero excuse for being such a pile of shit.

Matt and Pat fixing their relationship might help. It's been obvious for a very long time that Matt really seems to have issues with Pat, and I think it's obviously affecting their channel negatively.

Plus I feel that they've gotten too much 'routine' when it comes to making videos. Obviously it's their 'job' at this point in time, but often it really feels like they have no passion anymore and are just going through the motions.

Imagine for one second that you are as bad as Pat at video games. Just imagine. Why would you make something your primary hobby that you clearly suck at?

because it's fun

>Any depiction or mention of a non-North American culture, language or person

Are they for real? Just look at the Crash video. How is it racist to depict the Great Wall of China?


Pat wants to be black for some reason. It's truly pathetic.

I don't get why anyone even cared for Gat. The player did everything he did ten times better

The thing about the Crash video is that they've never played the games before, so they just assumed it would have been racist.

Good. I hope he takes his Netflix and lame Dinosaur trash elsewhere desu

I hope they don't get preachy on the podcast.


>listening to people that openly talk about browsing neofag

Anyone here ever played FFXIV with Pat? I wonder if he is as bad there as he is in all the other games we see him play.

>I hope I don't hear an opinion I disagree with and get triggered before running back to my safespace hugbox website to cry about it

Are you quoting Matt?

Racism at this point in time is just a buzzword; a political weapon of the left used to demonize ideas and policies that they want people not to even consider anymore..

I remember taking a writing class in college, and in one lesson we discussed how to write a proper thesis for an essay. The teacher gave us multiple examples and we were supposed to discuss whether they were appropriate or could be improved upon.

One of them was something along the lines of:

Mass migration to the UK overall had a negative effect on the quality of care provided by the NHS

Immediately, there was a commotion in the classroom with people turning towards each other and saying things like "Whoa, that's racist" or "Oh my god, can you believe this?".

Yes, the very idea of even considering that migration could have negative effects in a specific area is now racist. And this works in other areas as well. It's a mindless knee-jerk reaction of people who've been robbed of a real education and are instead spoonfed what we today consider 'higher education'.

>Fat people thinking they deserve respect
Cracks me up every time. If you can't even respect yourself enough not to be a disgusting lard-ass, don't you dare try to command respect from others.

Please name three things you believe to be racist.

hai domo

Careful, if he's Canadian, he will list over a hundred petty, inconsequential things.

Still waiting. Interesting how you had time to write that blog but you can't answer my question.

I liked their Yakuza 0 LP and Saltybets vids.
I've onlt recently started watching but i feel like Liam is a bro, too bad about his leaving.

Pat can't play Crash worth a shit

He won't answer unless he wants to cry about RACISM AGAINST WHITES and LIBERALS ARE THE REAL RACISTS or whatever other shit.
Anyone claiming "racism is just a buzzword" is saying nothing other than "I hold racist beliefs but I don't want anyone to call me a racist, and if they do it's meaningless."


Personally, I never considered racism to be a very useful category in terms of classifying things. That's why I find it difficult to come up with 'things that are racist', since I probably never would conceptualize these incidents in that term.

why are you here?

Why isn't it useful? People act like bigots all the time. Just because some snowflakes over use the term doesn't make it at all worthless.

you mean Matt
>general color palette associated with indie shit
>muh realistic washed out colors

What's wrong with being racist? Do you think less of a person who thinks pitbulls are a violent, disgusting breed?

>I'm that guy who says "that isn't real racism" in response to absolutely everything that anyone ever calls racist
Keep up the great work, fellow skeptic [tips]

I know you think Sup Forums is some sort of anti-liberal clubhouse for edgy american teenage boys but if you were here before GG you'd know that this board isn't actually exclusively conservative

Yeah actually. Just a little bit.

...wh-what happened to this thread?

I honestly don't watch enough of their videos now to notice anything between them. I watched Yakuza Zero..that was the first full play through I've watched since Omikron

/vpol/ triggered themselves by imagining someone saying something they disagree with. The very concept is now enough to upset them.

I never realised how fat they are

Race quotas.

I bet you can't bring yourself to say something is racist that in no way negatively effects white people. We both know racism that does not negatively effect white people exist, but you won't dare say it because that would be SJW, wouldn't it?

>didn't understand nitro crates were bad in crash even after getting blown up by them once

quite a bit tbqhwy