Sony is photoshopping Anthem's Xbox One X footage and passing it off as PlayStation 4 gameplay

It looks like Sony is at it again. Sony is photoshopping Xbox One X Anthem footage and passing it off as PlayStation 4 footage. This is beyond ridiculous because the game is designed for Xbox One X and won't look as good on even the PlayStation 4 Pro.

If you look at the image captured from the trailer, you can see the Xbox One controller buttons in the background, which have been blurred out, and have been replaced by Sony's buttons. The Sony employee who did the work is obviously terrible at it and you can still see the Xbox One buttons in the background. This is beyond despicable and is fraud. That's not Playstation 4 footage, don't try to pass it off as PlayStation 4 footage.

This is the video from the PlayStation YouTube channel, don't believe us? Watch it yourself! You can see the Xbox One controller buttons despite the opaque overlay some employee pasted on there.

Other urls found in this thread:


it's all running on PC anyway so who gives a fuck

who gives a shit?



lmao, consolefags think this is gameplay

Lol Sony stole bungie, now they're taking it all. Way to go MicroCuck.

>thinking this footage is running on either console
consoleplebs are funny

Cool I didn't know Sony was developing.
Oh they aren't?

This is clearly EA being too lazy to make PS4 footage. Hell, considering the past few E3s there is a strong chance that wasn't even real gameplay.




You don't use photoshop to edit videos, you ape. And stop making up bullshit.

So many sonybros deflecting the fact their consoles are fucking garbage.

Goddamn it feels good to be an Xbox owner and a future X1X owner.


Found your problem.

lmao nintendo cant even photoshop their shitty buttons like sony. hahaha u mad nintodlers? never getting anthem, triggered much? haha sony fucking wins baby!


60 million userbase and it's just the beginning. very smart people are now predicting at least 200 million ps4 sales before ps5.

so say it with me cuz it's so fucking true it hurts SONY ALWAYS WINS

clearly shows it here

every developer at E3 uses 100% scripted, and staged scenes in their gameplay showcase

they have to make it look cool to get dat investor money and hype it the fuck up.


That's more likely a controller-recognizing feature in the game (which is running on PC) which takes a split second to go from XB1 controller to PS4 controller. So it's something going on in-game.

If it was a compositing work done in post then there wouldn't be that blur. Why would they make the new buttons that are supposed to overlay the old ones fade in? The original XB1 buttons appears instantly without even a milisecond of fade.

Also do you even know what photoshop is? It'd be very impractical to individually alter each frame with photoshop and using a video editing software would be much much more easier for your alleged claim. Are you one of those completely computer illiterate people who just call anything modified "photoshoped"?

AAAs have been shopping PC footage as console for a long time

>(((in engine)))

t. Sony cuck

wouldn't it be ea that edited and distributed this video?


Sony don't make their own vids. Its the devs jobs to give the vids to Sony . And who ever is stupid enough to believe that they "photoshop" the vid is clearly stupid.

Photoshop is for a still photo manipulation you dumbfuck.


Used xbox footage cause they have no other gameplay lmaoooo

yeah mate
not seeing it


I must be blind I don't see it either

but the picture that guy posted looks like he overlayed the xbone button layout over the image using photoshop

This shit is pathetic never knew someone would take the time to do this even if it took them a minute or a few seconds.

sonyggs on suicide watch yet again

i can mayyybe see it on the left L1 HUD
but i think thats because im not on a autistic res and particles/the level is causing fuckery in the frame by frame

i don't see shit, also based sony would never do that

Not to quote Drumpf but OP is stirring up fake news.

It's in a pretty specific spot, found it in the comments.

Just after they come out of the water.

>sonyfags are trying to defend this everywhere it pops up
top kek

>saying its sony
>when its clearly marketing reps for anthem
>thinking xbone is going to be 60 fps

>It's in a pretty specific spot,
dude i went fucking frame by frame from 3:40-3:45 just incase fuckery happened its bullshit

>Its only ok when Sony demolishes my anus guys!

I'll make a .webm for you, give me two minutes.

I just saw it, OH MY GOD! lol this company needs to go bankrupt, holy shit!

quality is shit, you can only see a quick blur in this. Lemme see if I can zoom and enhance.

So its ok when Ms uses computers at the other e3 when they said they were using xbone one...

You xbots are getting the strongest console yet made, why are you so insecure about something like this?

This should about do it, it's right at the end there.

For the record I don't own any consoles, I'm just trying to show what's there to be seen.

>shitter cucks who try to troll gamefaqs boards becuase Sup Forums is their new home
i miss the days when Sup Forums wasnt full of cucks like these who do ntoihing but sit on boards all day shitposting like a bunch of cucked redditors indoctrinated by group think

That footage is what EA has provided for you dumb moron. Sony has no authority to edit on what EA has provided because they don't own the UI art of Anthem or the footage of it

Fuck off shill

>this is what Sonyfags think

not user
hes right though

So deal between MS and Bioware was about this early footage will be X1X exclusive.
Sony decided to go easy way and just edited it.

I guess we'll know for sure when Sony responds to the lawsuit.

Sonyfags are actually defending this shit, the game industry on needs Nintendo and Microsoft, i's time for Sony to die.


It actually plays on the XxXBOXxX.


they've been pulling Pixar-tier E3s for years, and people call them winners again and again
so i am not surprised
I am still waiting to buy The Last Guardian and FFVII remake for the PS3

>caring about shitty AAA titles for plebs
>playing on consoles


and you believe shit like this?

holy god mother of jesus you people are stupid. why on buddhas green earth would sony do stuff like this, and not expect people to find out?

or did i just fall for an xbone shill thread? probably did

>t. assdevastated sonegro

>claim that consoles are shit
>"Y-you are a sonybro"

You just gone full retard my man.

Probably been said already but it's retarded to blame Sony for this Fuck up
It's the publisher who provides the videos, Sony don't make them - it's the publishers who were too lazy to film a separate PlayStation trailer and just edited it poorly and sent to Sony

Mind you I wouldn't be surprised if other games have done this given game play trailers are often the exact same shown on both platforms

>Sony is an honest comp-

>blaming sony for something capcom did
What's your point?

This is wrong, Sony is always hon-

my wife

>implying crapcom has enough money to promote anything

Well they certainly do and it wouldn't really make any business sense for Sony to promote on behalf of a publisher.

Besides what has happened in that image prior is that Capcom has paid for YouTube advertising, likely the invideo advertising which would make sense.

You can see similar stats when you look at games such as Ubisofts for example, which heavily do the exact same thing

And that's not a sinful thing or anything, it's just marketing- their marketing staff clearly have done some form of research which has told them if they invest in YouTube advertising around the E3 period it will translate to more exposure and sales

Particularly as monster Hunter is fairly niche in normie eyes it does make sense for them to spend more advertising bucks than the established brands compared to, ie Mario

It's using checkerboard rendering you moron. Are you saying a PC would need to checkerboard this game instead of running it native? It's pretty much confirmed to be xbox one x footage.

Reading the neogaf thread for this is.. disturbing

How the fuck are sony fans this insecure and thin skinned? It's insane. It's full on mental illness.

Actually it is possible. But it is a herculean job.

The only suspect image in this thread, though I want to ask where was that image shown? If it was official Sony comms then yes that is shameful and likely illegal
Though if it's simply some random website like bestbuy who decided to make the image then it is not Sonys fault

so the only evidence is vague thumbs up and video view numbers

you can tell this is made by some angry nintenbro just from the thumbed up ninty videos but oh well

i guess a multiplat being released on 3 different platforms but not coming to switch is somehow sony's fault

it makes sense for them to do stuff like this, it isn't just captured gameplay footage, it's a scripted demonstration with actors that probably took weeks to write, record, and edit
why do it twice, just edit it to make an xbox, playstation, and pc version of the demonstration

1) You can't photoshop a video

2) It's EA's trailer you sperg

8/10 made me post in your shit thread

Who cares? This is just a glorified Destiny that will flop harder than The Division.

>use probably $50,000 dollar rendering PCs
>slap in a Xbox One controller via USB
>Look Xbox one X footage!

you are all retards

What was the point of that maneuver

Photoshop has become a proper verb, in addition to being a product. Much like band-aid or xerox.

Also posted on this site, it wasn't even the first time they did it.

It's like watching two retarded, autistic children fight.

>On a Spanish internet ad for both Kia Motors and the PlayStation 3
So it wasn't made by sony
besides of it was sony they wouldn't be picturing some random off-brand tv, they'd be taking the chance to shoehorn and shill one of their own tv's

When it comes to editing photos, not videos.

does it really matter what platform people play games on?

oh wait it does somehow because we humans need something to hate each other over don't we

didn't buy a ps4 and don't plan on buying one because of sony's stingy and dodgy marketing practices.


>does it really matter what platform people play games on?
It does, when only one of those platforms is not a castrated joke that is holding the industry back.

I was talking about the ps3 image not the psp

it doesn't even matter user.

one day you'll realize it.

being able to breathe air is more important than video game platform wars

any graphic manipulation can fall under the term "photoshop".

>There are people that believe this is running on a console at all



The Xbox One X is a beast, it's got you running scared

>The Xbox One X is a beast
>Destiny 30 fps
>Several titles will be checkerboarded

The One X has a decent mid range GPU paired with a low end AMD CPU from 2013. It's not a beast. It's not a complete piece of shit either.

>decent mid range GPU
LMAO, it's better than a RX 580, which makes it better than any mid-range GPU on the market, unless you're insane and consider a 1070 to be "mid-range".
>Anthem is running at 3840x2160 in this demo, but it does so using checkerboard rendering
>with a compromise that effectively halves native 4K resolution

6 teraflops everyone

>Metro Exodus and Anthem were running on PC

kill yourself

No, it's about on par with a 580. The 580 is mid range. The 1070 and above are high end. The One X is not in 1070 territory.

>30FPS with occasional drops at 3840x2160
>In a four player co-op open world where you fly
>Running on a $500 machine
That's impressive as fuck honestly, especially with the shit CPU that devs have to work around.

>It's another "Sony Lies" episode