lets discuss the smt games Sup Forums. which is your favorite? favorite demon? favorite OST track?

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Favorite is probably Strange Journey
SMT IV has best OST
Other than Jack Frost, Demon is pic related

I'm still mad they are remaking SJ for the 3DS.
Should've been on the switch.

its a remake of a DS game, why would it be on the switch?

be nice, but why tho?

actually, why don't Nintendo let you put your handheld games into the console anymore like the old SNES > Gameboy type stuff?

Do we know if it's actually a remake? Will they use new textures and whatnot? Otherwise I'd imagine it's on 3DS because it's easy to reuse assets. If it was on switch they'd have to do a lot more work to remake everything.

its literally the DS game just the SMT IV engine probably and the press turn system from SMT IV. will probably have smirking too, not sure

Thoughts on IVA?
Bonds or massacre?

Will this ever get subbed?

And could you guys post more of these SMT related documentaries and making of?


I understand why they remade it for 3ds. Same style of interface with two screens and if they were to do it on the switch they would have to redo the interface.
3DS is just a piece of shit and I personally want it to die out already. It's also kinda backwards that they release a new handheld but keep the old shitty one around.
Yes I know 3DS have a huge playerbase. I'm just mad.

You have no idea what you're talking about and it's really obvious

>Thoughts on IVA?
It's probably the best gameplay I've seen in an SMT so far and I hope they expand it in the Switch game

I can´t fucking kill Kagutsuchi in Nocturne, I feel like I am highly underleveled (lv 63 more or less, and my demons alittle less, like 59 or so) but I had no issues with any other boss in the game, the infinite light from the second phase completely destroys my party leaving maybe one demon alive, what do I do?

has anyone actually managed to beat him without using a guide?

That pic needs an update

fuse fiends and someone with debilitate

Nope. It just has IV's UI. Rest are the same including the gameplay.
Storywise there's a new story demon so there may or may not be a new route. Amon and Space Yukiko's roles are still unknown

>It just has IV's UI. Rest are the same including the gameplay.
That alone makes it a 10/10 for me desu

I really don´t want to go back and do any part of the labyrinth ever again, but I feel like I´m going to have to, and that sucks

They didn't fucking add press turn and affinities from IV:A? These fucking mongoloids...

>favorite game
Strange Journey
>favorite demon
Either Odin, Ganesha, Titania, or Cu Chulainn
>favorite ost

pretty interesting video user, I'd never seen it before. Even though I don't know what they are saying, you can see the process and the effort and love that put into making every aspect of it. Some of that rare alpha/pre alpha footage even prototype footage looked really interesting.

I wish more developers did these again. I love them. Reminded me of Kojimas making of MGS2.

The IV remix is pretty cool

Is there anyone who unironically choose bonds instead of anarchy?
Are there really any bad boyos among us who broke their old man daddy dagda's heart?

>Favorite Game
>Favorite Demon
Jack Frost/Scathach/Lilith
>Favorite OST
Too many to list.

>Favorite smt
Probably Nocturne or IVA, but i have soft spot for DeSu

>favorite track
Any track from the IV duology, that OST is so good.

>favorite demon
Dagda if that counts.
If not Loki because he was my bro in DeSu.

>lv 63 more or less, and my demons alittle less, like 59 or so
What I was like level 80 when I first stepped inside kagutsuchi.
Did I do something wrong?

Did you get lost in Amala?

>Favorite game
>favorite OST
DDS1 or the Raidou games
>favorite demon
Oni or Moh Shuvuu

No, I don't thonk so, but I do make it a point to go through every path avalaible in a dungeon to complete the map.
I did get stuck in the 4th kalpa though.
No wonder everything just died in a heartbeat.