anything fallout
Fallout Discussion
I'm playing it for the first time and I'm enjoying it.
There are time that I wish that it wasn't running on the engine it's on. I just can't into bethesda for some reason. I just get bored
How pleb am I? Would mods help to populate the world? I'm asking not just for this game but for TES games in general.
I actually enjoyed fallout 4. Maybe because I'm easily entertained.
let me guess, you play through fallout games only once and don't roleplay
if you are enjoying it as it is, than before you go into the crazy huge mods you should just add some small quality of life mods that make the game feel better
>any mods that give more depth to either the companions or overall npc
>mods that allow you kill anyone as long as they are not absolutely required by the main story
>mods that allow you to see your body in first person
>mods that fix the way weapons move with the screen in first person so they follow the camera like in every other FPS
>mods that add in cut content
>general unofficial patches
>new vegas specific but, the mod that merges all of new vegas together into one map
>if your computer can handle it, lore friendly texture improvements and ENBs
somebody answer these questions
Gib me some builds
for which game
new vegas
The divide in the lonesome road dlc was symbolic of the divide between old and new fallout, and how Bethesda and original developers and their respective fanbases will never come together to move the franchise forward. And the franchise will forever be stuck in a state of civil war with no real progress
is this a meme cause fallout 4 has more RPG elements than 3
at least fallout 3 actually had skills you nigger
I know this is probably bait but if you actually think this you're delusional.
Killable children
Nevada skies
no auto aim
Fellout NV
more radio stations.
The essentials
mad scientist
energy weapons
high PER and INT
craft explosives with the mad bomber, and nuka chemist perks
>killable children + dust mod
>tfw literally SHTF apocalypse simulator
I never played with energy weapons so this is going to be fun
laser for DPS and lots of crits
plasma for pure damage
Thanks. I already added a few
I'm doing an explosive fister in Fallout 3- the fallout i've played the least, but I REALLY need help scrounging the meager pickings of mods.
Tales of Two Wastelands if you also have New Vegas
Fallout 4 was terrible for roleplay but NV is only slightly better. Sure you can side with legion but they're vastly underdeveloped compared to the other factions.
Because the game had to happen.
That's the anwser to every question in the picture.
NV's dialog is several times more varied than 4's
the divide was the symbolic divide of asscrack because it's full of shit
fallout = fallout nv > fallout 3 > fallout 4
pro tip: you can't
Most of NV dialogue, among other things, is fluff. The number meaningful consequences is minimal. Fallout 4's dialog was just lazy and transparent in terms of roleplay but don't pretend NV is in some different class
After having played Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I played through the original game over the last few days. It was okay, I guess. I honestly think even Fallout 3 is better. Is 2 better?
Saying that NV dialogue is fluff doesn't make it true
I wouldn't call it "fluff" man
NPCs had plenty of information to offer in NV and you would often learn something and get more dialog, while 4 just often has 4 different ways to say the same thing or has the typical yes, no(eventually yes), question, joke(yes).
forgot to mention that NV actually has skill, stat, AND perk checks in dialog while 4 only has charisma checks.
I'm playing through New Vegas again and it's a huge fucking shock how great the writing is compared to 4.
It makes no sense for a place like the institute to exist when the Enclave was hunting for vault dwellers and resources.
Charisma checks that can be quicksave-quickloaded past, no less
>chance based skill checks
>General Fallout Discussion on Sup Forums
It's like you want the mods to purge us, can you faggots be any less subtle?
>speaking with ceasar for the first time
>go through his entire starting dialogue tree and listen to every word
>yeah that's all great, but I don't think I want to work with you
>"Mark my words you piece of shit, this is the last time you will ever refuse to perform an order I've given you..." "If you ever - ever - disobey me again, I will order my Praetorians to hack you to death with their machetes for my entertainment."
I always seem to forget how much of a ruthless bastard Caesar really is, he can be a really interesting guy to talk to but if you get on his bad side he will do everything in his power to fuck your shit up and you legitimately feel scared.
I wasn't questioning the the quality of writing in NV nor its integration of skill checks. It's amazingly better that FO4 in those respects. However those qualities don't necessarily connote better roleplay.
Skill, stat, and perk checks are obviously great roleplaying mechanics because they offer varied consequences depending on your character
How so? It's about your character, if your character does or doesn't have the skills to perform such tasks then you should or shouldn't be able to perform those tasks. How is this bad?
You can list genuine flaws of the game instead of reposting this shitty list of nitpicks and easily answered questions if you used your brain and context clues.
Like why the fuck they made the protag voiced, or that the Insitute's goals and actions don't really make much sense.
Or why the hell the Railroad even exists as a faction with how hard life is in the world for normal people.
In most situations NV is more concerned in resolving it's plot than letting a character roleplay. There are many options to deal with Benny but they all resolve around him effectively dying. Giving him a stealth boy at the fort is NV's "No (Yes)" from FO4
>be me
>silver rush
>pull all that shit into the bathroom to steal it
>get sloppy
>one of the guards noticed
>run my over encumbered ass to the door
>almost dead, but i made it
>pull out This Machine
>after short battle, i repare stuff, and doc bag myself
>the next wave comes
>im completely off guard
yeah because that IS the quest: get the chip from Benny
Benny isn't very willing to give it to you so MOST of the ways of getting it involve him dying
the important thing is that it lets you complete the quest in some unique ways depending on your character
it is also important that once you get the chip and reach the bunker, you have options that branch into quests unique to the ending you are going for
it is not fair to consider the main quest as "most situations"
10 LUCK, get the more perks mod. Pick Wild Wasteland, pick the newly added perk "Dies of fate" and let RNG take the wheel.
I guess it'd be difficult to review each quest but another example would be the quest to send ghouls to space. You either A) help them B) kill them or C) ignore them. Those options all exist in most FO4 quests. NV just has alot more quality fluff.
Why does Mr. House look like the green thing from cyberchase?
Anyone have a name for this artist?
Dumping his shit because a lot of people miss out on these.
no, most FO4 quests are: kill this group of people
there isn't even a B or C
Last one, at least I hope it isn't. These things are gold.
Bonus Fallout 3 one
Comics are fine, but Johnny Guitar is a shit song m8
The only thing you cant do is keep Benny in the game. The devs cant add LITTERLY everything
There are so many choices with him:
Kill him right there,
Take his offer and he escapes
Speech check and get him upstairs with you
Black Widow, let him escape
Black Widow, fuck him then kill him
Black Widow, kill him right away
Get Swank to help you
Kill him right there
Let him go
Crucify him
Duel him
Its also a main quest and the yes (no) complaint only applies to side quest
>not using varmit rifle
Of course, the quest has a goal
if you ARE doing the quest you are either trying to get rid of them for manny or are investigating the rumors of them
what's important is that you can behave a number of ways DURING the quest, such as reasoning with the Nightkin leader, convincing that guy that he is human, helping or getting rid of that ghoul in the room who is preventing the Nightkin's progress, etc.
Fallout 4 isn't a bad game, just a bad fallout game. If it had been a new IP or something it wouldn't have gotten shit on nearly as much as it did.
The gunplay is legitimately nice, but it's story, it's predetermined playable characters, and it's speech options made it a really shitty fallout game.
>i-it's not a bad game! i-it's just a bad fallout game!
You're a fucking idiot if you think that, the game is shit because it's shit. I'm getting real fucking tire of having to explain why it fails as a Fallout game and on it's own to you goddamn retards.
>The gunplay is legitimately nice
No it isn't, it's standard, middle of the road, acceptable, nothing special. Or at least it would be if the guns didn't, look, feel, act, and sound like total fucking garbage. Keep in mind Jsawyer was a legitimate gun nut and Todd Howard and his goons know absolutely nothing about how a gun is supposed to work.
considering a second playthrough of F4.
im bored of having millions of caps and every settlement built on.
is it even worth it?
Maybe he's just easily entertained.
i just got new vegas. played the first 2 missions and got bored lol. i just dont get single player games like this i guess :/
double barrel shotgun
sawed off modification
calibrated receiver modification
better criticals perk
crits aren't random in 4, so just press spacebar in VATS and one-shot deathclaws with those crits
i honestly had a little fun with that
Not unless you haven't played on hardcore yet. Otherwise there's only settlement building, or companion quests you missed before.
What missions exactly? Honestly the game doesn't get good until you get to new vegas, which can take awhile if it's your first play through. If by the time you've finished the the Benny part of the main quest and your still not engaged then yeah consider other options
that's bait user
I can really get why people like skyrim, there is just so much content that it feels like a big world with interresting locations and people even though that isnt true.
Fallout 4 how ever just lacks that content, there are honestly like a 12 side quests and most of the towns and people are boring because of that, they only give out a radiant quest or something and you cant really talk to them. Its a shame when the land it self is so well put together, the biomes transition into each other perfectly and a lot of the combat arena's are really good, too bad the combat it self is bad and the quests that lead to the combat are bad.
literally like the first 2 things, kill the gekkos and find some plants. i gotta defend the town now it seems like.
All of that is optional, the only thing you have to do is get to vegas
Fucking kids these days
>I'm getting real fucking tired of having to explain why it fails
>Posts copypasta
Yeah m8, real convincing shit right there.
That's how it was if F1 and F2 (persuading enclave guards to fight Frank comes to mind), was the same in F3 and only changed in NV for the better.
It's just about time to get you some news: Primm formally swore in several NCR squatters nestled high in the ski lodge south of the dam.
This is Mr. New Vegas, and I hope I'm not coming on too strong.
Let's see
>voice acted protagonist who always sounds like a 30y/o white guy so any other options of character creation just make it look/sound weird
>too much of a forced backstory, you're supposed to care about a kid you see for maybe 5 minutes total
>generally pretty badly written dialogue
>maybe a total of 3 good side quests
>lack of side quests in general, not counting the infinite quests of go there kill x and return
>Gunners, who seemed like an interesting merc faction are just another flavor of a Raider
>factions are retarded with their decisions and funnily enough Minutemen are the least retarded of them all
>Legendary Enemy has mutated; those drops pretty much make any unique weapons uselss (I don't even remember seeing any)
>most locations boil down to you shooting ghouls/raiders/mutants, getting to a chest and leaving which sounds awfully lot like Skyrim
>settlement building makes no impact on the world, gives no unique quests or unique people that live there
>power armor while being probably the most fun in the series need fusion cores every 15 minutes or so making most people not use the PA at all
>lore/worldbuilding breaking quests, mainly the kid in a fridge one
>being able to get 10 in every SPECIAL, perks are mostly just increase damage, no skills and barely any checks
>radio host is shit and many songs are recycled from F3
That said the game makes shooting a bit more fun than 3/NV. Companions are fairly nice. Can't really say anything else.
A better question is; Why after 200 fucking years is everyone still living in fucking squalor when even fucking Brazilian jungle monkeys can make huge towns with electricity and all that shit?
Nagasaki and Hiroshima sure as fucking didn't even take 20 years to start rebuilding
Bethesda didn't really understand the premise of Fallout and tried making it post-apo while sticking to the game being set 200 years after the bombs dropped, so if anyone thinks about it for more than a minute it's easy to see that it makes absolutely no sense. If it was set 20 years after they fell I'd understand that, but still wouldn't make finding edible food in markets a rational thing.
>Fallout 2
>The state of California is unified underneath an actual government and cities are actually being built
>Bethesda Fallout
>Everything still looks like the bombs dropped fucking yesterday
Really the only unique weapon I can think of is deliverer.
This is essentially the thoughts in the heads of Beth as they make Fallout games
How much does this trigger you?
Personally the bit about the weapons almost got me. Sure some are going to be similar but that's bound to happen with such a large amount of them, and for the most part they all felt different to me.
This bait again? Fuck off.
>I AM SILLY: Fallout edition
How is an "I AM SILLY" comic supposed to trigger anyone?
Literally "I AM SILLY"
That's what I felt like too. I mean, the mere idea of Super Mutant Behemoths is retarded. Trying to finish F3 after NV is really painful, even with TTW.
playing as child courier was kinda fun
That comic in a nutshell
Is there any way to make Fallout 4 kind of fun or interesting? Any at all?
I highly doubt it, there aren't even that many mods that would make it a better experience because the base game itself is 3/10 at most.
Get Frost Survival Sim and tons of visual and mechanics overhauls
Play stay alive; the game
The only way to have fun with Fallout 4 is to uninstall it, take a shit on Todd Howard's chest, and then overdose on heroine.
good weapon mods so that shooting don't feel like ass, but it's only temporary fun
it also helps knowing you pirated it
doing House's route for the first time after so long,
can i actually talk the BoS to join House or i have to blow them up?
BoS will only join the NCR for some reason.