>Sup Forums says game is good
>is actually bad
What's her name?
Sup Forums says game is good
Valkyria Chronicle (all of them)
Any anime game such as Touho or Arc Sys games
Bioshock Infinite
>Bioshock infinite
Sup Forums has always been shitting on Infinite
games don't have genders
All of them. Sup Forums are compulsive liars
Many people on here are starting to defend it now.
prince of persia games
STALKER. I can see the appeal but the gameplay was just too janky.
Bloodborne. This one in particular I hate because sonybros meme'd into speding $300 in order to play a casualized version of Dark Souls they swore was "the best video game ever made. literally kino"
Dark souls
shit taste detected
Fuck you it starts slow but picks way the fuck up halfway through
All these. I bought DaS, Dragon's Dogma and Witcher on Steam, played them for 30 mins and never touched them again.
Majora's Mask
Doom 2016
Smash Bros
I'm trying real hard to like Bayonetta, but I just don't know man.
"The story is so good!"
Persona 5
God Hand.
Sounds like a personal problem user
Have some bandiqt
Speaking of Bayonetta, just add all their shit on here.
>Muh Kamiya!!!
This shit taste needs to be dragon kicked into the milky way
It's weird, I don't really enjoy it that much, but the sheer accomplishment of beating the obnoxiously hard bosses kept me going. I loved the settings in all the games though.
>Bioshock Infinite
Take it back you angry waterfag
I bet you're boring as all hell
Sonic Adventure 2
the witcher 3
Any SMT game, that includes Persona 1-5 and Q
Monster Hunter
The entire Souls series
Fallout 1 and 2
Metal Gear
Literally anything made by Platinum
Final Fantasy 5
half life 1
system shock
gothic 2
>your favorite video game
What a piece of shit
>system shock
You have genuinely terrible taste
I agree F1 and 2 are overrated but are absolutely not bad
Ni No Kuni
>play rpg for 30 minutes
>feel like you got the full experience
>It gets good after 10 hours!
Fuck you, everything needs a hook.
I wouldn't say I ever found any game recommended by Sup Forums to be bad per se, but just not to my tastes/disappointing. Tokyo Jungle is one of them, I loved it initially but the appeal wore off quickly and I never bothered beyond the first few animals.
New Vegas
Ever think that RPGs just aren't your thing?
Man you'd hate shows like Samurai Flamenco then.
Hi Todd.
I've been getting memed on by Sup Forums for years. Sometimes I thin you all are making fun of me:
> Vampire the Mascerade
> Soulsborne games
> MGS 3
> BoTW
> Earthbound
> Nier: Automata
> Halflife 2
> Panzer General
> Dawn of War
> Any of the Total War games
> Mount and Blade
> Superhot
> Fallout NV
The list goed on. If there was a bad game that you faggots trick stupid people into playing, I played it. I hate you all.
Shieeet, my nigga! Now you speaking my language!
But i bought Diablo 3 + expansion 3 days ago and got me hooked. I don't understand.
Other way around kiddo
>he thinks Color Trash is good
That settles it then, they aren't your thing
Color Splash is garbage
Literally any semi-popular game that isnt annual AAA or was made by Todd Howard, please stay were you are.
Todd hates New Vegas you dolt
dark soul, starshit valley, uddertale and many more indie shit. FUCK YOU Sup Forums AND YOUR SHIT TASTE
dragons dogma. the main game is a horribly underwhelming open world game where you have to sprint across the map for 30 mins to get 1 min of fun when fighting a cool boss.
>stardew valley
Don't even remind me, i had high hopes for this game.
I was expecting a nice and comfy experience, but it turned out to be a "speaking with the ncps" simulator
>its another shit taste general thread