It's been confirmed! loldrg has been dethroned and now it's lolsam.
Where were you when SAM took the lol title? Also, fuck sprout samurai and ffxiv thread I guess.
It's been confirmed! loldrg has been dethroned and now it's lolsam
Other urls found in this thread:
>16 wipes at Susan and counting
>if half of the party has Viewing Cutscene it's a complete russian roulette as to whether you get hit by levin or not
How many fucking times do you need to WIN this for the weapon?
i kept telling yoship that samurai should be tank but he didn't listen
>How many fucking times do you need to WIN this for the weapon?
>implying you won't lose the weapon to the shitter doing horribly playing the same class as you if it does drop
If you weren't a scrub yourself you'd know. 10 tokens. 7 is you're pld.
Even farm parties sometimes are a fucking trainwrekt.
whats wrong with sprouts?
Met returner PLD tank in Doma dungeonwho don't know how to Flash, do Rage of Halone combo, RA combo, or any fucking thing except spamming Goring Combo.
It's when shit like this happens you'd start appreciating mediocre bottom of the barrel tank.
Even if I did my part it's complete RNG as to what kind of party the game gives me
I'm contemplating just doing Lakers for the accessories first if it makes a significant difference in Susanoo
This is your PotD party tonight.
>not 3 red mages
J'moldva will carry the group. She's a legendary undefeated Coliseum fighter.
>SAM is best class hands down in FFXI to this day
>It's been demoted to lolSAM in FFXIV
Never thought I'd see the day
It's a sin to be new to the game. Only veterans are allowed to play. If you are new please unsubscribe and hang yourself.
Arenvald is a pure and loyal boy who deserves your protection
It's "lolsam" because it's so powerful that all the shitters flock to it.
but i really like red mage
i still see NINs fucking up more desu
to my surprise only DRGs with a sprout icon are shitters now
>DRK plopped down Salted Earth
>then proceeded to pull mobs out of it
Why though?
I feel the same but Susan is the harder fight you have to get it out the way.
Practicing for pulling them out of party member's Fire Arrow and Shadowflare. Very important aspect of being a DF tank.
>Fire Arrow
pretty much this.
Did it get removed? I haven't touched BRD yet.
Yeah, it did. So did Wide Volley. BRD's only AoE now is Quick Nock and Rain of Death.
>Fire Arrow
Too soon.
Speaking of BRD's AoE. What's the most optimal way to go about it? Mage's then one Venom and Windbite on toughest mob (since it only needs a crit dot to proc now) and Quick Knock spam?
Flaming arrow is no more.
read the jobguide on lodestone, RIP lots of skills that were kind of decent
At least BRD gets Pitch Perfect.
MCH gets nothing.
>finally get around to setting up a parser
>around 75% percentile on the website that determines your worth in the game, and therefore life
i dunno if that's good or bad
>armchair raid leaders in DF wasting time by trying to instruct others how to play the game and/or their class
Why do people do this?
If a shitter is being shit let him be a shitter. Don't start a whole bunch of shit because you think you're helping someone when they didn't ask for it.
Fuckface made the tank LEAVE and we basically had to abandon the duty. For all fuck's sake stop doing this shit.
If you know a decent-good healer queue with them
Susan is all bout the healers, every other role is easy as fuck
>go spread a rumor about how you killed a holy man
Why am I doing this?
time to kill yourself
Should I stick with Dragoon at 70 or should I switch to RDM at 50? (45 now). Red Mage and Dragoon are my favorite classes from the final fantasy series
because the dude is wracked with guilt or something and wants to do the right thing, but the townsfolk won't let him because they think he'll be executed because that's what the garleans told them would happen
Good healers still won't be able to save shit if DPS went full retarded with Gaol, Lightning, or 3 of them popping bubbles at the same time while stack up is coming.
LOLDRG is a joke because shitters played DRG in XI and it continued to XIV. Shitters still play DRGs and hilariously kill themselves with Jump.
If anything SAM is ezmode. Even a babby can do good numbers.
Stormblood's story feels like a patch.
No, it's 10 for PLD because swords and shields come as a set. It's the same for raid weapons too. 5 for the sword, 3 for the shield, which equals 8. That's the same cost as weapons for other jobs.
> 2.5 gcd
> fun gameplay
> inb4 "it get b-better at endgame g-guys!"
What the fuck is this shit?
>MCH is by far the hardest and most technical class in the game
>it also has the worst DPS output
What the fuck?
a patch with a million sidequests
seriously yoshi, don't ever do this again. HW had just enough sidequests.
i'm not sure i could do it before i hit the enrage with that dps
It's actually longer than HW's.
Gaol is literally impossible to fail now. It's always the last one on the list and you can even mark it
it appears to be a webm of some sort of spastic
It does get better, because you have more than one ability you fuckwit. You get plenty of oGCD abilities you're hitting in between those GCDs and classes like the one in your gif have abilities that cut the GCD down to less than 2 seconds.
Do you not remember all the shitty mog quests in HW? Do you only remember the good things of past content?
DRG. There are enough RDM now. DRG has good utlity. Plus their AF is dank as fuck.
So what's the tier of DPS currently?
Sprouts have an excuse to mess up, but fucking veteran hyur dragoons doing sub-tank damage can go suck a dick.
There is no excuse for any seasoned player to do shitty DPS now. You have a goddamn training room and you've been players for 80+ hours with a lot playing over 1k. The skill ceiling is really low, so why can the average person learn RTS or understand the basics of fighting games in 100 hours, but your average FF player can't understand 1-2-3-4
The story itself.
They feel like small scale liberation stories.
but I guess HW was like that until Nidhogg came in
Remember to report ffxiv spam threads. They are banished to ffxiv for a reason, and should stay that way.
Moogleshit lasted for one area.
You do one MSQ in SB and suddenly 20 sidequests pop up. Do another MSQ in that area and suddenly 20 more.
SAM > NIN > MNK >>>> DRG
Range Phys
BRD >>>> MCH
A game you don't have enough patience for.
tier by dps
Samurai >>> everybody else > Bard > Machinist
Don't play anything else. They are so far ahead in DPS right now raid would be gimping themselves not bringing 4 SAMS.
>I inhibit threads I don't like because I have autism
Susano was pretty fun
I don't get what all the hate is about, I think this is the least boring MSQ boss they've ever offered so far
It does get better at endgame, literally look at any level 70 BRD's hotbar and see all the shit you have to manage.
Monk is doing more damage than nin. Are you just making shit up as you go?
SAM is a bit stronger than everything else, with the rest being around equal if you play well enough.
It still feels a bit off when you consider how much work something like MCH takes just to be on par.
>these Aha Mhigo side quests
Why couldn't the Xaela side quests be this good?
>about to join a farm party
>see no SAM
>back out and look for another party
If I drop Grit as a DRK that means that I deal more damage but my healer deals less. Is it really worth it? Does it depends on who is healer?
>wowbabby needs a 1 second GCD button mash fest
Woah dude, if there is one thing people are much worse at than FFXIV it's fighters
>tfw too dumb to play SAM
I hope the Ninki shit isn't as hard as I think it'll be because I already struggle with keeping my Ninjutsu and Trick Attack cooldowns lined up.
If I can't hack NIN either ill have to go back to AST, even though the earthly start tooltip scared me off.
Is BRD any entertaining this expac? Been thinking of trying one out after i'm done leveling RDM.
And does Monk have Trick attack?
>SAM is a bit stronger
>a bit
It's a RP-bait clan that exists solely to cover as many weird fetishes and kinks as possible, what do you expect?
Just collect more dungs senpai
>monk is doing more than nin
sounds like you have a shit nin
You can activate 3 skills within the time frame of the 2.5s GCD.
On oGCD heavy classes like NIN MCH or DRK you'll probably end up being more active than any class in WoW.
Nobody is going to admit that though.
It does turn out to be a DPS gain in most cases, but you need to weigh how much stress you're putting on your healer.
In pugs, it's probably best to keep it safe and only drop grit if you're significantly overgeared or if you know there's a lul in a boss' damage.
If you get a static, it's a lot easier to work out how hard you can push it.
People should stop with the imaginary numbers. The damage other people deal is their own I don't care if you are supporting or buffing them.
W-Who reads this stuff anyways? Y-yea? H-haha...
I'm sure it'll get buffed then it will shit all over bard then bard will be buffed.
3.x all over again.
you're probably just undergeared. SAM is easy. literally just do your combos.
Are you a nin?
Samurai. On your knees, boy, I'll let you see some real dps.
>you get into a party
>see there's no SAM
what do you do?
Collecting and burning dung for fuel is both useful and practical.
I read every sidequest in the game.
Most of the dialogue is just WORDSWORDSWORDS and very little substance. They don't even attempt to make sidequests interesting most of the time. SB has probably the worst sidequests in the game.
*sigh* Why didn't you cucks roll sam? *leave group*
Breathe a sigh of relief because most SAM are fucking garbage and actually do less dps than most players.
Can I see your lakshmi dps?
>tfw too dumb to play SAM
literally how? it's 3 repeating combos and fucking up your positionals only causes you to generate slightly less gauge
I've never played NIN but skimming over the skills it seems like there is actually some skill required
Don't care.
I only care when there's somebody else playing my job then I get super competitive and have to outdo them.
You sound like a good player and I'm not being sarcastic.
But it does get better at endgame.
You either get more off-GCD spells to use or you get a lower GCD betending on which class you decide to play. You also have a lot more spells to play with and way more mechanics to keep track of, even in the PvE overworld aswell, not just dungeons.
The guy in the gif seems like a complete spastic aswell. Even games like WoW doesnt allow you to spam your action bar that fast.
Now that the dust has settled, what do SMN players think of SMN now? Genuinely asking
Ninki is basically just a few more oGCDs to toss into the Trick Attack rotation
I'd say close to 50% of the side quests were bad. But there have been enough good ones. Except the Xaela.
>Getting a SAM that's just barely parsing above the AST
t. dungeon queuer
>I've never played NIN but skimming over the skills it seems like there is actually some skill required
You are braindead then. NIN has no skill required. SAM has no skill required. MNK has no skill required. DRG has no skill required. It goes on.
This fucking game. This bastard is glorious.
You know the devs and writers had a blast writing this quest chain.
>Every new area for the MSQ has Garleans going around grabbing people from villages and beating them for shits and giggles
God damn japs cant into subtlety.
The chain sidequests are a about a 50/50 split on good/bad though. Fuck single sidequests, I don't ever read that shit.