Return of the Party Van?

After lurking some recent threads, it called my attention that a lot of anons feel nostalgic and want to return to the good old days of the party van, playing our custom TF2 servers, etc.

I have a powerful server that is collecting spiderwebs quite a time. Should we start the party van again?

>Do you want to start again the party van?
>If you voted Yes, what game and gamemode do you want to see at the start? (I will add more in the future)

Before we discuss things such as maps, plugins, addons etc, I want to hear opinions and see how the polls goes. If this ends well, we might have to move the threads to /vg/.

Other urls found in this thread:

Feel free to request other games or gamemodes ITT, preferably source or goldsource games, as I have experience with them and are easier to host and program, like Sven-Coop.

bumping this thread

Bumping for interest

Might be fun, but more people need to be on board!

Thanks. again, feel free to request other games or gamemodes.

god I miss the party van, I still have a folder saved with all of the sound files somewhere


Damnit, only 8 people voted.

I don't know if I could get back into TF2 at this point, but I would consider it if party van came back.


Give it some time man, it's only been 20 minutes


I only ever played on the Mario Kart map but am interested in the habbo hotel map, there's never a server for it.

Do it

A rotation of these different maps would be cool.

In my own server, in Spain, but don't worry, about latency, it's a well equipped server running with 300 Mbps optic fiber.
I made other servers with this machine before and people from the US and other distant countries had less than 60 ping.

Bump because good

I sometimes boot up these old maps because it reminds me of simpler times with all the silly innocent memes. If one of these maps were made today it'd most likely be Pepe and Wojak all over the place. Despite their age, Mario Kart and Habro Hotel feel timeless.

You aren't even mike, are you?

Nope. I'm not related at all with the previous party van. Only played there.

The original's still open if you want to just gather people on there

Didn't they closed the servers time ago? Last time I checked their IPs in the steam group didn't work.



Fuck, Now I don't know what to do. I guess I'll continue with this as I'll give the server constant support if this ends well. I want to host more than just one TF2 server, btw.


Okay, now we have enough people who voted to make a normal sized TF2 custom server.
We will discuss what will be the next server in the next thread.

Now, what do you want to see there? What maps do you want to play? Reply this post with the name of the maps you think I should install in the server

Mario Kart (Not sure which version)

Classic mario_kart, cyberpunk and harbl_hotel are a must and will be there as soon as I open the server. Now, about achievement maps, I'm thinking of one of the APG maps or achievement_turbov. Both are really well made and have a lot of stuff.
I don't know If I should add one of the newer dm_mariokart.

What is your opinion on plr_highertower?

Never played it, but I've seen videos about it. They don't convince me, but eh, if people like to play that map, I'll install it along with the others.
I'm thinking in having a 2 hour rotation per map, along with a vote system.

Original server died 4-5 years ago.
Kids using their mom's create card to pay for admin never works out

2 hours seems like too long, 1 hour is much more manageable. Also, there is some plugin that Skial uses which give player a shop that sells stuff like chat titles and trails, would be pretty cool.

Ok well I live in Straya

This is something that I'll try to evade in my servers. I don't want anybody to pay for anything, an admin is an admin and not a premium player, same with donations. All content will be free.

Yeah, I know that would happen, you aussies have always problems with the internet. Still, unless you use wi-fi, I don't think nothing would happen

sound pretty good OP

I don't think he means a real shop, just a menu you can spend in-game point on for silly cosmetic stuff.
I'd be up for it, could be fun

Alright, I'm back.

So, this is what we have for now:
>The first server will be a Team Fortress free for all server hosting multiple custom maps every hour with a changemap vote menu.
>The first maps will be mario_kart, harbl_hotel and cyberpunk, I will be adding new maps as the people suggest in the next threads.

Still, there are some questions left, like what pluggins do you want to see there, or what will be the next server, do we need to do a new steam group or just move to /vg/ making our own general.


I think if you remake this thread around the release of Pyro Update, you'll definitely get heaps of takers, unless the update is abysmal.

Don't lose hope from how quiet this thread is, we're at the lowest point of a year-long update drought, so we can only go up from here.

But as it stands I'd be quite interested to play, even if it's only as an Engineer or Sniper due to my ping.

Oh, I didn't know. If that's so then I guess I woud have no problem in installing that pluging, I just need the name or source.

i can host
server in Netherlands with 1gbps as connection
where can i contact you OP?

>like what pluggins do you want to see there
Wouldn't mind seeing teamscramble plugins for round end.
However, keeping it basic as possible will probably offend the minimum number of people. If you add something like RTD_ you might lose 50% of your serverbase there and then.
A Steam group would be good.

This seems to be a plugin close to it.

1gbps its a fucking lot, I have to say, but for now I'll stick with my server. If players have high ping then I'll tell you if you show up in the next threads, there will be more.

I just want to play some good old fashioned maps without all the bullshit that these dusty ass players bring to the table.

And some custom maps and derping around wouldn't hurt from time to time, but if meme gamemodes become popular the server is going to get filled with faggots in no time. Are you thinking about passwording it and releasing the password to like /TF2G/ threads or something? I would personally, but it's up to you if this goes through.

is it possible to have it be of a certain build ?

i personally loved TF2 back when we only had the class update weapons before they added majority of the silly shit

if you can add them in i guess hats are fine otherwise excited if you can bring something to the table even if we all know deep inside it'll never live up to nostalgia nothing ever does because it's a romanticized dream

Yes, I'll keep the server as vanilla as posible, still, if the people wants pluggins, I'll add them. For now it will stay vanilla untill I make another poll.

Thanks mate, I'll save it.

Are there TF2 Sup Forums servers that host normal gamemodes like payload?

>is it possible to have it be of a certain build ?
No, and you don't need to put a space between your word and your punctuation. Why do foreigners frequently do this ?

it's a habit i have of hitting space bar when im done typign a word, you niggerfaggot nazi jew !

Anyone who behaves like a faggot will eat the banhammer, take it for sure. I think I'll leave it open with no password, as the custom server browsing is almost dead, but if I see things getting ugly I'll use a password a-la /tf2g/
It will be the current build, I don't want any problems related to that. If people want to wear no cosmetics and certain weapons, they are free to do that.

For now the first server will be free for all hosting custom maps every hour with mapvote option. The second server will be discussed in the next thread, but yes, is quite sure that the next server will be official gamemodes.

What exactly is the party van, just a name for a Sup Forums server?

Ok guyz we need to discuss some serious shit right fucking now

crits or not?

Pic related user.

Last played on mario kart when crate raffles were a thing so this should be fun.

I think you should be rewarding for doing well, so yes

crits unless a large number of people consistently complain, is my vote

So, what will be discussed in the next thread:

> Pluggins, yes or no, and if yes, what pluggins.
> Steam group, yes or no.

The server is mounting as we speak.

Oh, and also discuss what will be the next server.

are you posting the IP in this thread or on the /vg/ thread ?

/vg/ threads will be made when everything is stable and made. I'll post the IP in this thread for a test run

>tf2 with Sup Forums

Sounds good. Glad you're cool with that.

don't keep it to Sup Forums in first, then if everyone agree and we don't have some circlejerk shit maybe switching on /vg/ is a possibility

Server in the making. I'll post IP with password for a first test run soon.


Damn I wish I wasn't at work, then I could be copping some TF2 later. When do you suppose everything will be working?

It will end in /vg/ sooner or later, but for now I'll stick in Sup Forums while we make the servers until final releases, we can't keep generals in this board.
The main reason I'll post the first threads in Sup Forums is because is Sup Forums related, and because there is a lot more traffic in Sup Forums than in /vg/. Unknown generals in /vg/ tend to dissapear quickly.

Save this thread to favorites, I'll post the IP with password soon for a test run.


im from the old partyvan and 99% of the people from it have moved on to new things.

Some of the cool custom maps like Corrode, Haarp, Eclipse, and Convoy

some maps i personally find fun OP:

Well, that sucks for them.

Oh fuck OP this is just what I needed. Too bad my PC isn't hooked up. I miss Sup Forums servers all too much

more like faart
it looks good but plays like 2fort
same goes for Convoy which is even more cramped than 2fort

>remembering playing on the weeabootique
>I will never have that feel ever again

It's almost done, sorry about the waiting. Our grease monkeys had some problems with the servers.

Alrighty. If this thread prunes keep your trip? if you move to /vg/ I don't want to lose you guys. I guess the IP will be the same.

>tfw wont be home until thursday
You better keep this shit alive.

Convoy is an absolute must.

It will be the same, and before we move to /vg/ wi will post some more threads in Sup Forums before everything is decided.
Server will be online 24-7

>Our grease monkeys
Are you doing this alone? Or do you have help?

not really

we're a merry happy band of friends thats gone on for about 7-8 years

Probably just a phrase

you should try out tf2 classic

it adds in a bunch of new content and gamemodes

I used to play on the old partyvan, however I wouldn't return to a new partyvan server. I had lots of fun on the old server, and I fear any attempt to recreate that could tarnish my good memories. Also, I have put 1000+ plus hours in TF2, I feel like I am done with this game. That being said, I wish you luck OP.

T. Pico

>tfw KINGOFCANYON had the best micspams back in the day
Just give it up. We've got to move on man.

Thanks man.
It's just a say, It will be done soon, I'm busy with something else while this thing loads

I'll probably reinstall TF2 for this. I just wish there was a way to play 2009 era TF2 which is when I stopped playing

>Also, I have put 1000+ plus hours in TF2, I feel like I am done with this game
You are like a little baby.

>tfw out of town
>tfw laptop too shitty to run tf2
Please dont die before wednesday


>15 day wait for ALL items
R.I.P my trading career


That better be fucking idling and not actually playing what the fuck.

Who are you?

Just get Steam Guard :)