Have to try and come up with a reason why there's fucking robot dinosaurs

>have to try and come up with a reason why there's fucking robot dinosaurs
>do a pretty good job of it

This game was a lot better than I thought it would be. I'd been avoiding open world games for a long time but felt an itching for one, this definitely scratched it.

What does Sup Forums think about it? Without shit flinging because of exclusives and BotW etc. .

I don't know why anyone tries to talk about this game. You know exactly how this is going to end.

game built around the rule of cool

You actually play as the medic.

The only problem with this game is that the potential sequel will be already underwhelming with all the important questions already answered

Didn't care for it.
It brought nothing to the table that multiple other games haven't already.
Nothing it has is its own which makes the game get dull rather quickly.
Graphics wise it is good but nothing else stands out.

meh, not really. there's no reason why the WE WUZ AI GODS N SHIET computer wouldn't choose nanobots to do what it needs to do. Or its own original do nut steel animals that mix parts from other animals and shit. idk.

it's all a straight white male's fault anyway and it's up to WOMEN to save the world haha

It was fun but there should have been more secret areas and the story was cool but I wish it had more depth somehow. I didn't like how there were a few places like that one shadow carja base near the water with the arch, with literally no content, just a location with people.

I liked going into the mother's whatever "vault"(words escaping me rn) and learning that kids grew up there but I wanted to know more. I wanted to explore more and sort of expected more depth.

The weapons were cool but the armor was pointless.

Stealth system is op , or ai is stealth retarded

To me it was a 10/10 game that had a bit of flaws so it's really like 5.5/10

Also the power armor was pointless....

Enjoyed it and looking forward to the DLC

>To me it was a 10/10 game that had a bit of flaws so it's really like 5.5/10
Can you elaborate? This makes no sense to me. How can something that was a 10/10 be reduced to a 5.5 through a few flaws?

Because this is Sup Forums where everything must be shit

He doesn't know what the Shadow carja base really is, so it's either someone who watched 1 part of a YouTube playthrough or someone who hasn't progressed very far in-game.

It makes me hopeful. Even if Ubisoft does go under, there are other studios that can carry on open world gaming.

I guess the graphics and plot had me liking the game alot but after I played through it, it left alot to be desired. It might be a cop out but I can't really describe it. The game just left me wanting more of certain things like the history of it all and boss dinos .
Blazonarch is what I ment, and brightmarket is another example of another boring area, bordering on useless.

> literally copy pasted thread from a few days ago.

If you want to make a general fuck off to /vg/. I'm genuinely starting to believe shills are real at this point.

>tutorial is three hours long

>the story is fucking amazing
>no one on Sup Forums knows because "muh breath of the wild"

and even more sad I like both games

>>the story is fucking amazing
>muh matriarchy

see, this is exactly what I mean, NO ONE actually knows the story of the game because they never played it, they just assume things they saw on other threads.

That or people played it and didn't give enough of a shit to remember the details.

>implying its breath of the wild that stole the game's limelight
Maybe its because there are games with better story and characters, and overall better games released this period

Stop with your shitty victim's complex

The matriarchal tribe is explicitly portrayed as and shown to be the most bigoted and backasswards though.

I've played the first three hours where it's nothing but a (((diverse))) group of grannies cucking your foster father.

Yeah, cool. They're largely fucking irrelevant for the majority of the plot though and are shown to be wrong about literally everything.

I'll think about it when it gets to a reasonable price later this year.

this game looks like it'd be boring as shit honestly.

>80% of the game is pozzed with niggers and women warriors
>Yeah, cool.

I got halfway through and then dropped it. The open world doesn't do it for me anymore, it's an over-used design that just gets so repetitive I lost all interest, the story wasn't great either but the setting was.

Maybe I'll go back it sometime, but I just thought it was quite lackluster.

SJW diversity fest

I don't want to look at subhumans when I play, will consider when there is a lighter skin and non-disgusting facial features patch

Otherwise I'll stick with P5

Dropped it after seeing kid aloy's disgusting lazy face

Still better than Andromeda's.

We've had this exact same thread multiple times already this week. Go shill your garbage somewhere else.

>solid shit is better than liquid shit
I'll take neither

Yeah makes me wonder why does horizon have so much shilling? The incessant webm threads, the spamming of shit in unrelated threads and the literal copy-pasted thread without the effort to even change the focus

Like hell even the shillblood threads have more effort put into them than this shit

>Western studio can do a great gameplay for an Open World
I'm still not sure it's real, playing this in Very Hard was fucking fun and challenging

and yeah another thing it is always magically bumped from page 8-9. Pretty suspicious if you asj me

thats not an achievement to be proud of

I preferred XCX for the Wii U. The story wasn't SJW driven, and while it is full of plot holes big enough to fit New LA into, at least the world was a genuine pleasure to explore.

Yeah... Shills... Are... The... Worst...

Yeah deflection. Another shill tactic. A shitposter does not make your shilling okay, marketer

Complete fucking dogshit

Yeah it's not as if there's literally a comfy /vg/ botw thread on Sup Forums with copy pasted replies and one samefag bumping every 25 minutes.

Of course someone else doing it makes you doing it okay, hah. Of course.

Oh this thread again

Most tightly-designed open world game I've ever played.
Also runs the best too.

>literally the only loading screen is fast travel
>every interior is seamless with the overworld
>intense fights with shit flying off the machines and particle effects up your ass and never a dropped frame
Why the fuck can't anyone else do this?

I also really, really like the stealth focus. They managed to keep the machines consistently menacing and challenging to fight throughout the whole game, even when you've maxed out your abilities.
It meant that I had to actually adapt to their behaviors and weaknesses and plan my approach instead of just "well I'm more powerful so I'll just tank it"

>To me it was a 10/10 game that had a bit of flaws so it's really like 5.5/10
How the fuck does a 10/10 get knocked 4.5 points for "a bit of flaws?"
Holy shit

It's a solid 8/10. The main draw is the combat which is incredibly fluid and opens up a lot of options for player creativity. Other pro's are the way you can set the difficulty and HUD to your liking.
The end game of it all creeps up on you rather fast and the economy is fucked since everything is ridiculously cheap. The fact that you max out everything in terms of skills and not having to make real choices was a downside for me too.

Still, great combat, interesting world to explore and a somewhat decent story that keeps you engaged. Not much replay value sadly but for a first attempt in the genre, Guerilla did pretty well for themselves.
As usual, the SJW shit is completely overblown. The matriarchy tribe are considered to be backwards, needlessly cruel and retarted by other tribes in the world.

>completely overblown
>almost everyone is a disgusting shitskin
So this is the power of horizon shills...

>didn't play the game
So this is the power of shitposters.

>marketing your game four months after it released
Typically not how things work

show me more than 5 aryan characters and I'll buy it



Can't do it? Sorry shill, looks like I won't buy it

As if we want your racist ass to buy, play or even like our game.

Just stop.

This is autism

You would be welcome to shill your diversity-pushing game there.

>literally admits to shitposting about a game he didn't even play
Nigga you dumb. It's saddening how you latch onto something that isn't even real AND keep pushing out the same bullshit just because of your irrational hatred.


You legitimately have autism user, at least look at the game on youtube god damn nigga I don't even own the game or a ps4 for that matter.

Then show me those characters, provided they are portrayed as righteous. I would actually buy it. I would normally request only two aryan characters but since you play as a female redhead I would have to increase it :(

Feminism the game

Other than that its pretty good.

>jump through hoops for me
Do you really think anyone cares if you'll buy the game or not?

You sure do, shill. If not you won't be so eager to defend your game against the big bad racist man.

user even though this is shitposting I must say you're acting like a triggered tumblrina who needs to be represented or some shit. Look up HZD npcs if you want to jack off your ancestors bloodline.

>diversity is strength! White people will be a minority in the future!

Just... Stop. You're a disgrace for your race.

Woah.. you like totally saw through me... kys

This Sup Forumsack LARPing session has gone on for too long.

>It brought nothing to the table that multiple other games haven't already.
This desu.

>world is so small there's no reason to ride a horse unless you have it fight for you
>go too far off and be greeted with "you're leaving the play area. Turn back or your save will be reloaded"
>all the robots can be taken down by shooting and then rolling when they attack
>doesn't matter which place you hit, eventually it'll die if you hit it enough times
>after the first cauldron all other lack completely what made the first good

>everything I don't like is Sup Forums!
Sup Forums is full of jap worshipping race traitors too

>All this samefag shilling
Fucking hell, not even trying to be subtle anymore

I wasn't even defending it. I just responded to OP with my opinion.
And, in my opinion, the SJW shit is completely overblown by tards like you who start foaming at the mouth once they see a female protagonist or someone with another shade of skin.

A game doesn't have to do something new for it to be good.

It's not just marketers, janitors/mods are on board, I recieved a COPYRIGHT ABUSE ban once during a Horizon thread. Here, not jewtube or NeoGAF, but Sup Forums.

>>have to try and come up with a reason why there's fucking robot dinosaurs
>>do a pretty good job of it
Fill me in on the details here.
I know the machines are supposed to terraform and clean pollution and shit but why did they have to look like dinosaurs and other animals? What's stopping them from just being regular machines?

yeah, having a female protagonist is SJW, especially one specially made to be uglier than concept art so ugly dykes don't feel triggered by her

posts: 74
IPS: 35

really makes you think

Stormfag then

It's the reviewers and champions of the game off Sup Forums lauding it as the "Feminist Action Game!", blame them.

So the pol tard posted 40 times... Seems possible.

Basically a bunch of shills responding to a Sup Forums faggot.


Defend this shills

Can't wait to battle a horus

>the game is not SJW!!!

Sure sweetie

I don't see a problem here user, what's the matter?

Only a few of them serve a purpose for the environment.

Most of them are created to be death machines. The main antagonist is a rogue AI the purpose of which is to trigger the killswitch, overriding the machine production and infecting the already-produced machines like a virus.

>this is the state of nu/v/

Can't believe the ghouliegrabbers were right

>19 year old
What she looks 30, like a washed up mum or something

>Aloy is the first legitimate feminist hero in mainstream video game
And this is it, this is why we don't want F:AG threads here. I'm sorry marketer kun but he's right, you can't defend this.

THIS is what all sjw-boogeymen fuss is about? Holy sheit, u niggaz r total fucking pussies lol..

Why didn't the killer AI create something more efficient like a gunship or a tank?


The flying machines are more efficient then that. But gunships and jets couldn't self sustain themselves like a bird machine could.

I'm just guessing though.

I don't want to defend that. I disagree with it.

As much as I like the game, Aloy is not what I would call a multi-dimensional character.
Often she comes off kind of snarky or aggressive without provocation.
Sometimes she's just a straight-up bitch and it's weird.

>GAIA, an ode to the life-giving force of motherhood
I'm like 99% sure it's just that all the Zero Dawn AI are named after Greek gods.

Because dinosaurs with lasers are cooler
Probably some machine learning shit, really.

HADES does resurrect some ancient machines that basically are walking blocks of guns though.

Dats rite


>she's not multi-dimensional
Bitchy and Sarcastic is already 2 dimensions, it counts

Besides Gaia is not a god.

We already had the exact same thread some days ago. Who is behind this ?