Holy fuck, you're telling me i can go anywhere and explore what i want

holy fuck, you're telling me i can go anywhere and explore what i want


Why is xbone and pc boi there?

You tell me

Yeah, and you can find korok seeds, 900 of them so get going.

The only "group" on Sup Forums that is universally hated is sonybros. You can't deny this. If they had a containment board, it would be for the better.

Ive played the game got 112 shrines and 900 korok seed and 1 beast.

Can't be bothered with this game anymore. So tedious

Honestly this game needs a grappling hook, Just Cause style

You said that last thread you made.

i agree
then we could talk about sony games without massive shitposting

tfw i traded it in to gamestop for $56

Not even mad. Usually do ebay for selling games but i got more from gamestop.

Game was so shit i traded it in the morning after i beat it.

now i have no switch games though

what's an xbone?

What if you were to give this game to say, twenty intelligent people i mean, what would that do? Let's face it what would it do?

It was the prequel to the XBOX (X Box One X)

Even though I like all consoles, sonybros are the worst, nonstop shitposting
>sony always wins baby

If by "go anywhere and explore what I want" you mean wander a too-large map aimlessly with no real surprises or rewards or content, hell yeah

Beat it with no guides whatsoever like I've done?

Really, that's incredible.

I know, considering most people here have probably looked up a thing or two at the very least.

Probably just as well seeing as you never had a switch

probably because Sup Forums is universally nintendofags

the amount of whining and boogeymanning from those faggots is 10x worse than anything I've seen from sonyfags

they act like fucking whiny little victims all the time and assume anyone who disagrees with them is a sonyfag

which is probably why they think sonyfags are so bad, because they think everyone they don't like is in fact a sonyfag

I'm neutral but that's always PC players. Always.

The amount of shitposting and butthurt about the games Sony has is ridiculous. I don't think anybody wished Zelda unwell, I believe I can speak for most gamers on this website when I say people wanted it to be a success.

Just got this on pirate bay and playing on my pc as we speak . Why the hell would i ever buy a switch?

Nintendo fans are far more obnoxious at this point. But that's okay. PC bros are the worst out of all of you because they fancy themselves Gods among peasants.

Idort here, I wanted it to be a success, instead it's ass but people are eating it up anyway, pretty annoying frankly

>I don't think anybody wished Zelda unwell
You're fucking kidding, right?

Wow, you are super intelligent for beating a video game! You must have an iq of 120!

How did this meme start?

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
>Reddit spacing


>as opposed to the vastly more frequent horizon shitposting
uh huh, poor little victim :(

>using Korok seeds as some sort of argument against the game
Is this part of the "I didn't play BotW and watched some streams now I'm an expert on the game and it SUCKS" starter pack?

>reddit spacing
>being a newfag

>must be sony
proving my point

Reminder that you can play on pc, Isos been available for months. Switchfags on suicide watch.

>thinks people wanted Zelda to flop simply by posting threads talking about Horizon
Just your typical delusional nintenfriend

Botw is the first open world game where I don't feel a need color in the world with completion. I just explore the world for the sake of it.


Pretty sure that's mainly false flagging and shitposting broheim. Lots of those posts seem to be made in jest, with an overuse of caps lock and images that would only trigger fucking 5 year olds.

Besides I thought it was age old news this website is like 70-80% PC master race. Lots of those people probably liked Nintendo when they were younger so that explains the people still sucking that cock all the time.

I don't like it anywhere near as much as most people do either, but I had an amazing first 15-20 hours, and a pretty fun 20 more before my enjoyment dropped off a cliff. I think it's a great formula they could easily improve on, so I await their next effort with glee.

So does botw get any better seems pretty bleh so far

>they're out to get us

No but 'you didn't play the game' is part of 'i have no counter argument but regurgitated memes' starter pack.
Maybe if you weren't blind you'd notice that filing the map with 9 fucking hundred pieces of collectible shit isn't exactly something most people would consider 'content' but hey it's BOTW and therefore pinnacle of open world design that can do no wrong.

Discussing any game other than BotW is sacrilege to Nintenbros

Jesus christ.
I hope this is fake. Priorities bro. Did you do the memories? Go do the main dungeon in the desert

why is it the only people trotting out that retarded non-argument are nintendo cocksuckers?

Yep did all the memories while I was getting seeds and shrines

The world is content, idiot, the korok seeds are just nice diversions that give you something to see and solve quickly in between climbing cliffs and killing enemies. It breaks up the flow in a good way and gives you extra inventory space to boot.

As someone who collected all 900 they are indeed garbage collectibles and are poorly implemented

How does someone do 900 korok seeds but not all shrines and dungeons? Anything more than 441 seeds is 100% useless, yet all shrines and and dungeons are very useful.

Because many shrines are locked behind dungeons

the difficulty curve is inverted
being able to do anything in any order is a blessing and a curse because you never get any new gameplay mechanics
i legitimately enjoyed horizon more

Is Sup Forums desperate to have the zelda cycle live on?

Then do the dungeons? The actual "content" of the game.

Things to do and find in BotW
>900 doodads that slowly increase your inventory size of all things
>A bunch of weapons/shields/bows that don't inherently change gameplay
>120 'puzzles' that don't actually challenge you and offer a quarter of a stat boost each as a reward
>A fuckload of ingredients/materials that are 99% redundant
>Some armor sets that offer minimal stat boosts and light passive effects
>4 main dungeons that offer underwhelming rewards with cooldowns that are only slightly less than an eternity
>Some boring NPCs with provide generic fetch quests
>Some cutscenes that aren't worth the time or effort to watch

It's basically 100+ hours of nothing. You'll see most mechanics within an hour, and pretty much everything else within the first 6 hours. Past that it's just going through the motions, 'exploring' while finding nothing of value.

In a nutshell:
>Ooh boy, what's over that hill! Another enemy camp with some throwaway weapons, neat
ad nauseum.

Tack on the fact that the inventory/ui/menus are atrocious, the graphics suck, the story and VA are some of the worst, combat is bland, etc etc. Just shit. 6/10 at most.

+ Zelda bonus
Final verdict: 10/10

BotW is proof that too much freedom can be a bad thing. Games are built around rules, obstacles, things that restrict the player, challenges that must be overcome. When everything except the final boss is optional, when there's no progression, the pacing goes straight out the window.

>Proving his point immediately
sasuga nintendo fanboy dipshit

You're not really supposed to collect all 900, I haven't even gotten enough to max out my holding space.

jokes on you buddy i got one at launch and scalped the other one :^)

>the world is content
the grassy hills are incredible. I walked over one, and you know what I saw? Another grassy hill, but this one had a rock and a tree on it. This world is utterly jam-packed with stuff to see and do, like kill one of 5 enemies and pick up one of 3 weapon types.

Don't forget slowly climbing cliffs, that's my favorite part

I look back at a game like Link to the Past and I see how cohesive the structure of the world is to the pacing of the gameplay and then I look at BotW and I just see aimlessness. I see a game trying to appeal to the Minecraft and Skyrim crowd who just want to fart around in a world and do nothing beyond that. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of every adventure game having to be that. I know I crave freedom in my games, but I also crave structure. I like to have both, because I find it to be a far more fulfilling experience. BotW just doesn't hit that sweet spot for me.

Yes but I don't want to shock you user. It's been done already.

you're 100% correct, but BotW fanboys will never admit that it isn't completely perfect.

It's like if in lotr they could just walk straight to mount doom and not even pass by moria or rivendale or anything, there would be no adventure. Same in botw, there's no real obstacle except what you make for yourself, so there's nothing of substance. Adventure games need structure.

Because they all need to hang on the other's strong point because, unlike the PS4, they are all mediocre by themselves.