/aos/ - Ace of Spades



INSTALLER: mediafire.com/download/p2gy8aev8ua850u/aos054install.msi

Put the link (ex. aos://1234567890) into a browser and press enter
Another way is by using the windows key + r and than copy and paste and press enter

If any of those don't work, check these
1. Do you have Ace of Spades installed?
If not, use the mediafire link above

2. If you have aos installed, do you have the Build n Shoot client?
If you have the bns client, you need to delete bns and aos, then reinstall aos

3. If you checked all these off and connection is still not working, do you have version .54?
If not, you need to delete that aos than install the aos from above

Any other issues may be client or hosting




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I just want to let you know that I would OP but I'm asleep right now



Fuck off back to your containment board.

no u


>people actually play with minecraft clone

Every game with voxels is minecraft

OPs putting on a good map everyone get in here



randomgen or classic

Why can't we have a fun map for once?

randomgen is most fun

Why? Genuinely curious, is it preference? Nostalgia?

Later versions are shit

Also get the fuck in here we got a legit full game on our hands.


Nostalgia and tbqh it's the best version out there.

I would have gone with version 0.58 but I can't find a download anywhere

Anything after 0.58 is shit
Jagex bought Ace of Spades and created a pile of shit because of it

>Full or misconfigured

Server isn't full. Must be a problem on your end buddy.

>he doesn't like 0.75
Lmaoing at your life

Greenscum pls die






>green autism fortress

Discord server
Just join general chat





>you actually signed this piece of crap artwork

only retards play AoS

I'm pretty sure .75 was the last version before JAGEX bought it out, and it's pretty similar to .54.

It's cute pls no bully

concepts showing mortars and a placeable turret

some things a "spirtual successor" needs
>different kinds of blocks with different health's (so stone block or a concrete block or something).

>mounted/Light-machineguns.(must be placed before being able to fire)

>possibly light mortars (RS1 style)

fan made concepts showing a hypothetical update to the game

fuck you rockmaster why cant you keep it to that hallway map for a long time, shit is amazing

>roof is forced trenches with people peeking up and getting sniped
>hallway is a clusterfuck deathtrap with walls and tunnels but fast to get to the other side

I hate this shit so much. They don't realise that if they spent more time pushing up the hill and securing it instead of building pretty little minecraft houses they probably wouldn't get their shit kicked in all the time.

>multiple teams

shit would be cancerous as fuck two is enough for any game

we don't need secondary or shotgun, I want a deployable LMG though that's an SMG but only usable deployed also fairly accurate and low recoil high damage to actually make it scary like an MG in WW1, give players more nades as well or throwing distance on em, mortars are good too for MG counter

Bro, everyone voted for a different map

>blutards mad they keep getting sniped in their nocover lands

there was a video of an abandoned project that added something like this to a reverse-engineered AoS clone.


>green switching sides to undermine towers
>when blue does it its "not okay"
truly, green is the worst color

0.54 is shit as well. You'd know that if you had played the earlier versions like 0.25. Unfortunately those don't work any more because of the server browser.

Snek, youre fucking mad now arent you cunt?

>they have to change their name to yours to get you kicked
All smiles.

>tell me I cant do something
>I do it

we already knew we kicked the impostor, we just kicked you because you're underage and insufferable

>gets mad when someone does something
>do the exact thing afterwards
You literally had two of your own griefing right after I stopped.

boohoooooo consequences

You kicked me because you was made as fuck after I destroyed your tower even when not on your team. Twice.

Oh no, you kicked me from a glorified flash game, what ever shall I do?

Stay mad, bleucuck.

all I hear is bawwwwwwww

>calls me underage
>lel baww baww XD
Good riddance.

don't come back

>switching teams to sabotage
Seriously, don't do this

Need more greens

Preferably ones who don't act like little faggots.


Cure autism, kill a green.

more accurate is blue just tunneling under the castle walls into the back of the base

How many people on the server?

10 on blue, 7 on green


user told me to post

it is done

losing war? just kick the other team

>can barley win a war with less people on the enemy team
>kick them

so this....is the power......of bluefags......whoa......

>greenfags don't even have the numbers to resist being kicked
so this........is the power............of autism forts.............

for those who got kicked, you can just rejoin btw.

>check for butthurt
>was not disappointed
you haven't gotten a cap in hours and you lost that match too, we put you out of your misery
sorry for party rockin

Tried to esc before the eviction. Still got kicked. You blue degenerates shall pay for your sins.

>mfw greens getting forcibly removed
gg no re, I think I pulled a muscle laughing

just dropping into this thread to say GREENS FOR LIFE

>playing ace of spades and NOT building autism forts
why is blue so gay?

2(Green) 1(Bloober)

>green gets two games early
>all the good players leave
>the shitters that remain get their shit pushed in while screaming m-m-muh 2-1
feels good to not be a greenbabby

3-0 actually
too bad your limey host wasn't here to mapchange in time again huh?

The war was almost over men, almost.

Autism forts simply don't work and only stagnate the game.
You should be making practical trenches and pillboxes on the hill instead of fucking around in your spectrum chambers.

Nice try but it was 4 v 12 my dear Bloober.
Match score not intel.

>not digging into and clearing out huge autismforts from the inside
Come now user, that shit is fun

green has every excuse in the world
what they don't have is intel!

well played, blue.

>w-w-we defended f-f-f-four vs t-t-twelve!!!
it isn't hard to stall a game out when you respawn directly next to the fighting, and never push out even once
any braindead asshole knows that much.
also you had 5, and we had two people jerking off in base

No we had 4, also who are you quoting? And we pushed out several times.

>walking out of the fort and dying before you reach the top of the hill is "pushing out"
greens everyone

No, sneaking into the enemy base, and digging tunnels is "pushing out". You should be familiar with this, Bloober.

>tunnel into enemy base for 1 hour
>poke your head out and die instantly
>this counts as a push
greens everyone

Not what happened at all, but okay.

>greens on full damage control

>bloobers trying to smear superior masterrace greens

>superior greens
>abandoned by their own teammates and lost the game

dont forget the bit where the only part of the match they pushed out was when it was 8v15 and snek was sabotaging the blue spider fort

silly bloober, we got tired and let you win. this wont be the case next time.
don't forget when we got sabotaged by 2 players, while being invaded.


Please guys, be nicer to each other!

this is a green disinfo post disregard