Start brand new

>Start brand new
>Spend hours gathering resources
>Spend a good few more building a presentable home
>Go to sleep IRL, feeling accomplished
>Wake up and your shit is gone.mp3
>Start again, this time go harder
>Make powerful friends
>Talk to them for days in-game and out of game
>Build a fortress
>Get literally backstabbed by your friends
>Your shit is gone again

This game brings out the absolute fucking worst in people. I'm not even sure if Rust is a despised game on Sup Forums or not or what your take is, but a video-game where this happens is an absolute fucking nightmare.

You literally can't sleep soundly in real life without fear or anxiety about how safe you are in-game, and you end up playing 24/7 because you want to stay online and protect your investment. You end up stuck playing this piece of shit longer than you even want to.

The fuck did facepunch studios mean by this?

i have an online buddy who plays this game all the time, and everything he says about it makes it sound like complete shit

maybe he's playing it as some kind of penance

>he's a dumb LOOT faggot
I bet you get a fucking hardon when you save a rocket in a raid. Rust isn't about LOOT it's about meeting a nigga who sings beautiful songs like a bard as a base comes crumbling down around him, it's about walking up to Dome and having the entire population of New Jersey open up on you with AKs then somehow running away, it's about stealing a man's base, befriending that same man and getting the biggest zergfest shit clan on the server to come raid your shitty 3x3 while you and him play guitars while your base burns

The issue is usually the people talking are cancer, many people that play aren't cancer.

Thing is I find the game amazing, but if you're a special snowflake who needs something to show for time spent in a game then this isn't for you.

Yeah, you don't play for the loot, you play for the fun of earning the right to build something, defend it, then take something else from someone that couldn't defend.

Then you learn from your mistakes and do better.

The game is fucking amazing despite the people usually talking in chat.

What is Rust ?

Amazing building, graphics, audio design/fildelity leading to superb immersion, teamwork, what you do matters.

Chat usually isn't toxic if you aren't talking shit and don't cry like a baby.

I have 700 hours in Rust and I've never had anyone be toxic @ me because I didn't whine like a bitch.

I don't raid or loot, I only attack when provoked. Any resources and weaponry is from my own hard work and toil.

Look, I don't want to sound like a crybaby for having my toys stolen, but it's hard to find reason to keep playing when you've spent an entire day or two building up from nothing only to have a couple of cunts effortlessly steal/craft C4 and wait until you're offline to ruin everything you have.

Technology can't change human nature... you are one of them, adapt or gtfo.

gunplay in this game has been subpar for ages, now its completely ruined.

they truly fucked this game up in that regard with the remake.

You're supposed to be fine with that concept before playing though, it's not like SURPRISE the rules changed.

You should be more clever with hiding stuff too, offlining happens because well its easier, and people just despawn their loot and used to spam high externals when being raided, times have changed though.

The real vets use a combination of tactics to hide loot instead of just keeping it all in a main base.

If you want a PVE game then there are options, but imo nothing comes close to Rust. It really is amazing to me in every aspect.

Isn't this the same game that had that huge protest about how you can't choose your own character?

Just retards that complain about stuff, they're usually bigots too.

They should do something like that new Conan game where they made some shit where a just single player can summon some powerful shit and destroy bases in seconds to get revenge on others and such


doesnt matter too much- however half the randomly generated characters look shit.

i.e. tiny head large body, massive legs small torso..

so it's EVE with literal dicks?

>play rust
>find a cool little cave thing in the map geometry that you can build in
>only way you can get out once your in is by opening the door, jumping on top of the door using a nearby rock, then jumping out of the cave
>literally impossible to see my base
>some dude with a blatant player scan hack waltzes into my base with the best gear and kills me
>gets stuck
>literally cant get out unless I open the door for him
>open the door and blast him in the back with the shotgun a few times
>accidentally hit him while he is trying to jump out
>shotgun blast shoots him out of my base and he gets away
>uninstall rust

never played the game again

> look like shit

Fucking Sup Forums always finds the most autistic shit to complain about

They went from looking like cartoon characters with down syndrome to something much less bad, as if it matters.

lol EVE, no one actually enjoys playing that game, Rust is amazing, and there's dicks everywhere.

>Heh, heh heh. Thanks.

I don't really play Rust but hiding seems super obvious. If you have a house it means you have things worth stealing. Most people have more important things to do that scour every inch of the landscape for treasure, but as a newbie with no idea of where to go or what to do I'd find chests hidden in dense bushes or coves on the shore absolutely full of treasure.

I would have been really annoyed if I had to start as someone ugly but I got to play as a cute black girl with huge breasts.

I would if I wasn't already dead

>doesnt matter too much
Being forced to play as a nigger matters a lot.

Get good loser scrub, I heard other games will wipe your ass for you.

It matters because it's literally dev just fucking trolling his customers. No fucking deep social meaning, just plain trolling.

Point proven

> cute black girl with huge breasts.

Didn't take long for one of these trashcan people to appear

> being this retarded

Play on a server with extremely active admins and live in 2*2 with some fortification with all your loot in stashes all you need in your base is a safe place to craft , a bed, and a furnace.

didnt bother cause offline raiding is a thing where bunch of faggots wake up at 3AM just to raid empty base

>being this retarded
Yeah, you're right. I mean, Gary Newman would never troll people.

that's why these games don't work. You can spend days trying to build relationships and craft all the stuff you need to survive or you can have your 3 bffs log on after school and destroy their shit in 20 minutes.

Ogame was the same way. My brother used to make friends with with the best players in the game who would then immediately destroy him the second he moved up to any point that was reasonable in the rankings.

>Join server
>Chat is all people asking to be "slaves" and work for your base
>Gather up some metal and start building iron fences
>Eventually have jail cells side by side
>Put in sleeping bags
>My "slaves" port in
>Now have full prison full of retards too dumb to know how to kill themselves raging in chat


These types of games will always be like this because its a scenario that brings out the worst in people but without any of the actual stakes that might give someone pause

I only play rust to paint.
pic related
It's me painting inside my base

dont forget to spin your fidget spinner at

Rust is NEET: the game. It's pic related personified.

I still think Rust would be better if there was a custom server that only seeded in firearms after a certain time. My favorite time in Rust is always the first hour.

there is servers like that

>make a game for RPing
>nobody RPing

Literally every survival game ever. Dead genre, shit player base.

It's full of 12 year olds and young teens. Of course the community is complete shit. Every group I've met that had MIC always had a bunch of kids in it. Do parents even give a shit that they're letting kids play a violent game with shit tons of nudity and a fucked up playerbase?

i bet you know all about games that do stuff to your ass