What are your favorite freeware indie games? Like OFF, 14/??, Yume Nikki, etc
What are your favorite freeware indie games? Like OFF, 14/??, Yume Nikki, etc
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Looks fun!
Ib is the ultimate answer
It was the shit back on Sup Forums in like 2010
Oh yeah. That's a classic. Anyone know why 14/? and 14/?? are giving me this error? Do I need to run in a Japanese compatibility mode? I have all the RPG Maker runtime packages.
Everyone should play Standstill Girl, like, right now. Non-ironically one of the best RPGs I've played in a long time and definetly among the best indie games.
Surprised no one's mentioned Cave Story yet.
Oh, I've heard that one is good
What's it about?
It's an lsd and cocaïne adventure.
Yeah it's pretty cool. Gameplay is fun, the characters and the world are interesting, but getting the true ending is kinda bullshit.
Always a good combo; sounds like a fun time!
Life With A Slave -Teaching Feeling-
Space Funeral is a good one.
The main girl (Alice) works with her fuccboi as a Time Warden or some shit, and someone fucked up the Time Shards or whatever and now you have to fix it.
You enter the real world and kill off monsters there and fight the boss of the area to recover a time thingy and little by little, find out more about your main character and why she became a Time Cop.
Really fun combat system with some room for customization and pretty challenging boss battles.
ayy, Middens is some wacky shit, I love it.
Still didn't finish Gingiva though, need to get back to it some day. There's also Me who has some surreal environments similar to Middens
This game looks awesome! Any more like it?
>There's also Me
Is the game called 'Me'? Link to it?
It's a YN fangame, you can download it for free on their website
I really enjoyed Soldat back in the day, I also remember playing this online hover tank game called Wulfram II.
I played when this got released. Fuck the scary jumps, but it was a good experience.
The author also made C/S/R, an OFF fangame.
A blast from the past, thanks for reminding me.
I love Middens too.
I hope he soon release Where they Cremate the Roadkill.
The game was pretty funny, but what's the backstory behind it?
Was it that standard assets were frowned upon and even the roughest MS Paint assets were seen as better?
It seems that there's no news on it since two years ago?
Since a year.
Ah OK. The kickstarter was a while ago
Iji is great. I liked some other Remar's games too, especially Hero Core.
Iji is by far my favourite indie game. Recently got an update that added two more endings as well. Dialogue through the game changes depending on how many enemies you killed, and its done pretty well. Shitloads of hidden stuff too, given up on trying to find it all.
>got an update that added two more endings as well
Gotta reinstall fucking instantly.
Yeah it was earlier this year. One ending for pacifist (requires making a specific decision at one point) and I think the other is for genocidal run though I haven't gotten that new one.
The guy makes lots of games. Try Gingiva made by the same person. Or Space Funeral which is another posterboy of the "freeware psychedelica RPG" subgenre, and many more by THAT guy.
Or if you dont mind paying money (oh my gosh) theres Hylics on sale for a pittance on steam right now.
>freeware psychedelica RPG
What are your recommendations in this genre?
Like i said, Gingiva, Space Funeral, Middens, Hylics.
The guy who made Gingiva and Middens has a new game coming out soon called "Where They Cremate the Roadkill", too.
Theres of course OFF from OPs post.
Explore and see where that shit takes you.
>Explore and see where that shit takes you.
That's half the fun haha
Nothing beats HYDORAH. youtube.com
But GUNGODZ comes close. youtube.com
Witch's House made me dead inside
Touhou Mother, Space Funeral
>Touhou Mother
Do I need to play Mother first?
It's about Pokey crashing into Gensokyo and creating chaos amongst the 2hus. He has amnesia at first so no, not much Mother knowledge necessary. It's way more focused on Touhou secondary humor (which makes some 2hu fans butthurt)
but it has so much effort put into spritework and presentation, and there's a wealth of secrets, references, etc. I thoroughly enjoyed simply exploring it
More like whoever looks at stock RPG Maker assets often feels if they tried making their own sprites they wouldn't look as good
LISA The Painful. Amazing that a game so patently ridiculous manages to be incredibly depressing at the same time
Thats not freeware. The original LISA was though wasnt it? Its more like a Yume Nikki than a "normal" RPG like Painful.