*surrounds you*

*surrounds you*

You know, ever since God Hand I've been asking myself why devs keep programming enemies to do this? The camera doesn't let you keep track of multiple enemies attacking from several directions at once. In BOTW, if three or more enemies have spears it's instant game over.

This never happens in Dark Souls, enemies go straight for you instead of fanning out. Even a franchise as poorly balanced as Monster Hunter knows to only put two monsters in the same arena fight at once.

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you really complaining about the difficulty in a Zelda game, you child?

>Not just pulling out a bomb and performing a solid kamikaze
Your lack of intuitive thinking is what's getting you killed, OP-san.

dude just run and reposition
it's zeeeeeeeeeeelda, zelda is ez

OP is actually right. You would think flanking would be a HUGE thing in gaming. Yet Zelda is the only series to implement it. Yes, they've been doing it since OoT. But BotW is the first one where they attack you at once.

Halo non-ironically did it first.

git gud and manage your enemies op
>not abusing bombs
>god hand
>not using enemies as projectiles

>only series to do it
How have you not heard of FEAR at least?



Perfect way to neutralize chest high walls

botw is hard

i found a lynel in the western necluda
i have a 14dmg boomerang thing, 2 lightning rods, a soldier's bow, and 5 bomb arrows
how do i beat it

It would be so much better if there was an easier way to change your lock-on target during combat

come back with better weapons and armors

OP, camera movement is a thing. You might want to use it.

it took me fucking forever to climb up there though
i fucking hate rain

sucks to be you, game is equipment based instead of skill based

i'm just going to wait until the rain stops AGAIN and try to avoid the lynel to get to the shrine i'm near

Attacks against them while mounted on their back don't take weapon durability.

Good luck.

Not first, but yeah, the AI in the first Halo game and reach, and the other ones to a lesster extent, are pretty good.

I suck SO HARD at the combat in botw. Without a shield I fall apart in like 3 seconds.

How? the game isn't even remotely difficult.

It's almost like a solid melee tactic is to surround your enemy so they can't defend themselves from just one direction!

Who would of thought huh?

Literally just backpedal until you can close in on one.

been thinking about getting BOTW for the wii U because I don't want to get a switch just yet. Are there any noticeable differences between the two content-wise?

That's what holding Y for swords, clubs and axes are for


Yes the Switch version runs at a worse framerate.

Please don't drag Dark Souls into this.

You just suck.

do a backflip dickhead, its e-z

The ghost guys and nosferatu zodds are pretty hard
also a lot of attacks ohko you, even if they are easy to avoid you could slip up

Use a spear, the extra range does wonders.

Remember that bokos can attack you while you're combing them, if you out range them, this becomes way less of a problem.
Lizals are honestly really easy, they have huge windup on their attacks, just stay calm and only react to ones running up towards you.
Moblins depend on their weapon type, get in close if they have a not-spear. If they have a spear, then good fucking luck. I mean, then circle strafe if the engagement allows it.

Elemental attacks are very useful for temporarily removing enemies from combat or disarming them.

Makes for a more realistic fight. Honestly, it just looks stupid when enemies take turns fighting you one at a time, like in Star Fox Adventures. It's kind of weird seeing one just stand there hopping around while you bitch the ever loving shit out of his buddy.

You honestly just sound like you suck hard at the game. Sometimes i actually just love rushing into enemies that are in larger groups of 5 just to see if i can handle it.

Stop suckkin kido.

The enemies being able to gang up on you is the whole point in BotW. It's a deliberate tactic they do and you want to avoid getting overwhelmed.

throw bombs at it for an hour or until you die

The robes? They're never in groups of more than one. I have no idea what other enemy you're talking about.

now that is just a fucking lie

I haven't played God Hand yet but didn't it have a radar so you could easily see the placement of enemies around you?

Not him but I remember a tower with water at its base and at least 3 lightning wizzrobes dancing around.

It's been mentioned in every single review of the two

The fire wizzrobes and blizzrobes can get one shot if Link hits them with their opposite element. Stop being retarded.

OP has a point, too many games have enemies act too stupid and be too easy to kill. We need more enemies that surround you and actually fight smart instead of charging in like a blind idiot. Maybe then we can have more actual difficulty, and less fake artificial difficulty.

What's worse on the Switch is load times, not frame rate even though that doesn't make much sense because of cartridge vs disc. he explanation has something to do with optimizing for the pipeline if I remember right.

The wizzrobes? Stasis, then shoot with a bomb or shock arrow. If you dont have upgraded stasis then just shoot at the spot where they are about to materialize. Done.

Nosferatu zods? No idea what they are... Yiga maybe? Exact same tactic as wizzrobes. Easiest enemies in the game. And late game they drop nice albeit fragile weapons.

No, it's frame rates when there's too much on screen. Just type those words into Google.

It occasionally true at release, but was patched within a couple of weeks in a general performance update.

I was only commenting on that bit about the frequency of these enemies you volatile little shit.

Dark souls easy version.

And dark souls is not hard

No? I've played both and its the wii u version that chugs in certain areas relative to the switch version which handles said areas better.

Alright, I haven't kept up on the news, but that's what the other poster was referring to.
Glad they fixed it

They're spaced way apart. The fuck were you doing that you had to fight more than one of them at a time, dancing around the tower singing "west side story"? Just pick one, kill it, and climb the damned tower, then glide away into the dying rays of the setting sun while singing your west side story faggot shit.

>There are people on Sup Forums right now who haven't fought Calamity Ganon without completing any Divine Beasts

It feels fucking great to fight all four Blights in a row and then Calamity Ganon. It's not hard at all outside of a speedrun or low%, but it feels more satisfying to fight everything alone. No bullshit overpowered abilities, no weakening the boss; just Link alone against the Blights and Ganon. If you weren't wielding the Master Sword and Hyrule Shield against Ganon, then you did it wrong.

What the fuck is even wrong with you? I didn't even fight any of them, I glided to the top of the tower from somewhere else.

I just corrected a bit about a post and you just started going hog wild with the assumptions and determinded to make a rabid ass out of yourself. You must be one miserable fuck.

thanks for telling us all how we're supposed to play a single player game

>Play botw at release
>Pop-ins, frame drops, shit-tier english voices

>Play botw 30 days later
>Top tier FOV, stable frames and fine-ass nip voices

Now I know why the Switch launched in limited supplies... So Nintendo could fix BOTW before anyone played it.

I did a run where I went straight to the castle after the plateau and fought ganon just with what I found inside. It was really satisfying and I highly recommend it as a postgame challenge for people that have otherwise become really familiar with the game.

The issue is that enemies are too strong. Not only do they OHKO you but they take like 20 hits with the master sword to down.

Cool story bro. I see you've never played the game. There is nowhere around there remotely high enough to glide to the top of the tower. You can't even glide to the base of the tower. Best you can do is glide to one of the pads in the lake and fight your way in from there.

but dark souls faggots complain about too many enemies all the time

Nigga did you just compare dark souls combat to BotW.
OoT is where dark souls stole the enemy attack pattern from. Its based on miyamoto watching samurai movies. BotW they ditched it.

>Zelda is literally too hard for "soulsian" nu-gamers

Truth is memier than fiction.

Unless you're playing in hard mode or are already wounded it is impossible for enemies to ohko you - you will always be left with a quarter of a heart.
Even if you are fresh off the plateau with only 3 hearts a direct hit from a guardian will still leave you with a quarter of a heart.

that's why the game also allows you to use bombs, the environment, elemental arrows and urbosa's power to deal with them

These lies are starting to get pretty ridiculous.

>not at full health

The video is unrelated.


Are you retarded? He wasn't ohko'd - he was already wounded before that killing blow. By your mongoloid logic any kill is a ohko because the last hit was the one hit that killed you.

Not him but if you'd already got Ravioli's Gale, you could easily glide over the lake.

>wwwaaaaaaahhhhh the enemies try to kill me!

You are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums

Are you retarded? Why would a video which clearly has nothing to do with the issue be relevant?

I'll give you an 8 for baiting me m8

Gr8 b8 m8.

I disagree that Dark Souls is easy. I think it's a pretty damn hard game (can't comment on DS2 or 3), but I'm also not a particularly skilled or seasoned gamer.

That said, calling BOTW "Dark Souls easy version" is an overstatement. BOTW is fun, but there are so few moments that require focus and more than modest effort. This is due to the fact that the game allows you to buff your player with strong armor and an infinite supply of food. As a result, any difficult enemy (really only lynels) becomes a rote task of button mashing and eating food. The only way to amplify BOTW's difficulty is to self-impose rules (ex: no health containers from spirit orbs). In DS, there is no way (in my opinion) to buff your character out to make it easy. Even tank characters necessitate skill and focus to beat the game.

Still, I found BOTW really fun, especially its exploration.

I went back to check and yeah, there weren't any jumping off points high enough. I definitely did skip over everything though, but I probably used the gale.

>bruh you obviously didn't play the game

you are fucking hopeless

It's a documented thing. Saved my ass a bunch of times when trying to figure out the blights at the sanctum.

Some attacks can seemingly kill you from full health anyways though, but that seems to be because of additional effects after the initial hit (fire, electricity, ragdolling). I may be wrong but I think having fairies in your inventory may also disable the ohko protection.

Dark souls is hard going in blind. As soon as you understand how leveling and weapon upgrading works it's easy outside of a few difficulty spikes

>Buff your player with strong armor and an infinite supply of food
Dark souls let's you do that too. Just grab the great sythe at lvl 1 and 10 estus flasks is more than enough for anything.

Is Cemu gud already?

It's well known that BOTW at release had the least frame rate issues on Switch handheld mode and the most issues on Switch docked mode, while the Wii U version was somewhere inbetween. This was due to some sort of optimization error and has been patched, so now Switch docked mode runs the best.

Missing a quater of a heart
Dies to an attack that would leave a 3 heart newbie with a quater of a heart
Really makes you think...

Or summon players to literally play the game for you.

rain makes it harder for enemies to detect you. sneak up on it and mount it.

This is false and I wish people would stop spreading this stupid info. Go fight a silver lynel crusher with 3 hears no armor and see if you dont get one shotted. Took me forever to beat one with a crusher.

Summoning players in anything but the biggie smalls fight on your first play through makes it laughably easy

The switch frame rate issue has been fixed A LONG TIME AGO. I don't about know the Wii U.

I'm sorry do people here actually play the game????

Reviewers need to rereview the game and give a 100 it deserves esp Jim sterling who were complaining about frame rate which wasn't even bad to begin with.