
Other urls found in this thread:


>bayo 1 and 2 announced for Switch
>new working title Bayo 3 in development for Switch and PC

I'd buy the fuck out of portable bayonetta
Just slightly afraid of performance being an issue

More powerful than the Wii U and on better architecture


stop shilling
Bayo 2 was a mistake and without the cutscenes the game is barely 6/10

he didn't say anything about bayo 2 you salty bastard

Is it bad that I just like Bayonetta for the porn? Played about two hours of the first game but I didn't really enjoy it.

>Guns make the shape of the letter S
Looks like it's just going to be a bundle for the switch and not a third game.

Then why does BoTW look the same as on Switch but runs better?

yeah Sup Forums said it was worth to buy a Wii U for bayo 2 and no one even remembers about that shit game
now get lost

Because BOTW Switch is a shoddy port.

t. mustard who can't git gud

Because like I said, the Switch is more powerful than the Wii U. It runs better on the Switch and is 900p.

>Bayonetta 3 was teased a couple months ago
>now this
So when are they going to announce whatever it is they have cooking? If they're working with Nintendo again, TGS seems unlikely.

that's the truth I had a wii u and I bought Bayo 2 day 1
It's a shit game that Sup Forums memed so hard
>dude it's the best thing in the world
>it's worth the price of Wii u

They are probably still in early stages for Bayo 3 if they're doing it. An announcement is unlikely. Switch ports are completely likely however.

I just wish I had bought the damn Bayonetta dual pack when I had the chance

>Better architecture
Sup Forums would like a word with you

No you didn't.

>implying powerpc is better than ARM

>fail to make an original game
>go back to rehashing Bayo

Kamiya really is a hack.


>Sup Forums
Literally amd plebs

>being this retarded

I would rather have a Wonderful 101 switch port honestly

>day 1
How did Sup Forums meme you into buying Bayo 2 day 1 when Sup Forums couldn't possibly know if the game was good or not? Sounds like you're the one memeing.

Oh I see. So this'll be like the PS3 where every technical fuck up is attributed to developers just "not getting it".

>Sup Forums
>Trusting pajeets and poo in the loos

The funny thing about that is that the only people on Sup Forums who shitpost about their favorite processor making jews are crossboarding normies from this fucking shithole of a board.

see the games of the developers who got it


gotta get bayo 2 on pc first

yes I did. Yes I bought a Wii U zelda deluxe edition and bayo 2 day 1 and Sup Forums was shilling this game here saying they played the jap version, etc,etc

>Switch and PC
If it's coming to Switch it'll never come to PC.

No you didn't.

Probably better this way. A lot of mustards have been shitposting in Bayo threads lately.

>switch and pc only
knowing nintendo, I doubt it

What is this picture

Why didn't you just buy it 5 years ago when it mattered?

Here it is I found in my mailbox
it translates:
>Thank you for your purchase
>229R$~$69 USD

Microsoft trying to sell Xbox in Japan.

If Nintendo pays for development, otherwise they might only aim for console exclusivity

You can't ever count PC out

>A beaner
Opinion discarded

The final boss in Bayo 2 is so fucking shitt.

I wouldn't say shit. Just not as hype as Jubileus.

Platinum doesn't have any money, that's why they work with companies like Nintendo in the first place. They need funding.

eat shit you shill. You and other Sup Forums retards memed bayo 2 and I hope it releases on steam so everyone will know how it is shit other than cutscene

I mean he's not fun to fight.

Platinum is the most overrated shit on Sup Forums, they simply don't make good games

Hack and slashes are the most brainless trash in gaming

He was talking about Bayo 1. Bayo 1 is amazing and it getting a Switch port will be even better. Bayo 2 really casualized the fuck out of the gameplay and was pretty disappointing. Short haired Bayo is cute though.

You're brainless trash.

Vanquish isn't hack and slash. It's also Platinum's best game.


>brainless trash

>not DMC or a new IP
Who fucking cares? I want female protagonists to fuck off and die forever.

Dante is so fruity he may as well be a female protag.


What's the Bayonetta version of "So long gay Bowser!"

Flock off feather face.


Only fags want to play as women

powerPC is miles ahead of ARM, why do you think xenoblade X looks better than xenoblade 2?

switch is a glorified tablet with no apps

Oh fuck off and go play King of Fighters.

*punch* *punch* *bang* Flock off

Even if Bayonetta 3 will be another Nintendo exclusive...

There never and I mean never will be noteworthy exclusives for the Switch because it's DOA like every single handheld made in recent memory.
That means it will come to Wii U too. That means it will come to PC because Cemu is really good.
I see no issue.

Why do all Wii U ports run better on Switch then?
PowerPC held them back meaning games like MK8 could not run at 1080p even if they cut back the visuals to sub Wii levels.


>bayo 1 comes out
>literally near unplayable garbage
>100% rip off of DMC3 which isn't even the DMC kamicuck worked on.
>Ten trillion hours of cutscenes per mission.
>xbox version on 700 discs
>Loading screens longer than the fucking cutscenes
>witch time makes all content trivial
>Only one combo matters
>disgusting ayylmao with retarded body hair desperately trying to be sexy
>Nintendo's Sup Forums hates it, doesn't even want to talk about it, no threads EVER not one.

>Bayo 2 announced

When can we stop pretending to like certain games just because other shitty consoles arn't going to get them?

>it will come to Wii U

PowerPC is antiquated shit that everyone has abandoned for good reason.
It's an outdated architecture and building the Wii U around it was one of the biggest mistakes with that console.

Long Hair>>>>>>>>>>>Short Hair

Don't even try to refute me, bayo looks ugly as fuck with short hair like looks like an actual male

go shill on neogaf that's where you belong

You just went full retard

BotW did too, what's surprising about it?

The feminists won, the only people that like these games are fucking fat larping lesbians who get off on lezdom. Bayonetta is shit and always has been.

Reminder that this thread's full of false flagging mustards.

t. seething sonybro

I bet thats a bayonetta(male)

This. A video for anyone who's interested youtube.com/watch?v=Uwh3Yvabw1c

BoTW is a Wii U game ported to Switch, I bet you are also waiting for Mario Odyssey and Disgaea 5 on Wii U.

>Bayo 1 & 2 on Switch, Bayo 3 soon almost certainly
That was a huge concern for me

Wrong again, I'm PC only you little nigger.

This thread went south very quickly

bayo 1 was decent but bayo 2 is mediocre, cringy the typical game that 15 year old nintendo fans love

His last original game was canceled by MS.

Neogaf hates Nintendo, you retarded wetback.

>A user called Big_Moon_UR posted a picture of the Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons, with the blue above the red to show the connection between the colors there and the Bayonetta image color scheme

What? Bayo 1 was always red and Bayo 2 was always blue. How does this mean anything about the Switch?

Switch has exclusives at all?

>PC only

My God, I'm so sorry. I didn't know we had people this poor on Sup Forums

based nintendo wins again

>Neogaf hates Nintendo
newfag confirmed
neogafers don't even know how to insult

Hang yourself.

Kamiya didn't direct bayo 2


It's a Shinji Mikami game (that only exists because he wanted Japan to have a counter-example to people saying that Japan can't into shooters) and he's not at Platinum so that's hardly indicative of them if you're saying that it's their best game.

post yfw you own a switch

bayonetta 1 was designed to be a drag queen but at least she had long hair

Bayo 2 on the other hand is not only a dyke but a drag queen the nintendo fans love so much

Normally I'd agree but Bayo really does look cuter with short hair, go fuck Poison from Street Fighter you gay faggot.

>The same shades
>The guns making an S shape
>Both poses where the D-pads are with the guns being the sticks
>Favorited a tweet making the connection


Bayo 2 looks cute as long as you only pay attention to her face
