twitch @ gamesdonequick
NOW: Spyro: Year of the Dragon
NEXT: Ape Escape
LATER: Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
I believe you.
twitch @ gamesdonequick
NOW: Spyro: Year of the Dragon
NEXT: Ape Escape
LATER: Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
I believe you.
i want to fatten spyro
Where are the good games?
It's really sad that this Spyro run is one of the better runs so far.
Sup Forums stay out
>t. Andrew Dobson
Second time watching SGDQ, fourth time donator. My Germany passed away from Germany. Money goes to donate the donation, save the frames. Hype!!!!
This is a lets play. Oh well.
Is it true that someone pissed himself while running? what run?
5 decides what I fap to.
I'm into pretty much anything between MILFs and traps.
Me on the right
That's because it's a based Aussie doing it.
why did the platformer genre die? why arent there games like this anymore
you're a lets play
/ss/, best of both worlds
Nishi Iori toddlercon.
ur bf is qt
loli guro
cock vore
The one on the left would be a god-tier trap if it weren't for their weird looking dick.
Oversaturated market.
>"This is the only good boss according to runners, other bosses are harder because of RNG"
>Runner dies
>"Yeah, this boss is one of the hardest in the game."
Not one guy checked out the booty. No wonder white chicks love us black dudes! Sad! Many Such Cases!
Anyone else find it absolutely incredible how good Spyro looks for how weak the PS hardware is?
The best artist of course.
Has there been any good runs so far?
I want a game to play while watching this stuff, any reccomendations?
>traps only ever look good on pictures because they need to prepare with tons of makeup, lightning and use the right angel to look bearable.
Chad in front of her intimidated them all.
Jesus they really went full fucking retard with side characters and mini games in 3. Im glad i stopped at 2
who was in the wrong here
Strider, SotN and Crash were alright
Something that requires no thinking, so you can just chill.
See generally; Pokemon, MMOs, Diablo, COD, etc.
True, but that doesn't make my dick any less hard.
luigis manson
Maitetsu bestgirl% when?
Good taste.
This spyro run has been pretty boring.
I dislike Games Done Quick because a vast majority of the games are some old Nintendo titles that only have nostalgic value to some. More interesting titles like Halo and HL2 are few and far between there.
your life has been pretty boring
>My Germany passed away from Germany
Sounds legit.
>Had to kill during this run. Put my money towards kill the viewer. Lets kick viewer's but!
Old School Runescape
Fuck this dude
Combat Evolved was the second run and there's at least one Halo game played at each event.
Another great day of SGDQ. Love watching my childhood animal get destroyed. Money goes to kill the Germany, view the animal.
want my germany killing money back
whats the tranny count at
Here's the next 12+ hours. I count two Nintendo games.
Generally, I agree - but as far as I can tell, they are aware of this shit.
Dynasty Warriors
3D happened.
>That King's App doujin
My fucking nigger
That's a pretty crazy bug.
>wanting to follow some filthy faggot on twitter
>wanting to see tweets by some filthy faggot
kill yourself
When's the next anime game?
Best game for watching other things on the side.
What do you think calling him a tranny does, do you think he'll just evaporate out of existance and take all the trannies along?
nothing is ever a good run at a gdq, lurk more
>wastIng your life harassing a fat ugly tranny
>actually get mad when you get blocked
lmaoing at your life.
>tfw fighting games will never be this good again
>game abput a dragon
>have to glitch the game if you want to fly
I know. HL2 is in the schedule as well, that's why I specifically mentioned those games.
>she has a penis
since its been 24 hours since sgdq started, how are you liking it so far?
Halo CE and Gunvolt.
Dumb papi poster
Shame I had to ban myself as I just end up gambling/staking.
Still have it ready though..
What the hell is the point of your original post then
You haven't played the game before have you?
not enough autism
yo user das racist foo
He's a child dragon.
reminder super monkey ball deluxe is next and that's good shit
I dropped my bank in old school and rs3. That game was ruining my life.
yasssssssssssssssss classic Sup Forums is back
We boxing now.
Thoughts on Anzu?