What are the cancer that is ruining video games Sup Forums?
What are the cancer that is ruining video games Sup Forums?
Developing games for esports rather than letting a game's community create a scene naturally.
trap and counter mechanics
Hunger meter, or survival games in general.
[thing I don't like]
Piracy :^^^^^^^)
Nostalgiafaggots, indie retro 2d pixelshit platformer garbage, kickstarter grabage, Nintendo.
Developers not giving their games to say twenty... intelligent people before they release them
Developers listening to:
>Graphics whores
>E-sports crowd
>SJWs that don't even play games
Instead of the majority, if not the entirety of their fan base.
How would you feel if you outsmarted say twenty... intelligent people?
Mandatory internet connection so I can't take new games to my grandma's
Glad nintedo isn't doing any of those. I can see why people said this years E3 sucked. Of course it did, if you aren't a nintendo fan.
I would be pissed if all i had to look forward to were playing as a black afro woman or a Kang.
Western developers
Survival forever in early access meme games
Games costing way more to make, but remaining at the same price despite inflation.
Fucking entitled gamers and the youtubers they trust acting like they're being ripped off for some of the highest quality games in history.
>nintendo, social justice, bethesda, ubisoft, always online, dlc, drm, tacked-on multiplayer, social networks
probably a dozen more that I can't think of right now. too many to count desu
Indie games and their developers.
Gookshills will disagree tho.
Suck big white cock, you trans scum!
The vidya market is exceedingly efficient when it comes to catering to it's customers, it just happens that all its customers have shit taste.
children and ecelebs
Yeah i too like going on Sup Forums of all places on the internet to express my hatred for anime, fellow Filthy Frank fan. Of course a couple of niche games a small percentage of people in the west buy are ruining all videogames in the world for everyone, surely not DLCs, season passes and unfinished products alongside having more-of-the-same First Person Shooters and open worlds.
USA (with all theier cancer Psyops like Feminazis, LGBT, forced technology like VR that no one asked for/wants and other bullshit)
Modern video game players. Any mechancial/monetary bullshit you can list otherwise is perpetuated by shitters. Cue the universal truth - this is why we can't have nice things.
Going from being an enthusiast market to a bona fide industry.
the shift from "challenging" to "entertaining".
>Games costing way more to make, but remaining at the same price despite inflation.
Which shouldn't be a problem with proper market growth, it's just that publisher/developers gambled on an unsustainable model. Their fault. And now they're complaining that the buyers, that never even mattered in any significant way in the decision process, are to be blamed.
also expansions being replaced by dlcs,
releasing alpha unifinished games being acceptable, paid online with trash netcode , cosmetics, mobaids, waifu cuckweeb autismo being more important than actual gameplay, basically what Blizzard has become in full force
Consoles. Games must be downgraded to run on consoles, constant test like "how much will you pay for AAA title", subscription based online, will you pay extra 100$ for kinect, will you buy remastered game. You must purchase game, pay for online and microtransactions and DLC or sit without anything.
SFV still has me mad
Stupid consumers or corporate greed. Each one feeds the other.
>this thing makes money
>let's pander to the lowest common denominator in hopes of making it even more popular; gameplay gets simplified, and graphics are made flashier to the detriment of every other aspect of development
>sales reach record highs
>consumer niches are crowded out by morons
>creativity dies
Why put effort into making a polished single-player experience when consumers pay their way into multiplayer settings, empty their pockets on cosmetics and microtransactions, then scuttle off? And honestly if I were in Valve, Blizzard or Rockstar's positions I'd have a hard time arguing against their business model since it's so easy and generates such disgusting amounts of profit.
At this point the western industry has cannabalised itself into an empty husk, and is basically salvageable. The future lies with smaller Japanese studios and entities like Croteam or CD Projekt.
>What are the cancer that is ruining video games Sup Forums?
People who don't play video games.
Reddit and E-sports memes
Is this J K Simmons?
Streaming "culture"
Esports and DLC
Todd Howard and Sean Murray
Too much budget on grapchis that still suck and the micropayment system
>its corporate greed to make a game marketable to the largest audience
Could not disagree more. It's natural progression of things. You can't expect a studio to deliver a niche game on a SAA budget, because that will be the last game that studio ever releases. Niche games belong to niche studios. AAA games belong to AAA studios. You can't logically expect any different.
If you do, you are straight up delusional.
>dlc that should have just been in the base game
Fuck you Paradox
>we want a wider audience
What is your point?
nope. video games were built on capitalism. you don't see russia or china on the top of video game market do you?
If nintendo made an FPS it would be about mario.
games prioritizing graphics and core gameplay but downplaying everything else
most games are full price + dlc and don't even have campaigns or editors or anything, those come like 10 years after release and are dlc lol
This. Popularity and money ruin everything. Muh free mrketz is a cancer on human expression.
The games industry.
>What is metroid prime 1,2,3 and hunters?
What was the point of this post ?
well splatoon is a thing. I can see COD:nintendo edition can be a thing
3rd person
> sequels
> casuals
> publishers
> graphics whores
>lack of cross platform multiplayer
> lack of splitscreen
> re-releases of old games
There are more mario games than FPS's listed.
All those are console traits
ugly bald casual roleplaying dads on reddit actively ruining development of early access games with potential
Isnt it thirdperson?
most AAA games only come to consoles now
So in short most people are retarded and people exploit that.
Welcome to the world, this shit will never go away, was always the case, will always befall new things.
fucking this. I can't stand how they shove down "competitive" play down your throat.
Retarded customers
online gaming
it can be fun and now is such an instrumental part of gaming its not going anywhere, but there is too much focus on competition and not enough on making the fucking game. I can only do so many versions of team death match or quests with friends before I get sick of playing with high pitched 12 year olds. Plus, how many times has a game, with a well repspected title from a well known company, came out with something full of bugs and unfinished work. Its pretty embarrassing how, in the old gaming days 1990s-early 2000s that was practically unheard of an now its just seen as a norm. All the devs are concerned about meeting deadlines or pushing an agenda rather then making a quality game and its getting in the way of the whole point to making the game
It's perfectly fine to develop games on a small budget for a niche audience. This is how genres like simulators survive. The problem is taking a series with a recognisable brand name, ripping out its core and delivering a derivative and/or unrecognisable product. That's how you get memes like "Fallout begins at 3".
You seem to be arguing that every series needs to reach a larger audience to remain profitable when nothing could be further from the truth. A fixation with a model that depends on infinite expansion is unsustainable, and pursuing it is killing video games as a creative medium because every game "has" to sell more than the previous.
If not console limitations they could make better games. With consoles - they can release any crap and people will still pay for it, becouse there will be no games to play otherwise.
How is this genre ruining vidya? What a dumb thing to complain about.
developers listening to
>fat casuals
>stupid casuals
>people comparing games to RL
>console gamers
>people who never had more than 100h in any game
>people who call competetive communities toxic
>people that post on renditz like PCMR
-open world used as an excuse to have actual level design
-games usually having a ton of safety nets and pretend like the player is literally mentally disabled
Your first example is of a studio wanting more money, and making its game more accessible. WC3 to WOW is a great example of this too. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, you don't own the IP nor the content, nor are you creating the content so you get ZERO logical input beyond your wallet. If you don't like it, fine, it's not for you. But if they do appeal to a larger audience your complaints will fall on deaf ears.
Your issue is with smaller studios going from a nich/AA status to AAA, and changing IPs you mistakenly belive you own.
If indie studios want to stay indie/niche, that's fine. But bitching because they want to appeal to more people, the entire point of entertainment, is folly
This "console"
>pandering to a community that barely plays or knows vidya
It's as if devs can't do shit without the approval of people who are way too emotionally invested into shit that doesn't even involve them, and sacrifice quality for the sake of diversity. Why would they even want to pander to a demographic that doesn't even play vidya? Look at the mid 90's to late 2000's where vidya was pretty much hailed as the devil's work with conservatives making a fuss about how vidya strays people from god and shit, and what did that bring out? It brought out fucking POSTAL 2, not some bullshit excuse of a game made to cater said conservatives? Why can't devs be as ballsy as they were back then?
>devs following or making clones of successful titles
Every time some video game becomes a success, there's bound to be a FUCKTON of literal carbon copies of the game i.e. minecraft, hotline miami etc. and vidya like these still keep coming these days. It's okay if the game had some similar concepts to them but fuck no it's pretty much some chinese bootleg trying to be the same game. This is what kills creativity and diversity of vidya in terms of gameplay and graphics. Devs try to make a video game which is pretty much like whatever vidya is trending right now instead of thinking of new concepts and ideas of a unique video game.
You can go on ANY game on steam and there will be at least one retard whining for multiplayer.
Women and their beta cuck enablers.
shitty playtesters
focus on gameplay first.
the GTA games have great stories, but the focus of development is clearly on having fun. the story is a natural extension of the base impulses that contribute to GTA's success.
so focus on gameplay, and story will be natural.
don't make me sit through 10 hours of story to get 10 minutes of gameplay cough witcher 3 cough
Botw fags. The game is alright at best and that's being generous. The fucking shitters praising the game have ruined the future of zelda and games in general.
>lack of splitscreen
>console problems
don't excuse our market either, friend. All of our splitscreen games are indieshits.
there's literally no excuse for ALL games not being able to support splitscreen on PC.
>Number of installments including games to still be released = 250+
>Games with FP visuals and guns
>Total number = 600+
>that one half-life play tester that walked in a circle for an hour and single handedly got a section of the map deleted from the final game
Particularly the notion that these people should be placated instead of laughed out of the room for being such a god damn retard.
People who complain about:
>Loli characters
>Anime-style looks
>Legitimate (not falseflagging) consolewarring faggots
>Any game above $50
the people playing them
The übercancer that rules them all is monetization.
The push to squeeze the players for every last dime while putting minimum effort into actually making anything.
The big ones have realised that vidya is a money-printing skinner box if you go about it a certain way, and it's going to get much, much worse from here as they casinofy their products further and further.
Wasn't even that long ago that trying to sell in-game currency for real money could still raise a mildly annoyed eyebrow somewhere.
Might as well complain about a coming storm, I suppose. And I guess there's still good games to be had below the big publisher level of things.
Because it's oversaturating the indie scene, giving otherwise truly unique and fun indie games a chance.
t. u
It's true though.
Politics. And not just the ones you dislike either.
Things were simpler when all we had to complain about was EA, Casuals and renting a crane to move an Xbox into your house.
It's not because developers want to upscale development, its because of greedy publishers. And I absolutely have a right to complain when working with an existing IP is a zero-sum game, and their uncontrolled expansion in developmental scale doesn't even work half the time (at which point the publisher guts the company):
eg. WoW exists because Warcraft 4 doesn't.
And Half Life 3 doesn't exist because TF2 prints 10x as much money for a 10th of the effort.
Basically, nice things that might possess some artistic value don't get made because developers attention is always being monopolized by the easy money that comes from pandering to dipshits, and the names of beloved series get dragged through the mud. If you want to "go big" just do it with a new IP. Market the shit out of it and you'll get the same effect, because people are like sheep and will buy what you tell them to buy if you just yell loud enough (see: Overwatch).
>also expansions being replaced by dlcs,
Literally the exact same thing
Casuals when you think about it
>Expansions being replaced by DLC's
Fuck you, they're the same shit, paid and all.
>being okay with shitty quality
No, user. YOU are the cancer.