>Every fucking game nowadays has to be multiplayer / co-op / raid focused / p2p connected / look for people to be able to play the content of the game.
I fucking miss the time when videogames were an autist thing and i could just play alone and enjoy the solitude. Now every fucking game forces me to interact with other retards like me as if i gave a fuck about making friends and enjoying the ">muh community" experiences.
Oliver Williams
Those days never existed. Video games popularity grew due to arcades. Where they basically started.
Chase Robinson
Oh look it's this fucking thread again. There are plenty of high profile single player games being released, just google it for fuck's sake.
Evan Bell
Games are social by design. There are very few solo board games for a reason. AI can only go so far in providing a deep and engaging experience.
Chase White
All the good single player games either get pirated, on consoles, or both
Aiden Baker
A lot of games are made to be played with multiple people
Because multiple people = more word of mouth = $$$$$$
Christopher Martin
lol wut?
How social is a game like fucking super mario 64? OoT? MM?
Those "classic" games where all about single player story. OP is right about the late trend of making shit games and try to cover the mess with the "multiplayer experience".
I dont need other people to enjoy something like the Witcher 3 but this game was made by crazy drunk polacks, not a mainstream EA studio.
Aiden Jones
Remember when GTA was a game with focus on singleplayer?
Gavin Turner
The only reason Mario 64 didn't have a 2 player mode is because a split screen would suck and the n64 couldn't connect to the internet.
Nintendo already experimented with Zelda having multiple players in the past.
I think I should remind you that most action games in the earliest stages of vidya featured 2 player modes.
Easton Hernandez
There are loads of recent good single player games out there.