Have you heard of the high elves?

have you heard of the high elves?

Other urls found in this thread:


He did it again the madman


I fucking love this past month of Oblivion videos.

That look of utter disgust from the Korean kid when she said she was from Japan.

im fucking dying

>That Random ass Camera zone

muh sides

>that angry expression, not changing
I am fucking done with this man



Some dumb shit just linked this thread in /tesg/. Expect a waifu invasion and the inevitable drama.

I'm sorry.

I just so happened to have started up a new game of Obvlivion after not touching it in over 5 years

>implying anyone at tesg even played oblivion

>t. sperg who browses /tesg/

>that running with the bow
Nailed it

Doesn't matter, they'll see a TES thread and they'll start avatarfagging in it with their Skyrim characters. That's what always happens.

I love these

then i call forth the morrorwind autism powers of Sup Forums to safekeep the thread

Why the hell are there so many Oblivion videos lately?

Thanks man.

You like to dance close to the fire, don't you?

Maybe Oblivion seen a resurgence in popularity, considering how theres Skyblivion streams now every 1-3 days

I'm hoping it's an ad campaign to build up nostalgia for their upcoming Oblivion Remaster.

The swimming animation is perfect!

pewdiepie and that mod

Bethesda already gave support for the Skyblivion project, wouldn't make sense to remaster it (Skyrim was recent enough that you can add a few texture, engine and filter improvements and sell it, Oblivion and older TES games, not so much).

What mod is used for the altmer's robe?

WAC I think. It adds sashes and shit to robes and other sets.

the robe itself is vanilla but whatever goes over his shoulder is some mod
some backpack maybe?

There would be no different remastering Oblivion compared to Skyrim retard.

Is there a mod that integrates the armors into vanilla oblivion?

No you would have to do it yourself.

This man's quality knows no bounds

>was a retarded kid
>knew nothing about the Thieve's Guild
>always heard rumours and saw posters
>ignored it forever
>one day I'm in the waterfront at night
>who are these shadey faggots
>what the fuck
>the guild is real

Oblivion wasn't exactly a complex RPG but it did have retard deterrent.

Thanks for answering dude. I'll give the WAC overhaul a try, been meaning to play Oblivion again anyway.

>Bethesda already gave support for the Skyblivion project

Really? That's good, ever since I heard about the Skyblivion project, I was worried it would get a C&D or something.

There are some patches

I -think- everything is included in this re-uploaded archive but honestly I dunno.

Or you were just super retarded ( or 5 years old). Those bums practically tell you everything you need to know for 5 septims.

Don't be mean, user.

Not when you're insinuating that Oblivion had any difficulty filter at all.

I bet you step in large piles of dog shit even though you can see and smell it and complain that there was no way to have known.

M8 you can make Oblivion look as good as Skyrim with about 3 simple mods

The difficulty in Oblivion came when you leveled up without maxing like an autist and the game started throwing dozens of high rank daedra at you

fuck off it was in tall grass on a cold day sorry i don't stare the ground when i walk like an autist

But I'm not insinuating anything. You're responding to the wrong user, mister. I'm just saying you're a big meanie.

But Oblivion crashes constantly and has no diagonal running animation. There's also no environment shadowing.