Which video game character has suffered the most?

Which video game character has suffered the most?

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stake.. had a hard life.

Kratos maybe? Elizabeth from Bioshock?

Not Isaac and his meme tier 'story' and lore certainly.

Isaac really may have had the hardest life, half the upgrades in the BoI games hurt in one way or another and even when beating the bosses Isaac still ends up dying in gruesome ways.

>meme tier

Oh boy, tell me what did you decide to suddenly turn what you don't like into a meme this time?

Mario he just want to dick the princess


Heather Mason

>being stripped of literally everything
>escape through actual hell in order to escape your mom who's trying to kill you, all while naked
this too


Best girls
Worst endings ;_;

This pain
This sadness

I don't play weeb shit. Give me the run down on these anime girls.

Nameless One or Raziel



He just wanted to be a good son and a good brother, he didn't deserved it.

>I don't play weeb shit
> starts the thread with the weebest of games:

btw the game is free on steam and it's rather short, it's not great but it's worth a try

Everyone in this game suffered

This nerd was pulled into shit thrice.

Let's not pretend it's a nuanced and emotional, logical story. It's just fluff.

I haven't played the second or third, so I don't know how it plays out. If he doesn't die, this nigga needs a nice vacation


Eeeeeh he doesn't in the DLC but you find out Earth was fucked. Dead Space 2 is good as well, but 3 strays far from the horror elements.

He becomes 100x better with his voice.

I know

But a meme?

How does Dead Space 3 stand as a straight up action game? I don't mind the genre change as long as the game is still good

Someone have the suffering chart that some anons make here in Sup Forums?

He got to be with his waifu at the end other characters in the series suffered way more or pretty much in the same way

It's alright. It wasn't what everybody wanted, but it isn't terrible until you get to the DLC. After that point, there's literally no way to continue the series.

Mario. Had to save his brother as a newborn.

I wish Night Dive would pick up soul reaver and update it.

I never played the game, but wasn't there one RPG where a girl was turned into some sort of flesh tower and forced to suffer in immobile pain for all eternity and there was no way to save her?

Plus he got cucked by his nu-waifu

he got to star in the single greatest sfm porn video ever made so he didnt suffer in my book

Kenny from the walking dead pretty much watched his family and friends die a gruesome death, got betrayed by his group and depending on the players choices even by the last person he fought for.

John Marston

How to get into Binding of Isaac? So many games, so little differences between them...

It's good, but too repetitive. Creepy elements are ruined by fast-as-fuck Necromorphs that are there to make coop challenging. Also, co-op exclusive sections? Fuck that.


There's literally only two games

He either fucked over or murdered every single person he and Ellie came across because "muh second chance." Shit was handled so much better in LISA.

>co-op exclusive
this worries me. I don't really play multiplayer stuff. Are these part of the main game?


Carver (the second player) has separate hallucinations later on, but that's it.

>Senia never stopped knocking on the door..
>Even when the space is falling apart.
>Even when Magaleta has stopped responding long ago.
>Knocked and knocked till her hands were numb.
>Screamed till her voice was gone.
>Senia never stopped until, everything disappeared.
Fuck, it's sadder than I remember. No matter how hard you try and which ending you get, they never go back to the church together.