Hey! It's Dunkeyyyyyyy!

Hey! It's Dunkeyyyyyyy!

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck you dunkey i do not watch your videos because you are black

Hello dunk. Why was your last video so terrible?

Can someone explain the appeal of this cunt? His """comedy""" is shit.


spaghetti and meatballssss

Not videogames, fuck off.

I watched one or two videos and it was unfunny fucking garbage.

How can it be so popular? You must be underage and fucking stupid to like something like that.

Hes just a goofy asshole. If you dont like it thats ok. He's just like Jim Carry.

>subhuman anime poster
Speak for yourself.

I guess so. Not for me then, unfortunately.

Reminder Leah is his fat enabler

low barrier to entry shit, with gimmicky voice to attract plebs and be entertained

its like the little faggots who worship that complaint video about star wars, and then an entire channel grew off that shitty fucking video of some retard making a fat neckbeard voice, only to be later revealed as a fat neckbeard


Where the fuck do you think you are, newfag normie filth?

Reminder Leah has a fat ass

>found out he dubs his videos to edit in jokes that weren't there during the gameplay


who else only checks for new dunkey videos when they're reminded about him by threads like this?

>Talking shit about rlm.
You're talking shit about Rich Evans by association. Your kind is not welcome here, leave us.

You can't be this retarded.

I agree, we need to secure the echo chamber Sup Forums is known for.

no shit, the talent of dunkey isn't his being a live performer it's his writing and editing.

He gives people STD's and lies about it?

yeah, nobody talks shit about MY favorite E-celeb friend simulator

Sup Forums is a containment board.

>Sup Forums
>Not an echo chamber
A decade ago, sure. Try insulting Daddy Trump on this website today and see what happens.

>Out of here, dead weight.


Sup Forums was literally created as a containment board, but okay.

Cmon man.

Who cares about politics. Go back to Sup Forums

you guys are such elitist tryhards lol

i don't think this guy is some fucking next-level genius but his personality and simple (albeit immature) sense of humor coupled with his genuine gaming opinions are what I find appealing about his content

having said that I don't religiously watch him or anything but I died laughing at the end of his MK8 vid and the E3 recap was entertaining.

His Mario 64 playthrough revealed a very real and depressing side to the guy though which I really connected with as a fellow suicidal virgin.

tfw no leahbee-tier gf :(

Never understood the appeal of his channel, comes off as trying to hard to be funny.

Dunk, why are you depressed and barely make videos anymore? Do you think Leah is going to tolerate that shit forever?

Don't listen to this guy, Dunk. Just do whatever works for you and it will turn out for you in the end.

Ok, is he a furry or not?

>anybody implying that's bad
Thicc is good.

That's the problem, he's not doing anything that prevents him from making videos. He's not making videos, because he's depressed. The the ironic thing is, because he's not making videos, he's going to feel even less satisfaction, and thus become more depressed. He needs to be pushed a little to get the ball rolling in the right direction. Not his belly rubbed.

He was better when he had crippling depression and was about to off himself


wish he'd stop making overwatch videos

fuck no

>acting like you're above normalfags who can actually operate in society
my fucking sides

prove it

>only to be later revealed as a fat neckbeard
Mike may be fat, but he ain't a neckbeard


every board except Sup Forums is a containment board, dork. This was an anime forum first.


SOOper mario bros two bayBEEEEEEE

Game of the year 5 years running

I know this I'd bait, but just wanted to point out that Sup Forums was made with anime in mind. There was no Sup Forums when it was created, not because Sup Forums needed to be contained, but it was a given that the WHOLE SITE would be anime. Sup Forums was literally anime/random as a board and was just lolsofunny anime stuff 24/7. There were no "pics you shouldn't share" 3dpd ass shit threads or dick ratings, it was pure anime shit like Nyoron~ and Waha all day. Except for the occasional CP thread just for the fuck of it and Snacks allowing them to happen because he was a fucking pedo.

Sup Forums wasn't created out of a need to segregate, it was made as a place for serious anime discussion. Wanted to talk about the new episode of something without it being drowned out by cockmongler? That's what Sup Forums was for.

I've been on this site too fucking long.

>is literal neckbeard
>defending this like a cuck
oh to be an impressionable youth again

>I only appreciate comedians who are very serious and also physically attractive.

I feel sorry for both of you.

>watch one of his gf's videos
>he's not even black

Explain how he is a neckbeard without using any buzzwords

I thought he was a skinny Filipino fuccboi. I was almost right, I guess.

>tfw dunkey has a gf and I dont
it's simply not fair lads

Hey! It's Cancerrrrrrr!

She's pretty hot from the neck down, too. It's a nice little thing they have.
>doing something as autistic as frog hunting
comfy desu

We need to see the Thiccness

Hey! It's Rediiiitttttttttt!

As much as I like dunkey, I don't appreciate eceleb threads.
Fuck off.

lmao get some fucking taste you faggot

>that voice
100% that bitch was molested as a child

He's actually not black

>liking women
you're trying too hard, anonpai

Are you blind?

For how many bad videos hes made, there are just as many funny videos.

considering that his e3 videos have sucked since 2014, his e3 video this year was a comeback.

honestly his older self was funnier and the only way for him to go back is to get depressed again

All these negative comments made by Steinfield. You are not fooling anybody.

More like Videogamestinky lol

it's not the worst thing ever

I unironically fall asleep to this shit. Something about his story telling is actually soothing. And I'm not even a big fan of megaman
Yes I'm a faggot

No, vg is the containment board.

Dreamcast? Kiss my DREAM ASS.

Did anyone actually watch the E3 video?


Here's 2 of his serious videos where he makes actual good points and making minimal jokes

>/vg/ actually discusses videogames they enjoy playing
>Sup Forums shills retarded youtubers

Really makes one ponder

I actually like the difficulty one and the one where he shits on Assassin's Creed. I wish he'd do more of those kinds of videos.

That's an average butt.

dunkey's best style was the right balance of jokes and criticism. when he makes videos are too much about his opinions they are boring. one time he made a vid about PAX and he just talked about indie games like it was a vlog and it was an awful vid

That's why I worded my post how I did.

Please tell me this is bait
Summerchan visitors can't be this stupid

Dunkey makes incredibly simple statements that people now just parrot because of his e-celeb status. He has long been very fucking boring since he stopped doing League of Legends content because he's now trying to be serious instead of just ""pretending"" to be a retard.

He's basically the new Arin except without any animation skill

I did not except the girl to look like a god damn horse monster

His neopets video is kino.

Dunkey and his filthy frank le epic trolele fanbase is a cancer on par with kekistan

e-celeb thread should be bannable.

no, spamming /vg/ threads daily on Sup Forums should be
and little faggot reddit/ 9gag threads with "what did they mean by this" etc etc, same shit every day should be insta ban

It is, the mods haven't come back from their coffee break.

Report all e-celeb shitposting.

I dont care, he is our nigga.

Chuggaaconroy is my waifu. It's too bad he has AIDS and hasn't uploaded his new series yet.

honestly the best thing about dunkey is his music, final boss and urf rap are great.

>honestly the best thing about dunkey is his music
end yourself


Only good LPers are OneyPlays. I don't know if Sips_ is still good.

what about CC and Ironicus?

Eh, not my cup of piss

what? his raps are amazing. for someone who has no background in music he does them exceptionally well, even if he doesnt make all his beats

>watching any of these people
fucking get some taste holy shit

>not listening to some comfy/funny shit while you play a fun game

>"How dare you like X person!"
>"How dare you not like X person!"
That's how this thread will continue, and that's why e-celeb threads should be banned. Please just end it.

i like when Sup Forums posts their youtube channels
i like supporting the autists that I shitpost with on a daily basis, although most of their videos are shit