Daily reminder that you're not Anthony Burch

Daily reminder that you're not Anthony Burch.

nor Andrew Dobson.

nor Christian "Christine" Weston Chandler.

Life is good.

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks, senpai.


Or Jake Rapp

You've lifted my spirit for the challanges I have to overcome in the next miserable 10 hours of my life.
Thank you.


I wanna fuck his face!

Get out of here Ashley.

You are instead someone who obssessively follows a bunch of failures at life

I liked HAWP, what went wrong?

Or Randy Pitchford, even though he is on the mend for now

>tfw I spent my life surrounding myself with people like this so i don't feel like such a failure

Literally all my friends are raging autists and NEET losers, and the moment one of them become more successful then me I fucking drop them in a instant

While that bring some small comfort to my life, that still doesn't save me from being me. Mother with terminal cancer, abusive father with severe anger management issues, sister whom I love very much living in one of Sweden's top ten most dangerous places with a child less than a year old and a second one on the way.

Not to mention my crippling depression and anxiety, leading me to being committed into the psych ward a few times now.

Same. My """friends""" are all confidence ballast at this point

They have actual decent jobs despite being massive degens. I'm just hoping some shitty mcjob hires my experience less NEET 26 year old ASS.

Notice how well you have to say about yourself is in relation to others? Must be pretty pathetic to live a life like that

This. I wann an hero

thank God i am not anthony "cuck king" burch

And this is exactly why I still have hope for myself. Knowing I'm none of these people gives me greater satisfaction than anything else

Ah well, I do have somethings about myself that I see as positive. People generally see me as a smart and knowledgeable person, always knowing what to say, and I have a good network of very close friends I can rely on.

Things could most definitely be worse, but despite the positives in my life, I still can't get over the depression, which leads to a somewhat self-destructive cycle of guilt for not being able to be properly thankful for what I have.

>you will never be Dobson

Oh yes


who, who, and who

am i lost

Whatever you say, Tony "Fuck my wife whenever you're lonely" Burchony

Nice cover up Anthony, you fucking faggot.

Some of my friends don't know who Anthony Burch is, can someone give me a quick rundown for them?

How the fuck did they know


Writer for Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel, among other things. He forced his wife into an open relationship when she didn't want to. She was the only one to get anything out of it, but because she wasn't really comfortable with it to begin with she divorced him and took his Wii U.

yeah, this isn't reddit

A progressive who let his girlfriend sleep around because he thought its progressive to let her expiriment.
Then she left him and took his stuff because he wasnt man enough
On top of that he is a bad writer.

You are not Phil ''DarkSydePhil'' Burnell either.

Probably one of the best blessings God has ever given you.

>took his Wii U

>Took the Wii U
So did he actually lose anything of value or...?

What about Randy Pitchford?

>not the superior song

He divorced that batshit insane cunt Alice Rapp who now mopes around Twatter unemployed and constantly talking about all of the yaoi she buys with her patreon bux.

Unfortunately he hooked up with a thicc latina who seems to be just as into the polysexual lifestyle as Alice, was still a cuck.

Who the fuck are these people?

thanks for the reminder OP

you forgot athene

>you will never use your e-celeb status to starta cult

Is the athene mentioned here the one I'm thinking of? He started a cult?

he used to do WoW streaming

good times

Daily reminder that you're not Brett Keane.

Feeling much better now.

Between the three who would you rather be?
I think Burch

Hardmode: no suicide

Picking the one that's actually employed is the obvious choice.

I originally only laughed at this as a stupid meme, but now it makes me genuinely feel good. Does anyone else feel this way?

I'm still a normie

I envy Anthony. Imagine getting to fuck Ashly every day.