Why is the Amazon such a bad and boring class?

Why is the Amazon such a bad and boring class?

Polearms are the most uninteresting weapon class. Fact.

Where's the muscle tone? You might be playing a bad game. That could be the problem.

It's just Warrior+Female. What kind of amazing traits do you expect from that combination?

>no muscle

The game has to be shit if they botched that.

What are you on to? It's the most efficient and optimal weapon against all types of opponents. No need for fancy sword dances or shield counters. With the polearm, you can easily pick off enemies left and right without getting injured. Literally GOAT

It's a really cool set of weapons IRL with lots of technique but in games you have poke and horizontal slash and zero mobility, and this is pretty standard across the board in games that even feature polearms

Because when you miss the first hit of your flurry moves you will miss all subsequent ones while still being locked in the animation and when your survivability depends on landing hits and lifestealing being locked in the animation while not landing a hit will literally kill you.

You're also more equipment dependent than all the other classes. You can't just get away with getting +1 Skill equipment, you need specific and ridiculously rare gear to be able to do anything the other classes do.

But your pic is not of an Amazon

>tfw you got a random windforce drop in 1.08 and had to roll a zon because of it
Ended up becoming my greatest PKer in D2 all from some random monster in Act 2 Hell.

Because they're womyn.

Obviously the gaming industry is misogynist and feel threatened by strong womyn, so they make them boring and ineffective, then they jack off to it.

isnt that the amazons Valkyrie?

Because anything it can do the paladin or sorceress does better.

She is pretty bad and boujee.

Is the Crusader in D3 any fun?

What is that fetish called where it's girls getting beat up? I don't want to see it happen to cute girls but these stupid slutty tough girls I'd gladly enjoy it


>Polearms are the most uninteresting weapon class

You take that back before she ara-ara on you, boy.



D2 Javazon was the best character build I've ever played in a RPG.