Has trash talk in online gaming gone too far?
Has trash talk in online gaming gone too far?
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You are a huge faggot OP please kill yourself.
>little sister
sexist, ageist trash
>mencioning your imouto while gaming
something something sodomizing you on a few FM radio stations
>If I could go back in time and perform one abortion with the choice being between yo or Hitler, I'd choose you
Some guy got pissed at me after dominating him and said he was going to rape my dad.
I think we still have a ways to go.
>if I could go back in time and perform one abortion with the choice being between you or hitler I'd choose you
Holy shit who comes up with something like this
>chose between trash talking or kindergarten banter
You autistic retarded children, "soft bantz" is much better than your idiotic, childish "kys" memes.
Nowadays only cherrypicked strawmen get mad at being told to le kys xD
But ironic shit like
>better luck next time xD
>ow, that must have hurt xP
>you have to aim where I will be, not where I am
is what actually gets buttfrustrates to buttfrustrate.
Post em
Post the guy thats so mad he gave a wallpaper away
People like this are why SFV is such a steaming pile of basic boring shit. We cannot have fun diverse tech/tactics/mechanics when dumb fucks label anything that takes more then 10 minutes to counter "nooby"
>gg ez
Simply the best.
sweetheart mom/10
>and being a literal piece of trash
This one line reeks of buzzfeed/tumblr/snl/the democratic party.
i miss getting hate mail on demon's souls
>between you or Hitler, I'd choose you
DAMN. That's some good fucking shit talk.
>on his mom's account as well
Thats so cute
That anime was the weirdest shit I have ever seen.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo was a bad anime
the hittler one is realy good, got use that one someday
>can't call someone a piece of garbage
>ad calls someone a literal piece of trash
The Office did it better.
>gg ez
>ez game ez life
>gg wp
>hf gl
>I will miss her
Bobobo Bo-bo Bobo was a great anime.
>bottom is actually a lot worse
What did they mean by this?
>you went too far
you never go too far, there is no "too far", there is just "the place you want to be" and thats it.
nice clean comedy
You NEVER mention Hitler or abortions in e-sports.
Also, you can't support Trump. I mean come on, it's 2017.
wow i was literally raped this makes me uncomfortable how about you dont cross the line buddy?
hypocrisy is just the norm now
"Stop calling people trash you human trash!"
- Esport Edition, 2016
>I'm better than you because I can do this
>Metallica riff
I'm in tears.
Maybe, a little.
Where's the fucking videos Demo
>I pray to the universe
>dad telling son to git gud
One day.
Being a passive-aggressive cunt works far better than anything else.
It hasn't gone far enough.
>haha its just a video game they can block me if they dont like it
>Haha who cares if I spout racism and homophobia to every single person I meet and make every single match I'm part of a bad experience for everyone involved. they can just mute me!!
Community manager here. Your ban was well earned. Stop posting like you're on Sup Forums when you are not on Sup Forums.
Man, if that's crossing the line, then I've seen people who have just nuked the line.
>my dad work at ps3
Fuckin savage.
People would stop trash talking if everyone stopped being bad. Simple as that.
What's wrong with racism and homophobia? Learn to respect other people's opinions.
>community manager here
your mom should have managed her fly hole a little better and saved the world from having to deal with you
haha get a better job nigger faggot
I hate people talking shit where they could be trying to help people but this image rubs me the wrong way, anybody feel the same?
>Le Hitler was ebil meme
God, this guy needs to bathe in molten lava.
>community manager
Wow you really made in big with that career choice
this is the best edit of all time
will never go away since there is no moderation/enforcemnt online
now lets imagine if all of a sudden there was no laws/police force in america... what do you think would happen
not a pretty picture... just like the internet
worse actually because normal people you thought would be cool would actually be murderous psychopaths since there would be no laws to punish them
What's wrong with Metallica?
Some random dude said "GG ez". Quit my job and became alcoholic wreck after that and now I have to take like 6 different depression pills to stay alive.
This hurts every time I see it. Ugh.
I really odn't understand why people get so triggered by Lars' design. There are way weirder characters in Tekken. He gets the biggest shit for his design.
I guess people are really butt ravaged he was the star of 6.
And yet I have complete power over your game experience :)
A literal genius.
>All these delicious (You)s for such obvious bait.
Y tho?
Kill yourself.
>and a few am radio stations
that's little detail is just pure class
>What a save!
>What a save!
>What a save!
>"Like your mum"
>Getting dunked on by your own father
I hope that guy fucking killed himself after reading that
>damage control
The top two no good since they're both tryhard and low effort in terms of insults.
The Hitler one is pretty good though.
jokes on you, I don't play games
You'd think after years of seeing this image on Sup Forums it would lose its effect, but I still cringe every time.