>world tendency
so there can be secrets/ dynamic difficulty (make it like early demons patch so dying actually blackens it)
>more incentive to restore humanity
think of early demons souls patch, everybody and their mom restored humanity because it whitens world tedency in addition to restoring max hp. invasions everywhere
>backstab from bloodborne
best out of every game
>general combat from DS1 (no sluggish combat like ds2, no lmao2hitstunlock fest like ds3)
DS2 was sluggish, DS3 was stunlock and tracking fest
>powerstancing from DS2
why did DS3 not have it
>magic from demons combined with DS1
actually usable magic unlike ds3
>level design from DS1 (fuck u i liked blighttown)
i also liked lost izalith if not for the lava eyerape
>gimmick bosses like dragon god/bed of chaos (fuck u i like them)
fighting regular bosses gets tiring after the 20th one
>secrets like DS1/demons (actual secret like great hollow ashlake area, dragon bone smasher weapon)
i can't even remember ANY ds2/3 secrets if they had one
ITT we make the perfect souls game
You mean the perfect souls game for a DS1 nostalgiafag?
Allow people to level up without going through 2 fucking loading screens and skipping a bunch of dialogue. I can't believe only DaS1 got this shit right.
The main character is a banditcoot hahahahahah
ds2 and 3 and bb are objectively inferior to demons/DS1
i didn't even finish the first ds3 dlc and i havnt even bought the second one
Demons souls was already the perfect souls game.
ds1 is my favorite. i liked it better than demons because of the level design
and demons had funky as fuck animations
But the perfect Souls game already exists...
Close, but no.
Actual rankings:
DaS > BB > DaS3 = DeS >>> DaS2
Demon's might just beat out DaS3 due to atmosphere, world design and characters, but DaS3 has 5 games worth of polish and is mechanically superior. Also, item burden. So I'll leave them level.
>better than anything
DS1 > DeS > BB > DS2 > DS3
ds1 best level design
ds2 best variety
bb best lore
des best system
ds3 best enemy tracking ;^)
DaS3 is by a wide margin than DaS2. Literal shit is better than DaS2. Also Lords of the Fallen.
Just take DS3 gameplay and put it wherever, that game has the perfect souls gameplay.
ds2 had a fuck tons of ways to play
literally everything was viable and fun to use
ds3 is literally a sword fest
magic fucking useless
pyro fucking useless
spears fucking useless
nothing but straight/great swords are usable
>what is soul memory
m8, you're opinion is shit, DaS2 is widely regarded as the worst and for good reason. Accept it, living in denial is unhealthy.
Are you also assuming that each time you die you lose an extra part of your max hp? Makes for great incentive to restore humanity.
souls memory only affects online
it actually had the most non bullshit pvp
>ds1 pvp
crystal great club backstab :^)
>ds3 pvp
2 hit stunlock on every weapon lmao also straight swords having more range than spears because phantom range
>bb pvp
evelyn spamming
>des pvp
what the fuck is even happening why am i being stabbed from the front from 2 miles away
Cant save a shit franchise
if you're hollowed you lost 50% of max hp
and each time you die enemies gets stronger
>only affects online
>goes on to criticize every other game and call DaS2's online the best
Come on now, we've all had a laugh, settle down.
>he has never played a duel in ds2
i like not being oneshotted/spammed to death
>most of dark souls 1 game mechanics including poise, although with better balance this time
>demon's souls archstone level layout
>much more demon's souls style unique bosses this time around
>less big arena and dodge samey type bosses
>the refined tweaks to gameplay later games introduced
>dark souls 3/bloodborne improved graphics and physics
>altered bs mechanic that works similar to dark souls but this time not for all weapons
>all weapons have the bloodborne charge style attack, including for backstabs
>for the love of god parries do not function like they did in dark souls 2, make it like 1 again
>magic/pyro/etc stays with limited number of charges
>roll and bloodborne style dodging
Starting my first run in DaS II soon. Is two handed big fucking sword viable to end the game and not want to kill myself?
I was actually thinking about going past 50% of max. It doesn't necessarily need to halve it every death, but making it actually approach zero instead of stopping at 50% sounds like an attractive idea.
I know how defensive and deluded DaS2 fans are, so I really don't want to get into a drawn out debate with you lad. Instead, I'll take this elevator and leave the thre- SHIT, FUCKING LAVA
agree on most but
>demon's souls archstone level layout
i like the seamless and connect world of dark souls 1 better
>rate ds2 second worst
>gets called ds2 fan
>what is soul memory
That would be you proving you didn't play the damn game you typical Sup Forums parrot. Soul memory was/is such a greatly exaggerated issue it's hilarious.
As an invader, the only way SM possibly effected you is if you were so shit at the game that you inflated your sm to too high a level by the time you ready to invade and you got stuck fighting high level op retards. I actually played the game and there were always people to invade in every bracket and just about every zone. I always got bored of my current character before I ever got to a point were I though my SM was getting to high for my build to be viable.
The whole SM argument is as it's always been just a talking point for shitters who didn't play the game or were just dogshit at it.
Oh man, this is one triggered DS2 fan lol
Not really. It's so fucking slow that you'll more than likely be dead before you even get the swing off, if you even can start a swing since you're staggered by the slightest fucking breeze
if you could use them in ds3 then you can use them in ds2 since big swords in ds3 are fucking trash
they'd have to die a fuck tons of time before they have the incentive to restore humanity then which is bad for online play
agree 100%
>Indivisible will have an "inner world" you can enter at any time that serves as a hub, but you don't actually teleport so you can't fast travel around the map with it
Souls should adopt this if they insist on having a hub and waifu.
Warping's fine, so long as it's contained like DaS1. In perhaps a little later would be good, because once you've already played most of the game, having to run all the way back somewhere is no longer engaging, it's tedious. Warping from the get go just allows developers to be lazy. Like that "shortcut" in huntsmans copse whereby you push a plank down next to a bonfire... to another bonfire.
>i like the seamless and connect world of dark souls 1 better
I do to but From has proven they were only able to do that great once. I also do like the level layout of Demon's Souls almost as much and that would be a lot easier for any company to do. Plus it can give us more and better possibilities for some crazy level design.
I agree, there's only so much world you can make wrap in on itself before it gets so big it's tedious. Late game warping allows them to branch out and do other things with level design.
>and that would be a lot easier for any company to do.
Yeah on second thought scratch that. Most modern companies suck ass at level design. That is an old dying skill from days long gone.
Glad to know (you) don't have a real rebuttal just like most people who spew bullshit in an argument.
You know whats the worst part about people bitching about SM? None of those same people say shit about das3 going out of it's way to punish players for even daring to invade. The deck is completely stacked against you.
But does anyone mention that? NO. there too busy saying "hurr durr das2 a shit".
i see
maybe even if they tried they won't be able to make it as good as ds1 map
Man, you just love writting a barrage of text even though you now know I won't even bother reading it lol must be more triggered than I though.
Dying still does blacken world tendency but only if you were human when doing so.
>they'd have to die a fuck tons of time before they have the incentive to restore humanity then which is bad for online play
Could always tweak it to fix this. One possibility is that the first death sets you back to 50% of max health, and after that you only lose one tenth of the remaining health each death, but one could think of lots of different systems for this. Though this particular way makes it so that you always have a big incentive to restore humanity, and if you try to play like many did with demon's souls (staying in soul form as much as possible), you will still have a max life that slowly drops towards zero if you keep dying. Thus, you will want to restore humanity at some point. Logic dictates that you'll want to restore humanity as early as possible in order to at least have 50% max hp when invading/co-oping instead of really fucking dangerously low % of max hp.
Well, firstly...
You begin by removing the "hub".
Instead, everything you'll need (like leveling up and upgrading weapons)
will be made available at every Bonfire; much like what said.
There wouldn't really need to be that much of a need for teleporting, aside maybe
from allowing the player to effectively warp from one "region" of an area to another.
This allows for a large world, with each region having its own set of inter-connected areas.
No more loading screen bullshit.
It's would also effectively reinforce those lonesome, desolate feelings that players would have.
This would also make the player-to-character interaction all the more sweeter.
You could have some characters congregate with each other, based on things like covenant factions.
Characters could be in different locations, seeking after different goals.
Some could even have killed a few enemies, or open shortcuts.
Seeing different characters in different places, spices up the world itself.
thats perfect
first death 50% max hp then 5% each further death
caps at 10% minimum
great idea. i also love the desolate feeling ds1 had
>10% minimum
>where anything at all will one hit you, no matter what
>in a game where some damage is just plain unavoidable
this could effectively permanently ruin a character. you think it'd be cool in theory, but in practice, you'd bitch about it on Sup Forums.
>lords of the fallen better than DaS2
Why do contrarian retards shit up every souls thread
Yes you hate Dark Souls 2, stop trying to force it down our throats. Your taste is neither special nor superior.
Retards like you are the reason Souls threads have been awful for 4 years straight.
Secondly, make each covenant stand out in any way.
From ways to join them, how they dynamically affect gameplay & differ from each other,
and even down to how it would cosmetically affect the game; from allowing certain armors
to change based on the covenant, changing the HUD & options menu looks, and
allowing covenants to give alternate description for items, weapons, armors, and et cetara.
It could also affect how you'd look in Hollow form, and how the hue of the "light" in dark places look.
Coming back to the suggestion with "alternate descriptions", it's EXTREMELY important
because it characterizes both the world, and the covenants; to a much fuller extent.
While you could have a "neutral" covenant (being represented by non-color shades) being the default one,
the alternate descriptions of each covenant would give additional insight to the covenants, and the world itself.
Covenants NEED to be THAT personalized.
Whether its for itself, or for the player.
make it so that its easy to restore humanity
my idea is that make humanitys cost a special resource where you gets invaded more the more humanitys you bought
you could undo this by paying in souls to reset it like sin
Yes, but remember those useless miracles from DeS that revived a supporting phantom and restored their humanity? Suddenly they're not so useless and will actually be in demand by people who fuck up their characters. As long as the guy who revives them gets something out of it, perhaps a soul reward or something?
>nor superior.
That's where you're wrong, faggot.
>make a neutral covenant that starts as grey shades
>as its members either invade or assist, the covenant shade will turn red or blue
>a power struggle of the covenant members occurs to get their shades to turn whatever color they want
>sometimes, redfags will let it turn blue so they can invade under the guise of helping, and then betray the host since they're blue
>sometimes, bluefags will want it to turn red so they can protect the host from redfags
love this ideas especially the cosmetic part
this tbdesu
I've been hearing lately about a possible Dark Souls collection for the Switch, and I swear if they cater to the idiots who ask for a ds1 remaster but want it remade to just be more ds3 I won't ever buy a Fromsoft game again
Actually a covenant could make this better.
Healer's Covenant:
>faith-based covenant with miracles that restore another player's humanity
>reviving someone gives a covenant-unique item that can be used to gain rewards
I also have some ideas that I'm not sure would work
>maybe healer covenant can have a unique signstone that hollowed players can summon if they want to get their humanity back, but this may make restoring your humanity too easy or it may make advancing in the healer covenant too easy
>maybe healers can't actually restore another player's humanity without the other player accepting first, because some people may want to co-op normally
>>maybe healer covenant can have a unique signstone that hollowed players can summon if they want to get their humanity back, but this may make restoring your humanity too easy or it may make advancing in the healer covenant too easy
>>maybe healers can't actually restore another player's humanity without the other player accepting first, because some people may want to co-op normally
simple fix:
>healer must sacrifice his humanity to heal another player's humanity
It's the most viable out of all the games in regards to PvE. Better than longswords
>healer must sacrifice his humanity to heal another player's humanity
I like it. Healer sacrifices his own humanity, but gains covenant cred and items, making it a risk worth taking, at least assuming the rewards from the covenant are good enough.
world tendency was the worst mechanic in all souls games, worse than das2 agi and soul memory, die from cancer son of a whore, nostalgia blinded piece of shit.
Thirdly, encourage risks.
Reward lone hosts with killstreak bonuses, like more souls & etc.
It resets upon summoning Phantoms.
Allow a "Mound Maker" covenant to let Purple Phantoms be summoned by
Hosts in Hollow Form, or allow a "Warriors of Sunlight" covenant to allow hosts to
use things like Sunlight Medallions to automatically beckon Warriors of Sunlight.
To elaborate on the Sunbro idea, Hosts in Human Form can use Sunlight Medallions
with abandon; because they would never be used up in Human Form.
You can also use them in Hollow Form, except Medals are broken upon death
if you summoned a player with it.
Finally, if you died and lost your Human Form; you should get your Human Form back from touching Bloodstains.
Additionally, don't make it a fucking carbon copy of Demon's Souls.
Like how the entire Dark Souls series was.
Make it a Sci-fi "Souls" game where you play as a remotely controlled, artificial copy of yourself.
A bit like pic-related.
>Build variety from ds2
I still play it on the regular basis just for that
>Enemy layout variation from ng to ng+
>Chalice dungeons reworked
I flt in love with a diablo esque dungeon crawling
>combat from ds1
I aggree, while ds2 can be very technical and ds3 can be very fast and visceral, striking a good balance is what ds1 did and it did it well albeit, a few more iframes to not be in perma stress mode would be surplus
>Visuals from ds1/bb/demons
DS2 was too cartoony, ds3 was too bright and colorful,I want my shit gritty with some exceptional places full of color
>weapon arts
fuck them, ditch that shit and give me something with no resource consumption akin to switch weapons or whatever the fuck its called in bb
>stamina system
either ds1 or a mixture of ds1 and ds2. I dont want to be able to spam the shit out of moves nor th dodge roll. 3-5 swings from a glaive should be enough, meaty and flashy at the same time as challenging and rewarding.
for fucks sake let them coexist. Faith shouldnt be tailored toward buff spells neither dark towards damage. If I want my spears to be +++ let them be.
>Enemy variation
Ds2 did it well, ds1 too as did ds3 I think they got it but no dude lmao armor modus in fnial fights nor 10 of them in each area. No fucking blaoting either. Ds2 didnt do that well actually
>rings, weapon, equipment variation
yeah fuck that same moveset sword xy now with added lightning and donte from dmc series. Either make the weapon unique AND viable (no 5 hp drain when hitting something wtf were they thinking) but stuff like going invisible the first hit with a 18 seconds cooldown timer or sth and let it further modify with equipment down to 12 seconds for example at the expense of dps or even remove weaon effects with a ring alltogether but gain damage boost instead for cosplayers.
>Make armors weightless and resistance less. Its all about fashion now and is even easier to balance give effects instead
I don't mind warping so long as it isn't used as an excuse to be lazy and bring levels to random dead-ends. I played through DaS2 and DaS3 and I saw how 90% of the levels later on could've connected back to other areas or just outright could've been designed better.
It's laziness that's the problem.
>he doesn't like world tendency
look at this faggot
>magic from demons combined with DS1
but 2 had the best magic
ds2 magic was pretty good too but was too slow in general
dude the lightning got fucked
dlc enemies with 1 billion resistances fucked it even more
and the spell variety for pve purposes was butchered too.
Ds2 had the ebst worsed magic in all ds
Really missing soul vortex in DaS bro
>soul vortex in DaS
You know what dude. I dont give a fuck if your school oneshots shit. I just dont want to waste 10 spears on an enemy with huge resistances and a 100% magic block shield. thats all.
>i didn't even finish the first ds3 dlc and i havnt even bought the second one
First one is trash but you should play the second, Gael is best boy
A particular gimmick I've been entertaining, in relation to Attunement and Spells.
Leveling up stats like either Faith or Intelligence, would provide the player with
Attunement Slots that are dedicated to either Miracles or Sorceries.
Also, DS2 had the best spell system.
While Spells have cast-count, give each spell a durability meter too.
>implying you can regenerate that spell's durability meter
And if you actually do end up with someone making a Sci-Fi "Souls" game with Guns...
You better fucking make sure that Ammo is based off of Durability.
I swear to fucking God I'll have my way otherwise.
Or I'll bury you 6 feet underground without a sound.
of course I don't, neither does From Software and Miyazaki, they admit it was the worst mechanic they implemented because it was counterproductive to the online play aspect of the souls games.
Fuck off DeS cock sucker piece of shit, I have 100% trophies/achievements of all Soulsborne games on PC and PS4 and DeS is by far the worst garbage game in the series.
BB:TOHE > DAS3:TFFE > DAS:PTDE (1080p+ 60fps HD modded on PC) > DAS2:SOTFS > DeS
Dark souls 2 has the best atmosphere si tout arguments are invalids
>>gimmick bosses like dragon god/bed of chaos (fuck u i like them)
>fighting regular bosses gets tiring after the 20th one