Why is Japan the only country making good games? The only games worth playing this year have all been Japanese. As Westerners aren't you embarrassed that you're being dominated by one fucking country in the Far East?
Why is Japan the only country making good games? The only games worth playing this year have all been Japanese...
No politics and 20h long work days
I hate to say it but it's the lack of pandering to people who don't play games
Luckily I enjoy being dominated.
Japan was always the best at video games.
t. filthy gaijin
>its a subtle sonybro lumps his mediocre exclusives in with 10/10 Ninty games, while misdirecting his intentions by having the topic relate to something else
yeah, no. go ahead and remove your games from that image, you pathetic sack of shit. there's only two GOTY contenders in that pic, and you know it.
Jap games are usually shit in every area but 1, while western games are polished in every area just a smidgen above mediocrity. Overall, games from both sides add up to be just ok, but Jap games shine in one area where as western games are easily forgotten because they don't do anything particularly well. Of course, there are outliers, but this is usually the case.
You are hurt, heal your heart
You’re the one trying to turn this into consolewars you faggot
sure weeb
>put generic hack and slash games and the hundredth persona next to one of the best games made in the past decade, along with a game that will rival SM64, the best 3d platformer ever made
>accuse ME of consolewar faggotry and not the OP
fuck off
Nier Automata and Nioh aren't GOTY contenders at all. Only BotW, SMO and Persona 5 are GOTY.
>being cucked by western girls so you obsess over 2D japanese waifus
Non-virgins know what the true GOTY is. Pic mothafucking related.
but muh rooty tooty point and shooties
>dude graphics
It seems like the Jap devs are people who actually play and enjoy good vidya.
Games have artstyle
Games have good soundtrack and not movie hornets
Games are actually polished
Games do not feel samey in characters (outside moeshit) plot and gameplay
Games do not feel like chores
Games do not try to be pretentious sadshit, or it isn't the entire fucking point of the game like most praised indieshit
No one said anything about it until you came along and had a tantrum. Also highly praising a game that isn’t even out yet is retarded and now you’ve summoned Horizon-kun, nice job.
It's a matter of taste, not everyone likes the same genres.
Yuroniggers and Amerifats tend to gravitate towards cinematic/casual games.
Yuropoors definitely have the worst taste though, never met one who didn't like trash games.
Definitely this, western studios develop games for people who hate videogames and enjoy cinematic trash.
>mfw I haven't enjoyed a western game in a decade.
Time to go replay Deus Ex, I guess.
What is this "westerners" meme? How cucked are you fat weeaboos when you have to spam shit like this every day?
It wasn't that good.
I hasn't been released to know.
The others are legit.
whoa.... just like..... Avatar.......
Eastern European games are still really good. It's almost as if nip and slav gaming isn't infested by participation medal ideology and massive corporations. It's AA games are pretty much nonexistant in western games, but plentiful elsewhere.
>Nier Automata and Nioh aren't GOTY contenders at all.
Incorrect on Nier
Correct on Nioh.
What I don't understand is why are we still going along with the Persona is good meme? Every non-weeb knows it's shit, it always was shit. Only weebs like it because muh life in Japan. Why do we keep pretending it's good? Let's just come out and say it, keep you weebshit out muh country.
>showing only graphics
Really user?
None of the games in OP are good because of graphics.
The last Japanese game I actually enjoyed was Dark Souls 3. (Which has so many western influences I'm not even sure it counts) I'm still sitting here playing the fuck out of Hitman, you weebs have no idea what you're missing out on.
>Eastern European games
Half of that is military F2P crap. Entire Eastern Europe shits out maybe 1 good game a year, and even that's a stretch. What's the one good slav game of 2017?
Its not amazing but its unique and very good at what it wants to do
You forgot about GravityRush2 and Yakuza0.
>Why is Japan the only country making good games?
Almost. You get like a couple of good western games per year if you're lucky, so we can't say Western developers only make shit games when there are rare exceptions every other blue moon.
Japan has always made better games, I don't know why it took until 2017 for some people to realize that. Lately there have been many threads like yours and videos made about this topic - what I don't understand is why it took this long for people to grasp that simple fact of life.
>It's a sonybro falseflags as a nintenbro filler episode
And what it wants to do is to give weebs the fantasy of living in Japan. That's it, that's the only reason this weebshitfest is popular.
Sure, thats not an argument against it though
Sorry Nintenbro, I know your butthurt levels are immeasurable because you aren't getting Monster Hunter World (or ANY Monster Hunter at ALL for YEARS on the Switch), but lashing out in random unrelated threads won't bring you back that franchise. Just let the big boys enjoy mainline MonHun from now on, while you play your kiddy MHStories Jrpg, ok?
It kind of is. Most people aren't interested in that fantasy. It appeals to weebs. The fact that GTA makes you feel like you're in US isn't really an important part of GTA, foreigners don't play it because of that.
BotW is in NO way a GOTY when it barely is a good game in the frist place.
You want more webms?
>GOTY """Contenders"""
we all know that Zelda got it in the bag already
These are bait threads made to draw in butthurt westcucks
>Eastern European games are still really good.
If you are a PCc-u-c-k that enjoys unoptimized STALKER clones and EarlyAccess shit (again, just shooters) then sure, they make good games. For people with good tastes, no.
CDProjektRED are the only thing worth salvaging but they don't make good games so I don't know why I'm bringing them up. Their gameplay is fucking shit while character building and side-quests are good. Witcher series as games are 7/10 at best
Don't pretend to be an actual fan of MHW you falseflagging Nintenger
>persona 5
You know a BotW fanboy when he still posts the fake 98 score.
Someone link the thread with the indie guy saying japanese devs need to keep up
Literally all the jap games in the OP are garbage. There are weeb retards who unironically think that western game is garbage because of cinematic shit and yet in the same breath defend and played godawful cinematic japanese shit like Yakuza, Nier and Persona V.
I don't know about GoTY but the best RPG this year is Expedition:Vikings and that shits on every Jap """"RPG""""' put together this gen.
Western developers make games that people actually buy.
Stop calling them weebs, it's too polite. Call them what they are, self hating westerners. These people actively root for their own team to fail, and they call others cuckolds while they do it.
Is there even a single action game worth studying in the west? There might be a couple First Person Shooters the west has shit out over the last 20 years, A COUPLE, that it might be worth learning to bunnyhop in. The west has done literally nothing.
Ironically his game is better than literally anything in the OP pic except for Zelda. Mario isn't even out, not a game
NO NO NO SHUT UP! The west is terrible because they make games for people who don't buy games!
And whats better is that they'll never be able to hide their white genes.
Folks from the 50s would be rolling in their graves for kicking Japan's ass back in WW2 only for their descendants to go kiss the enemy's ass like loyal dogs.
Nioh and BOTW?
>Is there even a single action game worth studying in the west?
There isn't a single action game in existence worth studying.
Oy vey the innovative world of Japanese action games where a 10/10 is a remake of DMC3 in a slightly shittier form with a different setting.
>These people actively root for their own team to fail
Because not being able to play good games would be such a win
You mean like DMC, Nier, etc?
If so, no, the only western hack n' slash devs I can think of are Ninja Theory, and they produce nothing but trash.
>he doesn't believe that Japanese culture is objectively superior to western culture
What are you even doing on Sup Forums?
but when he calls out interfaces and menus, which I feel is the one thing nips do well.
Sup Forums memes of course.
Phil Fish and Inafune have both slagged off Japanese games, which is funny, because they've both only ever produced derivative shit
Don't you even start, you know Fez can't even compete with those games
The vast majority of weebs don't want the west to make good games. You hype up every AAA game from the west as the next TORtanic before release because you like to see western games flop.
His game doesn't have any menus or a HUD. I'd say he gets to call people out for heavy usage of shit HUD.
To make fun of people like you
>You forgot about GravityRush2 and Yakuza0.
GR2 is shit (except graphics, its worse in any other aspect compared to first GR) and Yakuza 0 should be swapped with Nioh, since Nioh is just a bit better than average games, when Yakuza 0 excels in many things and is fun.
It wasn't Fish, it was the Braid guy. Who made Witness now. And yes, it's a better game than weebtrash in OP.
To see people like you defend your lust for moon people
Don't even start that 'Japan's superior taste' nonsense. They're a mobile game country.
When I came to Sup Forums in 2006, Jap media was better than Western media. Not the case anymore. I'm not in a cult, I don't have to always hold the same belief no matter what happens.
Don't bother. Sup Forums even tolerates shit like FGO and FEH. People crucify 10-20 dollar DLCs but gacha games that can potentially burn 500 bucks just to get your waifu is a-okay apparently. You can buy every damn console with that money
The difference there is actually GAME with those movie-games in Japan, the same can not be said of the west, nor when the west does movie-game do they even do it well.
I only really need Japan for fighters and 3rd person action games that aren't shooters, the west can make everything else even if it doesn't right now. I'll just play older games that haven't gotten boring.
>uggggh I play Yakuza for the complicated combat system
Please stop, weebshit. Yakuza gameplay got boring by Yakuza 2, only the minigames keep it fresh.
Because Japan makes games because they want to make games and so does Europe by the way.
America makes games because they want money.
>Because Japan makes games because they want to make games
Then explain mobileshit.
We can't all be perfect.
Just because his game doesn't warrant it doesn't mean they aren't necessary
That's the Japanese equivalent of Fifa and Call of Duty. Retards fall for it and give their money to the big companies. But they don't sell it as full price titles.
You can't seriously think that Japan is good at making UI. Every JRPG is a clunky mess of menus to this day.
>No anime character
My GOTY is Hollow Knight
you're overgeneralizing about a broad scope of vidya user. blah blah you dont like i dont like blah blah
Please leave before this becomes another HK shill thread.
Quality weeb shitpost. Actual GOTY contenders so far are Horizon from the West and Zelda and Resi 7 from Japan. Nier, Nioh and Persona are trash.
Mobile games are made so people without time to sit on their room can play games
Simple as that
>you're overgeneralizing
Am I? Name ONE just ONE current gen Japanese game with a good UI that isn't clunky as hell and isn't a chore to work your way through.
Hard mode: not a western oriented Japanese game.
Japanese games are flashier and with qualities that are easier to quantify.
>Games do not feel samey in characters (outside moeshit) plot and gameplay
Dude, get a fucking grip.
Well western devs are gutting their rpgs, focusing on multiplayer only games, and finally do any of those games in op's pic have microtransactions?
Jap games are fun games that feel finished unlike a lot of shit in the west that needs updates a weak after a game releases
>samey in characters
Ah yes, just look at something like Nier. Those characters are so unique and deep. Totally not anime cliches.
If you don't like jrpgs with menu setup, thats fine. You don't have to fight about it.
You're not going to agree because opinions and shit, but Xenoblade,Fire emblem, Dragon quest, monhun. I'm sure there's more, but I'm a poorfag
>its a nintenbro being retarded while other nintenbros blame their boogeyman again episode