With Xbox One getting Xbox BC starting this fall, what are some games you would like to see...

With Xbox One getting Xbox BC starting this fall, what are some games you would like to see? The Xbox didn't have as many games as the 360 did but still, there is like at least 50 or so worth making BC. A ton of Sega games, Conker, Ninja Gaiden Black etc

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The Crash Xbox games would be great to have, and they probably will happen. Activision is always nice when it comes to BC and the crash games after the trilogy aren't anything they want to remaster and make $$$ on.

Imagine if we got Twinsanity and WoC, and N. Sane Trilogy went multiplat this holiday like the rumors say? Xbox would be better at playing Crash than a PlayStation. Weird times we live in now.


Munchs oddessy
Crimson skyes
Fusion Frenzy
Voodu Vince

Take a look at this, discard all the licensed games and dead publisher games and you get a good idea of what could come to the BC program

These lists are also useful since it seems Microsoft is transferring this licenses from the Xbox 360 to the Xbox One


Jade empire should've gotten a sequel for christ sake.


I want to get into the 3d ninja gaiden games, where should i start? which one is the best?

The 360 had a good amount of solid Xbox games. Problem was, the emulation technology wasn't as good. But the 360 emulation on the Xbox One shows how much they have improved since then, with games playing the same or better in most cases than how they did on 360. I'm excited. Man, I remember playing the shit out of Sonic Heroes and Jet Set Radio Future on the 360.

I would've been happy if they just finished the cut content.

I wanted a three-cornered D&S relationship with Dawn Star and Silk Fox, damn it.