Excited Sup Forums?

Excited Sup Forums?


>inb4 AC fag
>inb4 Malstorm fag
>inb4 AM2R fag


yea I never played Metroid


>tfw pre ordered


Why is the not sold in the region of the world that actually buys Metroid games?

Nintendo developers really do have their heads up their asses. The reason why no one is looking for Switch versions of Urban Champion or Wrecking Crew or Mach Rider or even Kid Icarus is because despite how much those IPs were ‘driven’, the market does not want them. People talk about Nintendo’s IPs without forgetting the corpses of failed IPs that Nintendo attempted. Remember Game Freak’s Drill Dozer?

Sakamoto, the pixel artist, did not invent Metroid. Metroid was Gunpei Yokoi’s baby. The people behind Metroid are either dead or retired. Sakamoto is the last one left who had any involvement with it.

Metroid Fusion, on the vast GBA installed base, is completely overshadowed and outsold by Metroid Prime, made by Texans in Austin on the teeny tiny installed base of the Gamecube. Retro’s direct sequels to Metroid Prime, though selling less, still sold over a million (i.e. more than Sakamoto Metroid Gymnastics).

Metroid Zero Mission, the second remake of the original Metroid (Super Metroid was the first), also didn’t perform.

Metroid Hunters came out and sold a million. Say what one wants about Hunters, the game added more to the Metroid franchise than anything Sakamoto did. The bounty hunters are far more interesting than ‘Adam’ or ‘Samus’s tortured past’.

Then, of course, there was Metroid: Other M. It was funny to watch people be in such denial about HOW BAD the game was. “Team Ninja messed it up.” No one would blame Sakamoto, the person who WROTE, PRODUCED, and DIRECTED the game.

With all of Sakamoto’s mistakes, you would think he’d be fired from Metroid franchise. But no. We have Metroid Returns (i.e. Sakamoto Returns) of a 3DS remake of Metroid 2.

They literally give all this cool shit exclusively to EU now because they need to be pleaded with to buy anything that isn't FIFA or PES

who the fuck are you and why are you using a name, this is an anonymous imageboard. i think you are lost.

It's fine if they want to incentivize the EU into buying it but what about the core audience that actually wants it?

>Excited Sup Forums?

No more than I was the first 1000 times you posted this shill thread.

Nintendo killed the IP with Other M, then put the final nail in the coffin with Federation Force. I'm not hopeful that a Metroid II remake will improve upon the core game in any way. No, I don't care how many people have pre-ordered it. That tells me nothing about the competency of game's designers.

Also, get ready to defend your remake versus AM2R shills. They're attracted to these threads like flies to shit.

American fans will happily eat shit with no condiments and NoA knows that, so despite their complaints, we will buy it anyway. EU is different, they have to be LURED away from sports games to buy anything niche.

it's blog copypasta. just ignore him.

AM2R and Nintendo's remake can exist and be compared and contrasted. People have every right to do that.

The AM2R guy worked on the game for almost a decade, and it's really good. By merit of time invested alone, along with MercurySteam's shit track record, and Sakamoto's total lack of understanding of the IP (something we've known for years now), I don't have faith that a M2 remake whipped together in 2 years with recycled OM assets and Castlevania 3DS presentation can do better than one guy with limitless time and genuine passion for the franchise.

But people should give the new remake a fair shake, it could be fine. It just doesn't have much going for it beyond being 'official' vs 'unofficial'

>They didn't use the Other M design
Thank fuck.

>To a free game
Please stop pretending you care about Metroid.

>it's really good

No it's not. The entire game looks like a Zero Mission ROM hack. They ripped the tileset straight from ZM and scaled it up to look even shittier. ZM's tileset was designed with the assumption that some players would be using an original GBA without a backlight, so the palettes are overly bright and washed out, and some tiles have neon edges around them to make them more visible. AM2R does nothing to tone this down.

Nope, it's garbage.
>Cinematic takedowns a la Other M
>Quick-time events
>Made by random studio
This will be the "Yoshi's Island DS" of Metroid

>To a free game

e-celebs are shilled here all the time, and they do it for free. It's all about e-cred. Now fuck off.

I can't take you seriously if you refuse to be unbiased.

The game looks amazing. It does not look like a "ZM romhack" (it was made from the ground up so you can go fuck yourself buddy).

Nobody was talking shit until Nintendo announced they were doing an 'official' remake and I seriously don't like that fickle bullshit.

Not a negative.
>Cinematic takedowns
>Quick-time events
It has neither of these.
>Made by random studio
So was Prime and look how that turned out.

Your refusal to acknowledge an aspect of the gaming subculture that you don't like doesn't make it against the law for other people to embrace it.

How much is Nintendo paying OP to viral this game? The Federation Force shill threads were much more humorous. The shills gave up trying to argue with 90% negative reception and decided that creating the threads in the first place was only doing more harm to the game's marketing.

>tfw paid too much for it

In 1991, Cafe Nintendo makes a chocolate chip cookie. People like this chocolate chip cookie.

Over the decades, Chef Sakamoto keeps putting out chocolate chip cookies with more salt. The sales for Sakamoto’s salty cookies go down. Cafe Nintendo does not respond to the market. Instead, Cafe Nintendo keeps trying to sell Sakamoto’s increasingly salty cookies.

An amateur cook puts out a chocolate chip cookie with more chocolate. Everyone celebrates! If only Cafe Nintendo would put out chocolate chip cookie with more chocolate or, at least, without the salt.

Cafe Nintendo’s response is to send thugs to the amateur chef, bust up his kitchen, beat his ass, and destroy any existence of the chocolate chip cookie with more chocolate.

Cookie eaters are stunned. Why did Cafe Nintendo do this? “We are protecting our IP.” (IP stands for Intellectual Property which applies equally across products including cookies.)

The truth of this situation is that AM2R is not the issue. The truth of the situation is that IP is also not the issue.

This is all about one thing: Sakamoto.

Stop talking about AM2R. Talk about Sakamoto. Nintendo is circling the wagons around Sakamoto.


Haha no

Look, we already know the people making it and their track record is bad. We know Sakamoto has said so much stupid shit about Metroid in the last 7 years that any "new lore" coming from him is worthless since Other M was completely his 'baby' and the lore in that game contradicted EVERY SINGLE OTHER game in the series INCLUDING metroid 2. He even admitted not giving a shit about traditional Metroid and wanting to make "new experiences", hence why he moved onto Tomodachi Life and shit like that.

There are cinematic takedowns; they're literally in the trailers and gameplay shown, and CV 3DS (MercurySteam's last games) had them as well. It also reminds me of OM, where the devs had Samus flipping around cinematically because they thought was "really cool" to see Samus do a bunch of flips and shit onscreen with the tap of a button.

I hope (and I assume many other naysayers hope as well) that the game will actually be really good, but nobody involved gives us a reason to be hopeful.

I want to be wrong about my suspicions

I never liked Metroid, I actually enjoyed it being dead
I loved to laugh at salty Metroidfags, and now Nintendo has taken that away from me
At this point I'm begging and praying for Metroid Prime 4 to be absolute shit and that it kills the franchise even harder than Other M did

Might be good, might not be. I'm cautiously optimistic.

>I hate other people having fun
What a sad manchild.

>I seriously don't like that fickle bullshit.
Fanboys in a nutshell. Distance yourself from them and you'll live a better life.

You're using the wrong terminology; parried attacks are not takedowns, they're counter attacks. A takedown is shit like Glory Kills in D44M or stealth kill where you walk up to someone and one-shit them during a cutscene-like animation.

Like you're any better
Fuck off

MercurySteam is still under Ninty's / Sakamoto's direction so if anyone fucks up it would be on them. You can't blame bad design decisions on code monkeys. I honestly can't say they've shown a whole lot of the game that makes it look bad.

So about 50-50 on it turning out okay/goodish.

>being this new

It's cute to see the Metroid fags still desperately flail about, trying to pretend that Nintendo is abusing your beloved franchise.

Federation Force was great, and I'm really happy to see a real remake of 2 get released as well.

>The european collector's edition has been sold out everywhere, just mere minutes after it was revealed on online stores
Nintendo better restock it in the near future