Can we still play this together Sup Forums?
Or at the very least reminisce a little?
Can we still play this together Sup Forums?
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>character corrupt
Ah, I've played enough for several life times
No....but I can reminisce PSU if you'd like.
>character corrupt
Jesus don't remind me, I lost a lvl 150 HUcast due to a corrupt 3rd party memory card
Holy shit I forgot all about this.
Look at those Metacritic scores.
Tell us about it user.
no thank you
Well there's nothing to say to shitters who only worship metacritic...I will say this though
PSU >>>>>>>>>> PSO
Phantasy Star Universe had a lot of problems regarding balance, scaling, extremely hokey, by-the-book anime tropes, and fundamentally-flawed systems, that make for an overall inferior experience.
PSO is by no means perfect - but it at least had a clear vision of what it wanted to be: A new take on what the original Diablo brought, a game about crawling dungeons and killing bosses for loot, with your friends or random people online.
PSU tried to be something different, tried to emphasize combat in all of the wrong (and horrifically-janky) ways, tried to be a bigger online game, and tried to make crafting a major thing. It tried to one-up PSO in every way except those that mattered, and ultimately ended up as a mash-up of a bunch of flawed-at-best or outright-bad systems, ending up with an unsatisfying grind that does everything it can to deter players from wanting to continue investing time and effort into it.
PSU is better left forgotten.
Genuinely kill yourself
I wish this game was still running officially
Not him but I agree up until the forgotten bit. I played a ton of PSO and while PSU was by no means as memorable or fun for me I can still empathize with the people that reminisce about it as I still had some good times myself. I know a lot of those tend to be something stupid like HAHA I JUST KEPT REDOWNLOADING THE DEMO AND PLAYING IT OVER AND OVER ONLINE and stuff but I've heard some genuinely good stories involving friends and whatnot similar to my PSO experiences. Definitely agree with you otherwise however. PSU tried so hard to be a better PSO imo and it hurt to see. I know you might be referring to forgetting in terms of game design but I can't deny the people who genuinely liked the game their own personal experiences and memories.
Furthermore, while it doesn't count exactly, I had a ton of fun playing PSP2 with friends. Again not to the same degree as PSO, but they're good times I refuse to forget.
I know how you feel. Ephinea is great as a private server but it's hard to fill that hole of jumping on the game on your DC/GCN for the first time and finding your friends then proceeding to jump into your first Forest run and kill your first Dragon. Sometimes wish I could just forget it existed to experience it all over again. What's nuts is I'll still play the game from time to time throughout any given year just to play it because I still genuinely believe it's a fantastic game worth playing to this day so it's hard to just consider it simple nostalgia.
>PSO2 already has an English version in South East Asia
What is happening there at SEGA
Isn't it also a terrible version in general? I never tried it but I had little problems with PSO2+eng patches. From what I understand they have more strict rules on the money stuff and are very far behind and whatnot right? Some one could confirm/deny this. I'm literally speaking from hear-say.
PSO is one of my favorite goat vidya ever.That character/dungeon/boss design , that lore , that soundtrack....
Dreamcast sure was the father of some Masterpieces .
But all god must die....
Phantasy Star Online wasn't really a great game in itself, the music carried a mass amount of the weight to make it so loved. Similar to what happend with Nier Automata.
Ultimately it was an insane grinder, the only reason to play after the first month was to get that spread needle with a .0001% drop rate from a monster that spawned 1/100 runs.
It was decent for the day but it was a notorious skinner box.
But people still play FFXI.
And I think people still even play PSO.
I play on ephinea sometimes but it's very lonely.
people either take the game too seriously or aren't interested at all.
pso Blue Burst is still up.
you can play it on PC.
pretty active servers.
Sega are notorious game killers, I think that's why they refuse to launch pso2 in the west. They get far less kickback when they close these games down from JP players.
Old games last well, Lineage 1 still runs, Everquest 1 still runs, ffxi still runs.
Spread needle was actually one of the more common special weapons if you had the right ID. Like 1/900 from a fairly common ruins enemy.
Spread/Frozon shooter/yas9000 were all you needed to wreck and the occasional charge vulcans for overkill.
This game was legit some of the best time I've had in my life. I didn't even have internet, but me and 2 bros played the fuck out of this game for like, 2 years.
Those were good times. I still have the memory cards with the characters on 'em, but It's just not the same without bros.
My beaky HuCast remains one of my favorite characters I've made in anything.
But we're saying above, that the game actually has an official English version in the Chinese version or something?
maybe they don't do anything because No American/European servers to help the ping, but then there are Oceanic people.
I just don't understand.
Fuck this game was so good. It's a huge part of my childhood.
I didn't even have a internet adapter for my Gamecube (or high speed internet in 2002), but my cousin, two neighborhood friends, and I would split screen the shit out of this game on a tiny >20" CRT, but we didn't give a fuck. Spent an entire summer just grinding until we got to Ultimate. Our party was a HUcast, a RAmar, a FOmar, and a FOnewearl (obviously me, cause I was the weeb)
I think this was the first time I really geeked out over a game. I remember finding a MAG feeding guide on gamefaqs and just being blown away by the potential of having an actually well-designed MAG rather than feeding it whatever garbage I had lying around.
Goddamn, this was some grade-A dungeon crawling goodness. That excitement when bosses dropped a red item. The satisfaction of getting enough stats to wield a powerful weapon.
I've tried to relive such a pure dungeon crawling experience since, but I've never been able to recreate the experience. PSU and PSO2 just disappointed me.. Alas, it was probably only magical since I was a kid and was experiencing the satisfaction of grinding for the first time.
sega are pretty fucking stupid.
took them however many years to realise people wanted a game like sonic mania.
Didn't Phantasy Star IV only get localized out of spite after another company went asking Sega of Japan for the rights to localize it?
Back in the day I wanted to get into PSO but the only game I could find was pic related.
It was too hard for my young mind who also barely understood english at the time so I never bought another PSO
I still had a lot of fun later when I revisited playing with my brothers.
Whats the consensus on this game?
Played on Ephinea for a short time, nice game but naturally playing with Sup Forums was mind-numbingly bad.
>When the Ruins theme swells up after you walk into a room filled with enemies and delsabers and shit
Fuck so good
>18 years old
>PSO was my favorite, put 200 hours in a solo GC offline FOmarl, more when I found a 1.0 online server, and then ever MORE when Schthack server finally got released
>Learn you can pirate the PSU expansion and still play online because Sega didn't use any anti-piracy
>Got a gift card, bought 6 months of a sub cause it was cheap
>Event at the time got me from 1-60 in 2 days
>Never played after that
It wasn't that PSU was bad, it just lacked what made PSO so great. I have the same problem with PSO2.
Sega is good at succeeding in one place and failing in another.
Like someone at a party said "No one can make a Devil may cry battle system in an MMO environment" and Sega was like "Hold my drink". Bam PSO2.
Then you had the promotional material released for PSO2 as early as 2012 for the USA. This would imply a US release. Sadly that release never came. Some say it had to do with the colossal failure that was Alien Colonial Marines. Other argue that Sega hates the "gaijns". Some even hypothesized it had to do with the GATCHA style premium boxes. But anyone who played shitty F2P MMOs even in 2012 knew that wasn't the reason. All good guesses of course but the true answer is something far more pathetic.
Market Saturation. There were already tons of different Free to play online games that did what PSO2 did or came close enough that they already had the market share that Sega felt they couldn't capture. As time went on the market continued to expand and the space for PSO2 shrank. It was still released in Japan because it has a bigger fan base there. There's fan bases in other counties of course but not like they have in Japan.
The REAL reason the USA and other English speaking countries didn't get a PSO2 is because we just weren't promising enough to the investors to merit a release. If the money was there we would have gotten our PSO2.
>what about the SEA region?
Different region, different market. Sega has more play there. It was economical to release it in that region. It's not just translating the game- that is easy enough (the fan made English patch is proof of that) there's also marketing and logistics in place that make releasing a game in the U.S. completely different.
What's the biggest difference between the release of PSO and PSO2? PSO was the first MMO style game on a console. PSO2 wasn't the first anything. It was just a sequel.
They closed the SEA servers down from what I heard. Pso2 SEA was also neglicted hard around the time the jap servers got ep3. This still doesn't change the fact of how fucking stupid of a business decision it was to make in the first place. Shit like that is why no one should ever call Sega a competent company
I liked the idea of this game, but I could never actually get someone to sit down and play it with me back in the day. Also because I didn't have the GCN network adapter, or the money to pay for a monthly fee, or the ingenuity to get that money I only ended up playing against the computer 90% of the time. At the end of the day, all it did was rekindle my desire to play Episode I & II and I recreated Sil'fer because she was so fucking hot to 13 year old me.
It has a sick OST like the first game, though.
I thought it was fun. Really disappointed at the time because when I got it I didn't know it was a card game but I played it with my brother anyway. I'm not big on strategy games but this one was simple enough for me
>best friend and I both get dcs for Xmas
>later on get PSO V1
>he moves
>we stay in touch, scrape together cash so we can travel to hang out, and still play pso here and there
>still best friends today
I never played the GC version. I played on Dreamcast back when that system was still somewhat alive. Didn't want to pony up the cash for the V2 sub.
I sank a decent amount of time into it, never got fully hooked but definitely played casually compared to others. I was more obssessed with arcade style games and fightan back then. I should pop it in for laughs since it'll be fresh since I've damn near forgotten everything now.
ephinea is still up
One of my favorite things about PSOEP1&2 was offline co-op local had so many good times with my brother and friends one thing we'd do when running dungeons was split up if we think we could handle it mfw I end up in the pitch black room with the only visble things are lights from bombs and the glow of a blade from a hoard of Delsabers plus this mother fucker in the room
Don't mind me user gonna just spawn in your blind spot and Paralyze ya!
Dreamcast EU PSOv2 was amazing. There was no monthly hunters licence payment.
Is PSO2 worth talking about or playing? Seems like they went WAAAAY too anime style with it, doesn't even look like the same series anymore. But I never gave it a fair chance myself since I got sick of waiting for anEnglish version, so I'm curious
>blocks your path
>Those enemies my non-Cast party members hated
I played it years ago with the English patch and I just couldn't get into it. I don't know if it was just the wrong time or playing with the wrong people, but all the magic from PSO seemed to be gone. I didn't get very far, so maybe I'm just a retard that didn't understand the game, but it seemed much more based on doing missions and gathering crafting materials than grinding dungeons and killing mobs.
>The Nano Dragon is an unusual enemy that can strengthen itself by killing either the player or any enemies that get in the way of its lazer or beam blasts. It will usually roam aimlessly until it senses that an enemy or the player is injured. At that point, it will fire either its nano beams or lazer in an attempt to kill either target.
Truly a horrifying creature
>We're 4 friends who life near each others
>One of them buy PSO on GC one day
>It's fucking amazing
>We all buy it
>But we can't play together with our original character
>One day of them discover that we can just tranfer our characters into the game of the host and play all together on the same consoles and take back our characters on our memory cards and have everything saved on them
>We have a fucking BLAST
>After 90 to 100h of game we suddenly discover that there was something else than normal mode
>Our collective face when we discover hard mode AND red boxes for the fist time and so much more things to do with the game
>In the end spend around 1500 hours with them playing this fucking game
We went with HUmar Oran (me), HUcast Skyly, FOnew Redria and RAmarl Yellowboze.
We didn't even know about the effects of section IDs on our drop chance so we were fucking lucky to have got something different than each others.
PSO is a gem full of memory for me, I will always remember the time we got that one Ruin 3 map which is fucking HUGE and took us hours to complete, or the first time we went to seabed and fought and flower and got our asses ended to us and we lost all our mesetas.
God I wanna go back ;_;
>Our face when you see it level up for the first time and growth taller
Worst stage, best theme
You hear it, you lose.
yes you can, look up PSO blue burst, schthack, or any other PSO private server, they host all versions of the game.
Nar Lily
>It use megid and you're dead
>before dying it paralyze
I fucking loved the sound they made. Like a car peeling out or something.
I always hated Megid's sound because of those fucks and especially their Ultimate version.
>Playing Caves solo
>Last enemy in room is Poison Lily
>Paralyzes you
>Starts it's death countdown so it won't poison you to override the paralysis
>No Sol Atomizers
>No telepipes because of Ryuker
>Have to walk all the way back to teleport to ship and cure myself
This happened to me more than once because I am an idiot.
tfw learning killing the pack leader with a group of savages wolves results in the pack getting attack and defense debuff
Indi Belra are fun
Alot of that sounds undeniably plausible, but it's not really one hundred percent true. Pso2 didn't need to be the first of anything to make it's impact over here, back in to 2012 the promo material for it was more good enough to turn heads for it. And no matter how many f2p mmo's you play you'll never find one as close to pso2, nothing with a simalar setting, nothing with a similar play. You, even today you still can't find a game to give you the same experience it can. Over saturation is only a problem if it's lost in a sea of games that are identical to it but this isn't the case with Pso2. The actual problem i think is more that Sega was just not willing to put proper efforting into pushing the game overseas like they do in their homeland. literally all it would have too to catch fire here is few more promo trailers and banners on distribution sites,as well as ad space on psn, especially if they had released it around the time of the Ps4 and ep3, it really gets to me how big of a blunder they made with this game. It might be to late now that ep4 has happen and took away almost all it's charm of a sci-fi mmo, but it's still in a "better late then never position" if you ask me.
Weren't they weak to zone attack?
when confused, they kill everything in the room
The funny thing is the game's English site is still up and unchanged since 2012.
It can't be part of the Japanese website domain, so SEGA is still hosting it for some reason.
Time to farm
PSO was the birth of the console MMO, an act followed by very few but notable titles, including Final Fantasy XI and Destiny.
I remember my mom didn't like it when I played this game when I was a kid. See, I played a HUnewearl, and she thought my character's outfit was too skimpy. Ultimately she didn't push the issue and I stared at that elf ass for hours and hours.
If only she hadn't relented, maybe things would have been different...
>tfw Nintendont cannot have modem support
This is one of the best games of all time. Sitting around with three other friends playing splitscreen...those truly were some of the best moments of my life. I wish we could go back...
>That agreement, our source says, is between Sega of Japan and a Chinese company, and it allegedly prevents Sega from releasing the game onto Steam anywhere for an unknown period. Though not its only means of distribution in the West, Steam is Sega’s primary means of commerce in the PC arena.
>The source does not know for how long that agreement is active, but indicated it is finite–but even when that contract expires, it will not necessarily guarantee a path to a Western release. Phantasy Star Online 2 was first released in 2012. A release in southeast Asia, including an English language version, began rolling out in 2014.
I was excited myself but I was playing a few different action based online games during 2012 and on into 2013 when the game originally released in Japan. I wasn't the only one. In these years lots of promising and popular F2P properties were released. PSO2 would be unique but it wouldn't be alone.
>sega didn't put any effort
If Sega has one thing it is effort but they're not stupid. They're not going to publish a game if they don't think they'll see a reasonable profit from a release. People who care dearly for PSO2 think it would sell well in on our region. What you fail to realize is that PSO2 is a niche of a niche.
All of Sega's competition doesn't necessarily have to be better. It just has to take up enough of the market to keep them from making a profit. You can argue subjectively that sales figures would be different but Sega's analysts are the one's who made the final call. The one's who pour over spreadsheets and monitor sales trends looked over the numbers and at the end of the day it a western release of PSO2 that was poor financial risk.
Would PSO2 have done well in the west? Maybe. But statistically speaking it didn't look promising from a financial standpoint. The risk wasn't worth the possible reward. That's all Sega needed to know. You know what Sega property sells in the USA? Sonic. That's why we're still getting his shitty games.
But the thing is an English version DOES exist, it's just that the South East Asian servers block Western IPs.
Hell even the anime was subbed officially to English.
Fucking chinked, why am I not surpirsed?
You're not looking at the big picture. The game was released in the SEA. Different culture, different values, different marketing, different infrastructure.
If there was any possibility of there being a western release the SEA server could have functioned as a nice closed beta for English players but that was never the case apparently.
It all comes back to money. If Sega felt they could have made money from PSO2 in the U.S. they would have released it here. They didn't so it wasn't released.
Until someone from Sega admits otherwise that's the only logical explanation.
You forgot different language. What passes for 'english' in SEA isn't really recognizable in the West.
Are those quest specifc? Never seen them.
I don't remember seeing them outside Central Control Tower. Which regular Central Control District runs didn't go to, instead teleporting you to Gal Da Val isle when you reached the tower's entrance. Odd stuff.
Eh, I tried it and found the translation to be adequate. I never encountered something that I didn't understand. I certainly understood more from SEA than I did from any of the moonrunes in the "english patch". I can't vouch for other parts of SEA that don't use English.
Still, don't get side tracked. The issue was never translation. Not singularly anyway. They projected profits in the SEA region and made a version of the game for that region.
The SEA version ended up failing so perhaps Sega's ability to gauge financial viability isn't that good. Poor decisions or not it's still their decision.
episode 2's sunken lab.
also fun fact- if Sega push PSO2 into the west with this
It'll flounder for multiple reasons. First off, the aforementioned market saturation. Secondly, most of the hardcore base of players that want to play PSO2 are already doing so on the JP server and would sooner give up the game altogether before playing a NA release. Finally, the game is old and it hasn't aged particularly well compared to more recent releases.
If Sega wanted to be a cheeky cunt and somehow ban the foreign IPs those are players they'd never get back. They'd probably have to close the NA server down less than a year into the launch. If they make it that far.
Hmm. If PSO were rereleased... on Steam... with free online or the ability to host your own server... would you buy it?
I think it would be interesting to see the response to it.
SEGA are currently doing their whole free mobile thing to test the brand appeal of various IPs.
PSO could definitely run on mobile.
That was the case. For that reason PSIV was also priced much higher, SoA wanted that game to fail
Only if it worked like the console games (characters saved on client-side, single player mode) and gave us free access to edit the item/stats database (or proper mod support, at least on single player mode).
I use Blue Burst server emulator to play the game offline, and I love to edit item data just to see what happens, like giving all sabers new properties similar to swords (hit up to X targets on Y distance, greatsword animations), or discovering items that never dropped in the western server like Raikiri.
I'd rather see it rereleased on a handheld.
Imagine it on 3ds.
PSO2 is full of collaborations with anime studios and other stuff. Just to get that content licensed here would be a pain. And I really mean that it is full of it.
They might as well just create new content here, but that would open another can of worms, so they probably just think it is not worth it.
I really wanted to play PSO2 at first, but when I saw that fucking Space Battleship Yamato in the game with zombie Zero fighters flying around and you fighting them on a mecha, I really couldn't bother anymore. I just wanted the virgin sci-fantasy feel of PSO.
>I just wanted the virgin sci-fantasy feel of PSO
You mean they didn't do a collaboration with Legend of the Galactic Heroes?
>Would always go to friends house and play PSO in splitscreen
>Get rare drop that friend wants
>Go home at the end of the day
>Next day my characters save is always "corrupted"
I'd love to have an mmorpg like PSO on Switch. No running around for quests in an open world, just grinding for levels and gears in instances with people.
>Xbox OG backwards compatability
If any of you fucks at MS are in this thread and actually manage to get Sega to agree to put up servers somehow and restore online I will actually suck your dicks
>Willing to suck dick for it instead of just playing it on PC
Sounds like you just want to suck dick
I can't get it running on my PC for some reason. I downloaded Blue Burst and created the account and everything. For some reason it just doesn't work. I've tried everything, I even bought an SSD to put in on in the off chance that would somehow fix it.
>Over 12 years later and they still can't make a good sequel to PSO
>even if hey do, they won't market it here in the US
sometimes I just want to roll over and die
>Buy this game after learning about the lan exploit
>It didn't work for the *plus* version
At least the game was good.
Which server? If it was Schthack, the server probably was dead/bugged (again) when you tried to play it.
You could try other servers or just play alone on PC (v2 on PC, Ep1&2plus on Dolphin emulator, Blue Burst with Tethealla emulator).
You still play it through split screen co-op. I think the Dolphin emulator on PC has netplay support for this.
You can still play online on the real Gamecube hardware but someone has to host a private server or you have to log into the existing dead one out there (schthack)
>is between Sega of Japan and a Chinese company
>and a Chinese company
What a bunch of bullshit, fuck the Chinese and their dumbass involvement. No wonder 2 felt like a Korean MMO grindfest
I'm pretty sure it was schtack.
First of all, PSO2 is nothing like Devil May Cry combat. Second of all, PSO2 combat works the way it does because it's NOT a MMO. There's no persistent world server, everything is 100% instanced to a lobby. Even Sega in their commercials and marketing materials call it a Online action rpg, not once have they ever called it a MMORPG.
what kind of bullshit is that?
Even I wouldn't do something that cruel.