Why is the speed running scene so mentally ill?

Why is the speed running scene so mentally ill?

>thread actually got deleted from too much shitposting


it's full of people who spend a large chunk of their life playing a single video game over and over in an attempt to shave off a few seconds of time

Speedrunning is a very antisocial hobby, which brings in people with antisocial behaviors, aka autism. Next question.

my man you need to stop this obessive shit. they are doing it for attention and money, what are you doing it for?

its not

its just a bunch of attentionwhore shitposters that use it as a platform to attentionwhore on

it wasnt this mentally ill in 2013

(((someone))) is forcing the transgender meme hard for whatever reason

ummm, muh dik.Who is this sexy milf?

Speedrunning encourages extremely degenerate behavior.

>"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

Speedrunning is literally grinding attempts until you get everything perfect.

This is conducive to people who are
>obsessive compulsive
>manchildren and nostalgia-fags(people frequently speedrun games from their childhood)

Cosmo isn't really a cautionary tale about speedrunning, more about the degenerate lifestyle of the Western world.

>Parents literally named him Cosmo.
>Had tranny-tendencies (nail painting)
>ate a shitload of soylent (soy-based, decreases testosterone and increases estrogen)