What game would you remove from existence?

What game would you remove from existence?

League of Legends

Call of duty: Modern Warfare

That game doesn't exist

Dead Space 3

The Last of Us

Diablo 3
Fallout 3
Fallout 4


Skyward Sword

Super Mario Bros

other m

Life is strange

street fighter
metroid 1

socom, arma and anything similar so pubg ends up being a well made 1st person game instead.


The original Aeon of Strife or Defense of the Ancients custom maps, assuming that would retroactively erase the entire ARTS genre as it exists right now.


Probably League of Legends, as it's Riot's fault Esports has become what it is now, and thus, been allowed to infest the industry as a whole.

Maybe DOTA2 as well, but I just feel like Riot is the one who spearheaded the whole thing, Valve just kind of got in line, maybe I'm wrong though.

Diablo 3

What is it with this genre and people being so booty blasted about it?
People don't even rage this hard about CoD existing

All games that are popular and well received by the general public of course.

Other M.

Fallout 4


Hl episode 2

All sports games like Madden

Command and conquor Tiberium


GTA Online

Eh, it's a 5/10. It's not offensively bad but it's not comparable to other Sonic platformers. Thankfully even Sega seems to be treating this like the "06" of the 2D games lately.

Episode 2 was okay.

>It's not offensively bad
>Episode 2 was okay.
Fuck you you little shit. Stop damage controlling this utter piece of trash.


- Free to play cancer
- Casual as fuck but masquerading as 'competitive'
- Literally the most normie-centric 'hardcore' genre on the planet right now
- HUEs and Ruskies now have another way to interact with and taint civilized societies
- Their massive communities actively make other gaming communities and the internet at large a worse place to be with their shitposting and ill-manneredness / 'toxicity'

>Free to play cancer
How is that a valid complaint for anything?
>Casual as fuck but masquerading as 'competitive'
This only applies to LoL and all its shitty clones
>Literally the most normie-centric 'hardcore' genre on the planet right now
Only applies to LoL

It sounds like you just hate LoL m8

But without that the supreme gentleman would not have existed.

Original Metroid on the NES. Make Return of Samus the original and Zero Mission a prequel


Sonic 06 is too hilarious to remove from existence.

Half Life, I want to see how FPS games evolve without it.

5/10 would imply basic design competence. A 5/10 platformer is 2D sonic Generations, sonic 4 is trash in every regard from level design to control and visuals. 2/10 at fucking best. Not even good music to back it up, down right ear grading actually.

I second this.

Team fortress 2

>valve never finds out about how much autists are willing to pay for virtual hats
>they would most likely never implement the steam market along with cards
>they would keep making singelplayer games
>half life 3

I legit knew 2 people on steam who died before they could ever play half life 3


Half life.

Nah fuck off minecon cringe and notches twitter feed were worth it

Fallout New Vegas



Mass Effect
Dark Souls
Elder Scrolls
all literal shit.

>minecon cringe and notches twitter feed were worth it
*removes your game*

Add Metroid and devil may cry to the list

Why not just all games? Erase all games and start a new that would legit be great

Whats not shit?


Let's make MMOs great again.

came here to post this

You can just ignore them

Are you seriously autistic?

If it didn't exist X box would have failed and many bullshit practices MS started would be at least delayed if not instated at all.

>people still hate LoL

I still play it every day not because of the challenge or ranking up its just so much fun to main gnar

My Life

posting ZTD is cheating

What do if ZTD was my first game in the series? Can i still go back or are the other games ruined for me?


your fist option is killing yourself for starting with the third entry of a story-focused trilogy. Failing that, you might enjoy the puzzles from the first games, but ZTD spoils them in the first 5 minutes so the plot won't be very satisfying

Zelda CDi

Dude i didnt even know there where other games its not like there was a big three besides it

Also steam released that game first before the nonary games and i needed something after danganronpa

brb, taking my own advice and killing myself

None. I don't want to erase anyone's hard work, no matter how much I may dislike it.

Seems like you got a thing for suicide huh?

Look here is what happened cuz i wasnt wording myself good in the last post

I knew that 999 and virtues last reward were games that existed but at the time of buying ZTD i was on my visual novel phase i just wanted another game it even had good reviews on steam and since visual novel games all play roughly the same and googling it would just most likely get me spoiled so i just bought it blindly without looking up anything about it

Hope you understand me better now

New Super Mario Bros 2

relax, I gave you a genuine reply. The story's spoiled but the puzzles are enjoyable in their own right. I prefaced the post with suicide-themed hyperbole because that's a pretty common thing on this website and I wanted to criticise your mistake in a light-hearted manner

my life

Oh dont worry i just wanted to explain myself better i knew you were just kidding with the kill yourself joke

I want to cum inside gnar

Yes me too
What gnar skins your favorite?
I personaly love gentleman gnar the most

E.T. for the atari, imagine a world where there was no crash.

Gentleman is really cute, yeah
I wish I could main him but I don't really like how he plays

Really good tie between these two

CoD 4, Dark Souls, or Skyrim actually just nuke everything bethesda has made past morrowind.

Oh trust me that was me during the first games with him too

It just has to "click"

Smartcast and learning to hit your q and catching it is all there is to it

Also trying to "control" your transformation can be pretty cool and using the jump to fuck up early ganks is so much fun i just love him

You should just try more games with him he is really fun actually

I'm gonna cut u


We'd be stuck with shitty games?