What the fuck are they thinking?

Who asked for this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I didn't ask for it but it's kinda cool I guess, not everyone starts screaming like an autist when there's a black person

Who cares its a fucking video game.

>we want the BLACKED audience
Guess the American market is pretty big.


>Who asked for this?

I thought he was referring to another dishonored game being the bad thing, I guess I see all people the same

All videogames should exclusively feature white male protagonists, anything else is an affront to my way of life. Prove me wrong.

I did

>Being dragged down by the eu

He's right and you're a faggot.

Also, not videogames

No, you didn't. Literally no one cares about Billie.

People who played the games, the outsider is an interesting character and I'm glad we get to know more about him in this, also I don't remember her but I didn't not play the DLC for D1.

Well we're about to :^)

More dishonored is always what I wanted.
kys zenimax shill you're just mad this isn't a franchise you can whore out to your creation club

The same people who asked for Darksiders 3 with Katarina being the next horseMAN

I didn't ask for this shit to a game that was shit

As a black man, please listen to this:

Just call them niggers.

why does diversity have to mean a nigger 100% of the time though

nobody cared when Prey had a chink protagonist, we just get enough baboon antics in real life and don't need to see more of them in vidya

I already preordered it. I dont really care about her, but I like that we're getting new powers and more Dishonored.

Games suck as straight stealth or action games, but playing something in the middle is very fun. Plus it has great world building.

you just haven't been at Sup Forums long enough, every black/non-anime female protag causes an outburst of autistic rage, and this one is both at once

I want DLC that makes the game stop dropping frames on a 1080.

What the fuck, Arkane?

funny how we suddenly see lots of black females in videogames now? out of no...oh... oh yea

>Who asked for this?
Dishonored 2 was great and I want more of it

Op obviously meant the sheboon not the new game

Oh, I didn't care about Billie. But I did ask for more Dishonored, and that's exactly what I'm getting

Who gives a shit? Stop being obsessed with black people.

She was already in the first game before the WE shit started being pushed.
So fuck it, it's nothing out of usual.

>Asked for more Dishonored content
>Got some
What part am I supposed to be upset about?

t. David Goldberg



You're supposed to care and be really mad that they had the GALL to have you play as a black woman. It's UNBELIEVABLE.

Sleeping Dogs had an asian protag and he was cool, a black lady isn't the same.

I dunno, maybe the fact that you have to play as the most boring and uninteresting character in the setting.


who cares who you're playing as? it's fucking first person, you never even see your own face.

I was never asking for mythical dark figure shrouded in mystery to become an anime-tier final boss.

if theyre gonna shoehorn in niggers why cant they make them attractive? billie didnt look that shitty in 1

lol yeah why don't they just go extinct already?

I just don't get it why someone like Harvey Smith who made REDPILLED Deus Ex became SJW liberal.

>I was never asking for mythical dark figure shrouded in mystery to become an anime-tier final boss.
Pls no. Did they really do that?

ITT BLACKED subscriber meetup

She was in the DLC for the first game.

>teleports behind ur back
>shhh, kid... we gonna kill the Outsider

he probably got paid big bucks by rootless cosmopolitans like Soros to do it

It's over boys. RIP shitkane

Market research.

well they did a shit job because nobody likes niggers, especially outside the US

maybe u are racist

found the nigger

Pretty sure I am gonna be called a nigger, but

I’m black and 33. Pretty much all my gameing life, almost every protag was white or had white skin. I think the first time I saw a black character in a video game as the protag was shadow man on 64 and I was pretty excited. Other than that, any black character I can remember was a side kick or something. Never main guy.

Then enter GTA San Andreas. That was great too, but after that, only time I saw black protags was in gang related games or something like that.

Now, I don’t want to see pre existing games with predefined characters just suddenly get blacked or anything (really hate what Marvel is doing with its characters), but I do want to see black characters portrayed better than just thug #19867821. Games with a white, or whiteish protag go in all ranges, would feel pretty good to see black characters get the same, but without being forced.

Is Dishonored the shittiest stealth game ever made? You can literally run past every single guard and nothing will happen to you.

Didn't read


>implying you won't be able to choose to play as daud

if you spared her in the first DLC, you should have seen this coming

you won't, these people are relentless in their propaganda

>have to
Considering one of the primary things about the main game was being able to choose who to play as I'm pretty sure they're gonna let you play Daud.

>Pretty sure I am gonna be called a nigger, but
>I’m black
??? ???

How about niggers make their own fucking games with niggers in it? Aren't jayz and d piddy billionaires? They could fund nigger studios to make nigger games.

she ugly

That's reasonable, have a banana.

Fuck off Piss off Who the fuck asked for your whining on here?

I'm so sorry, user.


Arkane actually confirmed that was not the case

Then provide a source.

We already had "women" game - Me Andromeda. Surely you know whete it went. So no need for nigers in this industry as well.

Your feelings aren't considered in the calculation.

Nice to know you can only connect with a peice of fiction when they are they have the same skin pigment as you. You must be a bland, boring, dull person in real life. You should maybe look into yourself and see what you can change about yourself and not fall into pandering schemes.
You fucking nigger.

>They need to make their own games :'(
>They do
>No not like that >:'( those games don't pander to ME

It's true you know, I lived in Asia and we all think that black people are pretty scary. They talk loud and don't really respect others privacy.

Althought most of them are not from america so I dunno if they're like this over there or not.

I know I didn't.

First of all, I'M FUCKING SICK OF BILLIE AND DAUD. Stop forcing them down my throat. They had their arcs, they swore to let go of their ways, why the fuck are they still doing this assassin bussiness? Every new game just shits on the previous one.

Second, they have this great lore, so MANY POSSIBILITES to introduce new supernatural characters but they choose to rehash the same shit over and over again. "Killing the outsider"? YOU were the fucking cause of all the bullshit that happened in your life, stop blaming it on the Outsider! He merely gave you the tools, you were the one who did all the evil shit with them! Are they trying to make me side with Daud? I never liked him. And I sure as hell don't like what they're doing with Outsider.

They take every little neat thing from the first game and blow it out of proportions, keep mentioning it and it loses all it's value and mystery.

The story in D2 is fucking horrible but to think they'd try to top it. Christ.

just read the steam page my dude

He's right.

>He merely gave you the tools, you were the one who did all the evil shit with them!
This. It's retarded.
>Killing Daud in a glorious duel isn't canon.

That's most stealth games

Damn, can't like video games and be black.

Dude, like anytime a protag is black in a video game, white people get extremely PO'd at it. I remember when GTA SA came out and all the crap about can the protag be white. Or when GTAV came out and whites were annoyed they had to play as a nigger and was even more annoyed when he wasen't one of the people you couldn't kill.

Shut the fuck up and take your own advice.


This is the racial equivalent to Dobson's virtue signaling on gender.

They could have at least tried to make her somewhat attractive, but they decided to go with a butch lesbian appearance.

Some degenerate person is going to try and rule34 this horrid creature...shudder.

Name 3 games made by niggers for niggers

he's 100% right. the irony he's a typical angry black man but that doesnt take away from his point


Arcane are buttblasted liberals.

They put a female lead into D2 just to spite their audience.

They didn't buy it.

So they are doing this.

So you just want games with white protagonists with black skin instead of portraying black people realistically

>They put a female lead into D2 just to spite their audience.
You are very insecure

Pretty sure SA is heralded as the best GTA, by everyone. Stop making up can fics in your head because some asshole on a fourm hurt your feefees. Also stop taking whatever a twaniese fingerprinting board says as law. Go outside and talk to real people. Maybe you won't be such a sheltered horrible person.

>It's a conspiracy xD
>They did this to spite us XD
>Artistic liberty does not exist xDD

People can post this as an example of racism all they want but he's completely right in everything he's said. He knows what's wrong with his community and recognizes it, something so few people do and fewer still openly acknowledge.

I'd rather have another Dishnored than a Call of Duty.

The color is not the problem here but when some diversity screamer influence the media and those greed-mongers jump from one color to the next then it's fucking stupid and offensive.

The Problem here is that game-designer should do what's in best interest for the gameplay and not buckle down to everyone who shoves money up their asses or screams politics the loudest.

>Artistic liberty
>video games
hahahaha holy shit


Playing as Emily is great, what are you talking about? You run around as an exiled princess scourging around and eating rotten food. It's pretty hot.

>He knows what's wrong with his community and recognizes it,
he has never once recognized himself as the problem

>I think the first time I saw a black character in a video game as the protag was shadow man on 64 and I was pretty excited.

I personally like Billie justbecause Rosario Dawson really brings life to her character through her voice acting. Same with Daud, if not for based Michael Madsen he probably would've been just a forgettable plainface white guy villain.

>He knows what's wrong with his community and recognizes it, something so few people do and fewer still openly acknowledge
Isn't that one of the bigger problems of American black? I've heard they shun down any sensible guy who doesn't behave like a nigger. Why can't they VIDEO GAMES