Final Fantasy VI

Best RPG ever made. Is there anything similar out there or mods that are better than the original game?

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Not even close. Best RPG ever coming through


>Best RPG ever made
I can't never seem to get into it every time I try it. I don't really get the hype.


if you weren't immediately infatuated with Terra then you'll probably never like it

Not even the best snes jrpg. Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest V, and even Earthbound are better games.

fucking awful fantasy

>better than FFVI

I'm literally going to send a screenshot of this post to Uematsu

what is this?

I would honestly say so. Earthbound I find is a overall more solid and consistent game. FFVI has too many low points. The entire world of ruin is a mess.

stop right there criminal scum,

Final Fantasy games got the best rom hacks back in the day
Awful Fantasy 3

>Dragon Quest V
>no way to influence development of party members, they just gain spells and stats with levels
>better than FFVI
try again

awful fantasy

So do you guys have a link to it or is it abandonware? I can't find a single working link for this game.

>get magacite
>everyone basically becomes the same now that everyone has magic
>instead of each character having strengths and weaknesses it basically is "who has the best overall stats"
Try again.

>best Rpg ever made
but thats wrong retard

so you agree that you can actually influence things in FFVI, while DQ5 plays itself.
I guess that makes FFVI more of a game.

>tfw so little people owned the genesis and didnt got to enjoy god tier games like these and have to put up with nintendo's faggotry instead

>while DQV plays itself
What the fuck are you even talking about?
If it's so god tier why does anyone only care about the mmo?

Square didn't make RPGs for Genesis and thus it's irrelevant.

FF6 isn't even one of the best FF games.

Hell I WOULD argue it's one of the worst if so many others in the series weren't terrible.

1,3,5 are all great albeit with their own flaws(1 especially). 7 and 10 are good games but their plotlines cannot be taken seriously. 9 is probably alright but it's the only FF I've never played.

The tactics spinoffs are all better than the mainline games anyway.

The hell are you on about, plenty of people owned a genesis, in fact it was beating the SNES until the DKC package came out.

>everyone basically becomes the same now that everyone has magic
not really, a lot of characters have really good abilities but terrible magic stats. it would be a waste to teach them magic. My final party is usually Terra (Magic Offense), Celeste (Healer/Support), Sabin (Physical Offense), Shadow (Items).

It's probably difficult to find, that romhack is older than the average Sup Forums poster

That's basically everyone's final party though. Terra and Celes have great magic stats being the natural magic users, Sabin's blitzes do a fuck ton of damage, and then it basically comes down to who else you like.

I'm not trying to say FFVI is garbage or anything, but a very flawed game.

shit. That looks fun to play through.

Locke hits like a train

You posted the wrong image OP

There is a mod called a Brave New World which revamps the gameplay to make it more challenging. Its quite fun and not a meme mod like above.

I just finished this for the first time in about 29 years, I was shocked at how right it does most things.

>in 29 years
the game is 23 years old though.


It's a shame this never got a re-release on par with Chrono Trigger DS. Every version of FFVI is shitty in some way.

It's fucking boring, so it can't be best anything.

Yeah man, I hit the wrong button.

It truly is the best. Only game that comes close is Xenogears.

Who /BraveNewWorld/ here

Did you ring? someone said best rpg ever

what the fuck

Who even thought this was a good idea?

Replaying again for the hundreth time. Just as comfy as the last.

brave new world is the only mod to a SNES game that i've genuinely enjoyed
it takes into account what made the original game good and improves it - it doesn't try TOO hard to be its own SUPER ORIGINAL PROJECT. and it's not fucking boring like LTTP parallel worlds or super metroid remake.
that said, the dialogue is fucking terrible. most of it is good, but fucking christ the dude had to, he just had to include stupid fucking NERD CULTURE references wherever he wanted. very, VERY occasionally it strikes a note and is funny but it's just cringey.
however, back to the good aspects: the balance/encounter design is, like, close to perfect. this shit is TUNED. it feels like every encounter tests your ability in just the right way. it's not hard to the point of being stressful, it's literally almost perfect when it comes to difficulty. man. like, every boss i fought was a hard fought struggle with a well deserved win. seriously, if you think about how the AI scripts for these kinds of games work, this guy did a total overhaul for this game and each and every encounter not only is but FEELS handcrafted, which i just love.
esper restriction means each character fits into a "role", though, and there isn't much build variety/customization when it comes to that but it's still better than the original game.
it seriously had me hooked. play it. if you love FFVI, it feels like you are playing it again for the first time, and that is just a damn fine feeling.

What could've been if Square went down the path of the Amano aesthetic instead of that gayboy shit. 7 and 9 were relatively free of it, but everything else is faggy af iirc tbqh

>get to the final part of the game
>Rose's dragon appears and knocks Rose and Dart off a cliff
>the game just hangs on a black screen forever
Never finished the game because of that.

>can ride concept magitek armour in ffXIV
>it plays the opening music to VI
>ingame armour is also a mount, nobody knows how to get it yet

Sorry but the best RPG ever made is still Suikoden II, at least until another jrpg comes out with 108+ unique characters and a fully decked out personal castle that grows and evolves logically as you recruit people who do things like stained glass windows and smithing and cooking etc

Mah niggas. On my 100th playthrough right now, running with Dart, Rose and Shana/Miranda just to mix things up. Dart is my tank with high HP and defense, Rose is my DPS with high damage and low HP, and Shana/Miranda is my healer and magic dealer. Its forced me to get creative, and it's a lot of fun.

Man I can't imagine your pain. You're still in for some of the best parts. Have you tried emulating?

this and FF6 are my top two. hard to say which is better.

It's one of the handful of JRPGs I ever completed.

Most of them bore me to tears, but FFVI managed to not outstay its welcome.

what's boring about a game like FFVI? It's the most refined JRPG ever.

Nintendo brainwashed lots of kids to say FF on SNES are the best JRPG ever.
Truly great FFs are on the PS all FF on nintendo systems are garbage mediocre shit.

t.stopped playing FF6 when moogles showed up from literally nowhere to help you defend the magic girl

Xenogears is a fucking queer