Is it good?


It's good. It's different. It's badass. It's free.

What more do you want? Just download it already.

>It's free
It's a free trial, jerk.

It's legitimately awful.

play warframe instead of this trash

Go to bed, Randy



Yes, a FREE trial!

Honestly? It's fine. Take the shitty humor of borderlands, slap some weird moba stuff on it, and there u go.

8 people play it


>Playing the biggest waste of potential made by the biggest gang of talentless kikes
>Falling in love with the movement system and responsive weapons only to realize months later that you've been bamboozled and there's literally nothing to do but level up terrible gear and try to look pretty
>quit for a few months, come back during a big update, play for a month and realize literally nothing has changed
>Repeat constantly because you love the game and are too dumb to lose hope and drop this piece of shit

>tfw I went to the launch party in Dallas

>actually met Randy Pitchford

>open bar with regular and Battleborn themed drinks, got trashed as fuck

>bought the game for $20 on a keysite months after I got bored with Overwatch

You're a buffoon if you think this game had any untapped potential.

Talking about warfarm, senpai

It's pretty much just as good or even better than overwatch but with witty borderlands writing.

So basically it's an unplayable mess with middle school leveling writing, is what you're saying?

>create 6 hours worth of content
>stretch it thin enough to reach the end of the solar system
>don't put anything useful in that solar system though, that's what the void is for
>time gate shit for days, sometimes whole weeks
>consistently ruins any strategy to make the game less tedious
>consistently nerfs your favorite frame to the ground and make it worthless for all content because they were good on a specific type of mission with 3 specific other frames to enable it
DE is the worst company ever. Nobody there even plays the game so they have no idea what their changes actually do.

>middle school level writing

Fucking shill. Stop talking it up.

>launch party
>for a game
>with the literal CEO
Jesus christ.

>wants desperately to be a "rock star" dev/producer
>can't get out of the shitty dive bar no matter how much of other people's money he throws at it

There's got to be a point where I just start feeling sorry for Randy more than I feel disgusted by him, but I'm still not there yet.

>middle school writing
>team of college educated writers
