What did they mean by this

what did they mean by this.

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The way to include diversity in games is to put in sassy black lady stereotypes from the 70's.

i've never met a black woman that acted otherwise

Well they cant just include a modern day ratchet nigger hoe as the black character because that would be racist so they go with the empowered 70s black woman


That's a racist fucking sentence and you know it



Uncharted did it, so everyone is doing it now.

>Publishers want you to put a black woman in your game
>Never met a black woman in your life

What did they mean by this?

Fuck off nigger


Don't forget Uncharted 4

blaxploitation 2

Sure. I'll explain:
5 nigresses with afros is seen as some sort of sociological phenomenon by Sup Forums autists crossposting on Sup Forums, when really nobody in the world gives a single shit.

Lawbreakers girl looks like she smelt a fart.

hey tyrone

All but the last one look like different artists renditions of the same black girl.

It's important to include PoC in all forms of media because it helps people especially in Western countries to make the psychological adjustments that are necessary for the transformation of their countries into multicultural societies.

Many people still cling to the idea, that places like the US, or France, or Great Britain are "white" countries and that these places "belong" to the "native" population, and that is obviously false but these false assumptions have a lot of potential for conflict and violence.

Most of these countries are already multicultural, so it's not like there is a way back for these people. Now we just need to help them adjust to the new realities by helping them accept that everybody belongs.

>The stereotypical white dude in gaming looks like the stereotypical contemporary white sex icon
>The stereotypical black woman in gaming is a 70s afro punk

Out of hundreds of games you're triggered 5 games in the past 2 years have had black women as NPCs and side characters?

You sure do seem to give a shit.

I like making fun of autists with bad suppositions. Don't worry, I'm a superior fenceman.

but user, you're an autist too. The fact that you're here among autists where autists congregate proves that. You're just like them.

Isn't this the opposite of diversity?


You're projecting, user. Hard.
I came because I saw easy pickings.

You know that we have actively mocked the boring character design of western games for like a decade now.

We created diversity by creating the same charcter in every game

u forgot Uncharted 4 niggress

>all those fucking who's
>some of them are not even the protags

See, no normal, functioning, human being talks or thinks like that. Face it guy, like attracts like; you're drawn to mock the autists because you are one.

No, you came because you were baited. Now you will eat the Pee Pee Poo Poo we feed you. Forever.

>they look normal
>character has red dreadlocks

Well that's just it, isn't it? That's boring. The same "70s afro girl" repackaged is also boring. If you want to diversify video games actually diversify them. Fuxking fighting games have been doing it for decades.

I can't read this shit with the retarded comma use.
Looks like you're baited, user.

yeah now imagine a """""realistic"""""" western TPS with any of these characters as the MC

All voiced by leslie jones hopefully

I actually think Wolfenstein deserves an excuse. The whole 70's sassy black lady stereotype fits rather well in the universe.

like clockwork


The U.S. demographics wise isn't predominately white but the elite and government are. France and the U.K are completely white. Don't let Sup Forums memes tell you otherwise.

The better question is why A Way Out has such shitty graphics.

>France and the U.K are completely white

They all got their data from the same focus groups.

>completely white
This horseshit has gone far enough. Algerians and west africans are not white.

Check those US numbers again, numbnuts.


>France and the UK are completely white



Lmao, I'm French and I just came back from vacation to the Portugal and there's honestly more white people there than in my own city

Shlomo likes Afro

>Algerians and west africans are not white.
They are according to the US census.

>France and the U.K are completely white.

>that one white guy waving at the camera

Good point.
The industry takes way too many cues from them - it's pathetic.

How can we prevent racism when a large chunk of non-white groups play into the stereotype? Fix yourself.

>not a SINGLE human in that picture

>Algerians and west africans are not white.

who fucking cares.

don't be a racist, there are more important problems to worry about than ethnicity you Sup Forumstard

Plot twist: this is the same character and all these games take place in a shared universe

am I alone in thinking the BG&E2 one is really hot?
would fill up with cum/10

Why don't you get good at sport then, to represent your sorry race, motherfucker.

>yes goy, don't get distracted by caring about a future for your own people and culture
>what we really need to do is destroy capitalism

>make up
Nice try Achmed.

>I'm so worried about the future and my race that I'm making a virtual crusade about black characters appearing at my children's toy

>government allows your country to get flooded with niggers and Muslims
>lol why don't you play some basketball and git gud?

I don't think you fully grasp the nature of the problem.

If it ain't white, it ain't right.

Nailed it.

> "him having more money than me is a form of class warfare. I deserve what they have because of reasons."

Freeze to death in the cold, you entitled snowflake.



Some clueless suit told the developers that black women are underrepresented in their target demographic so they have to include one in the game. Big deal.

Don't play AAA games.

>dont be racist

Racism is exactly what liberated Germany from your pig banker bogeyman, at least briefly.

the only one the looks fuckable outta those is BG&E2

the wolfenstein one looks like a crack addict

>commander shepard was optional gender/race
>3rd one down on left not white.
>few of the are a decade old or older
May as well throw Mario on there. Pretty shit list

The original image did have Mario, until people stopped remembering what satire was.

Watch this video and tell me with straight face these 2 won't make better protagonist of the last 2 games you played.


Fucking christ

>want to sell a video game
>make the statistically least attractive race+gender combo your protagonist

From an objective standpoint it is retarded.

Brown haired 30-something whitey may have been boring, but it was what board rooms of marketers deemed ideal via studies and research. I don't know what this is (other than retarded.)


No that when black females are portrayed theyre portrayed as caricatures and sterotypes


this is also why japanese games always feature the most sexy characters they can

He's completely right tho, how do you feel being inferior than a nigger or muslim?

Being a non white mutt myself, I dont give a shit how many franchises are being run into the ground thanks to """multiculturalism and

That being said, couldn't they have made at least one of those nigresses slightly attractive? They're doing a vidya for petes sake. Get rid of the puke-inducing afro and throw in something different!

Lol thats retarded. I swear the ones who complain dont eve fucking play video games. They're too busy being serious "journalists". Its sad they earn a living tearing apart a culture/hobby they don't even like.

It's a boy

Sure thing social justice warrior.

>reminder that's historically accurate depiction of how Muhammed looked in youth
When did arab countries go so wrong?

As a nonwhite I think we should stop committing slow boil genocide on European people just so we can turn the world brown, statistically less intelligent and more easily milked by those in power. I don't want to live in Global Brazil.




You're dumb

As a non-white, I want everything to turn into Brazil

The two that really get my almonds activated with this one are the guy from Bioshock whose face you never see throughout the entire game and Alex Denton from DE:IW who can be a black female or whatever if the player chooses.

The one from Beyond good and evil looks pretty creampie-worthy imho.
At least on that image, that is.

Racial stereotypes are fine as long as only they use it :^)

Misery loves company, I guess.

That's av very shitty gorilla