With the success of the N'sane trilogy, what other classic PS1 era games would you like to see remade?
Id like spyro to comeback.
PS1 remakes!
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For gods sake, someone purchase this IP!
Whoever's gonna do it has to do an even better job at getting the art right than with the N.Sane trilogy. Spyro has a much more specific art direction that you can't just throw into Unreal 4 and call it a day.
It'll be done the same as the shitty skylander games on ps4
What ever happened to this series?
Who even owns it?
That time when studios where desperately trying to make a mascot to compete with mario and sonic (before crash)
I think the answer is pretty fucking obvious.
This game (above all) deserves a remake.
All this series was left with, was some
shitty looking cancelled Triple A game;
and some failed Left 4 Dead clone.
Not forgetting that Lara Croft DLC.
Jumping Flash
Spyro doesn't translate well to high def, not sure how you could do it.
I wouldn't mind seeing a remake to this and Dino Crisis, if I had to pick.
Medievil is my choice. The psp remake was fucking horrendous though. All I want is a GOOD Medievil game with modern graphics. Something that balances the terrifying artstyle and humor.
I don't want remakes. I want good sequels. I would kill for a new Musashi or Breath of Fire.
Klonoa :'( I hardly ever see this amazing game or its sequel being discussed here. I'd kill for this franchise to come back to life.
Has anyone besides me ever even played this game?
There's really no point for this. Crash trilogy actually made sense so they could add proper saving, analog control, and time trials to the older games... The Spyro games just got worse as they went on and there's really nothing wrong with the first one.
legend of Dragoon remake
It was already remade though
>Hearing the Cave of Fear for the 1st time
>N Sane Trilogy is successful
>Suddenly people forget about the literally hundreds of fucking horrible remakes and remasters that sharted blood all over their predecessors
Too soon.
Syphon Filter omg this series was gold ecspecially second one.
yes, it is good.
>Nightmare Creatures
Even if it would just essentially be Bloodborne
>that Klonoa teenager look
>That horrible English voice acting
>that piss awful ad campaign (or lack of one)
It was shit.
I don't want remakes I want new games
Triggered. It wouldn't be the same without Rik
It was a fine remake, the only real fault I had with it was that the English was set to default. Other than that it was pretty good.
At least they left the soundtrack alone, too many people fucking remake the soundtrack as well. Like soundtracks are like graphics.
Sony needs to put Japan Studio on this
I didn't like the new look they gave Klonoa. He seemed like a teenager, just too grown up.
You could change it back to Phantomilian in the menu.
Also, Teen Klonoa wasnt new, Klonoa 2 did it first.
Outside of his design being slightly different it was the exact same game.
Spyro unlike Crash still looks good and plays adequately, camera controls aside
You could change his outfit to his original and Klonoa 2 look, but the original looks weird on his body. Also, I still think the Klonoa 2 version looked slightly younger and more cute than the remake version.
Sony owns Tomba though
Are you excited for the movie user? Based Hitoshi Ariga
Why did Sony even buy Whoopee Camp? They have done fucking nothing with it.
because Spyro is a given, My first choice would be Medievil
>Tfw don't want any remakes because I fucking own all the games for the PS1 I like
>Just want new games
Looks like with this being an overwhelming success it's back to the PS1 for a few years.
Sony just owns the IP
its like.. Sony own Ratchet and Clank, but they dont own Insomniac
no fuck you, tard
i never want remakes of my fav games like Soul Reaver, Spyro, Earthworm Jim, MediEvil, Jersey Devil, Toy Story 2, Looney Tunes/Disney shit
because when u remake a game
there are A LOT OF FAGGOTS in the community!!!
Well, Whoopee Camp dissolved so they might as well have, what with Sony owning their only IPs.
This was in every retail demo disc
>Toy Story 2
>Looney Tunes
>Disney shit
>>>>>>>>bitches about A LOT OF FAGGOTS in da comunity!!!
>being this much of a hypocritical dumbfucking retard
Either Soul Reaver deserves a remake, or you deserve to be let down in a grave.
what the fuck was this game lmao
that VA died tho
The only time I want a remaster if it's being done by the original company and it is ONLY a remaster. The second it becomes "remaster and" you fucking blew it. The N. Sane Trilogy completely ruined the sound and by extension the game. What the fuck is the point of trying to cash in on nostalgia if you are going to change things that the people are nostalgic for?
anyone remember the name of top down tank game. the first map i think was with a lot of sand. you could destroy stuff and kill enemy soldiers with different weapons i think and they made funny death sounds
TerraCon with modern technology would be quite interesting to see
i think such stuff should be just optional in settings
Spyro aged a fair bit better than Crash did. By Spyro 2 and 3 it still looks good enough to play now. The older Spyro games are some of my favorites of all time but I don't see how they'd get all the little charms of the games back.
And I really don't want to play all the fucking minigames and alternate characters in 3 again.
>he wants a remake of Soul Reaver
>when most of the important characters' voice actors are dead
Tony Jay was already dead when Defiance came out.
Besides, Simon Templeman and Michael Bell are still alive.
Even Ariel's voice actor being Anna Gunn is still alive.
So Raziel's voice can definitely be covered.
Vagrant story
Rayman 2
Spiderman 1
Kula world
Armored core project phantasma
Oddworld Abe's series (the current remake is a shitfest)
No particular order.
The Oddworld remake alone should be the tip off that this Crash remake is a fluke.
Seriously why the fuck are people pretending this remake will make things different? Games from your childhood have been getting shitty remakes for literally decades at this point.