Why is WoW dying? Is it because of the Diablo elements?

Why is WoW dying? Is it because of the Diablo elements?

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wowhead.com/item=147067/wave-hammered-breastplate&bonus=3561:1482#modelviewer:1 0

Because unless if you're in a shitty guild you can finish all of the mythic raiding content in less than two months and then there's literally nothing else to do except gold farm and spam the same mythic dungeons over and over.

Because it's a dated shitty game that only stayed afloat due to being a fad.


Nother thing I hope some ppl will read.

REMOVE most of the gear, we are tyred of random stupid, useless pieces. That was cool in 2004 where WoW was Diablo II successor with parts of spook/adventurish content.
Next expansion please give us full a sets of artifact gear. Saint Seya like, you have an item in your bag you click hop hop finally a full golden armor to pimp with artifact power, gems, relics etc invent thx. Armor + weapon. Leave this fucking old items drop. Thx bye.

The game is 12 years old. It peaked in WOTLK which was several years ago now. No king rules forever.

Wotlk killed it and any further wow could have
Cata tried to fix problems, but blizzard decided to listen wotlk kids and backed off

because the people in charge of nu-WoW are talentless college grads, dyed haired bronies and autistic number crunching rainmen who entered numbers into a spreadsheet for a living before being hired by activision

there is no more talent. no more passion. no more identity. even the name "world of warcraft" is meaningless at this point. there is no more world, there is no more craft, and the war is merely implied.

Blizzard either got drunk with power due to the wotlk numbers or Activision jewed up the company.
Both most likely happened.

For some stupid reason they got greedy and decided to casualise the game and brought in a bunch of stupid shit that ended up killing the most important parts of the game which is the community and it's addictive never ending fun.

So why would you play a game where everyone is a fucking selfish asshole and there is nothing to do.

They also gimped themselves because the shred of player base they have left likes all those stupid features and loses their shit because they work 23 hours a day with 12 kids and cant waste more than an hour on wow a day.

"World of Warcraft"

This is very difficult to say while keeping a straight face. I wonder who can, because indeed it is hard.

"World", you say, while grinning like Jay Wilson did. "World", it is its name. But then, thinking of "World", you think about all the streamlined content and railroaded progression. Yes there are large landmasses, but when you spend your time idling in a small city or sanctuary, with merely a loading screen separating you from the instanced dungeons that you can immediately teleport to, said landmasses are entirely irrelevant in the long run.

But then, the funniest is coming: "War". Yes, now, you cannot contain your laughter. "War", it is called despite the fact that this "War" exists solely in exposition, mostly in the form of Christie Golden novels. You see combat, yes, but any war is merely implied. The great heroes take care of the war offscreen, or perhaps in a cutscene. And the factions themselves? Increasingly irrelevant. There is no more war, there are merely obstacles and distractions.

And now, here is the end of the fun: "Craft". Now you fell on the ground, laughing so hard that you cannot breathe. "Craft," the implication that any sort of intricacy or complexity still exists in this festering husk of a game. The preposterous notion that there remains an element of strategy to what is the most watered down and simplified video game on the market - a skinner box inside a skinner box, an utterly pointless experience that only serves to waste your time.

>of War

because there's no world in world of warcraft
teleport there, teleport back, stay in your capital, teleport to bg, afk
you don't even have to visit the zones anymore, just boost that shit up to max lvl boy

13 years is a hell of a fad

>oversimplified gameplay
>only like 4-5 offensive abilities
>the rest of the abilities don't do anything
>people are sitting on 10,000 gold easily
>epics are being handed out like crazy
>content that should be full of shit to do is cut in terms of ease of use
>everything is now ease of use and way too fucking simple

Definitely because of diablo. Yup. Nothing else but Diablo. It's basically one big Diablo clone.

I'm gearing up my demon hunter and have been having a great time with his new build. He's only geared enough for normal tomb right now but I'm looking forward to progressing into heroic
Last week I completed the Chromie scenario on my mage, it was hard but really fun. I didn't even lookup the rewards, I just wanted to beat it for the sheer joy of it
Today I did the wailing caverns pet battle dungeon. I'm not really into pet battling but it was pretty cool anyway and I'll probably do the deadmines one soon.
I want to get all my alts to 110 so I can see their class campaigns too

Legion isn't what WoW used to be, but I still like it just as much


Sounds like Vanilla

Too casual. Most people should never be allowed to raid. Raiding was a PRIVILEGE not a flocking right like it was now., Casuals stuck to Non-Heroic Dungeons.

Instant TP to Dungeons,instant grouping., Killed WoW. Back in my day we had to physically go to the dungeon, and PHYSICALLY find a group. You had to wait hours sometime? You grinded, you dicked around, you had FUN. That was what the game was meant to be. We waited 3 hours for a tank to do BRD and we loved it. We wiped so many times. It's pathetic casuals can login and instantly join a queue or go fight Kiljaden.

No grind. WoW was about fucking grinding. I and every other hardcore player loved to grind. We loved it because, it was fun it gave us a sense of progression. Dont like it go play Skyrim and press A to win, faggot.

Raids are pathetic. Theres no sense of accomplishment anymore it's all whoever has the highest DPS and can avoid the circles. It's pathetic. 40 man Rag was harder then anything in Legion.

It required skill and intelligence, You had to spend weeks or months grinding for equips. Now you cant just join a random queue and hey you just killed Kiljaden!

Fuck you Blizzard. MMos are supposed to be casual filters. I want the insane grind back, I want the game to be tedious again. These "convenience features" ruined WoW.

because it's a shit game and the only people left are delusional addicts.
It fails as both an MMO, due to all the QoL shit killing any community it had and an RPG, because blizzard's idea of quests is a joke.
But hey, at least it still makes money!

because it's fucking 13 years old

it's because it 15 fucking years old and any modern f2p MMORPG does basics betters

WoW still has the best movement and it's the most buttery smooth hotkey combat system, that's why I can't get into other MMOs for too long even though they might do other things better

>the most buttery smooth hotkey combat system
i.e. the most polished turd

FFXIV comes pretty close. The movement and lack of feeling in control of my character in general has put me off of lots of MMOs but FFXIV actually does feel a lot like WoW in that regard.

Pleanty of other problems with it though

Why are you in an mmo thread if you don't like games with hot key combat?

because they are irrelevant to MMORPGs in 2017

Posting extremely false statements doesn't make you less retarded

You seriously believe anyone gives a fuck about tab based MMORPGs in 2017?

Naw, only about shitposting :^)

I'm saying that complaining about hot key combat in a hot key combat game is retarded

Only so long you can play a game before you get tired of it. Make a WoW 2 or make WoW F2P and I would come back just to play it as a casual time sink. Lord knows they wont make another RTS out of it.

>make wow F2P
it is idiot. use gold.

>Wow 2
People say this all the time and I never understand it. What do they think it would be? How would be be any different to a new expansion? Or do they just want an art style with more bloom and anime characters?

They probably want an engine that wasnt outdated duck-taped garbage 13 years ago. among other things.

New engine, world reset and better story.

>TFW ilvl 899 and can't find Mythic groups or guild for raiding

What's wrong with the current engine? Sure it's old but it's not like it's stopping them from doing anything they set their minds to and it doesn't effect the player at all

>its easy, just grin-
Youve lost me, Im not interested in grinding, I want to pick up and drop the game whenever, not make sure I log in every day and do a checklist of chores to make sure I can play the game next month

Getting armor thats literally not fucking bodypaint would be nice.

because it's fucking ancient
the fact that it retained relevance for so long is incredible. I can't think of a single game that accomplished what wow accomplished.

I think the real reason it's dying is because of its community

You're either a hyper autist or a casual that is borderline retarded when it comes to gaming. Guilds always go one way or another

You are fucking dumb if you think WoW will ever really die. Everquest has been around forever and it's a piece of shit.

You don't have to grind. You make enough for a sub just by doing world quests that you'll be doing anyway and doing order hall missions.

I haven't actively farmed for a sub token all xpac

ive been playing for two expansions nearly on just gold, i don't grind unless you count doing some old raids for random transmog shit whenever i get the itch.

Games F2P. Just do that thing you dread so much: play it.

Im skeptical to how true this is, I havent played properly since BC, and last I played. Meaning I dont have any characters at cap.

Devs have said time and time again they would like to go down to 2 DPS specs for pure dps classes and the split to 3 specs is diluting them.

Then theres stuff like character armor being painted on and any sort of mobility abilities being super wonky and spaghetti coded in.

They can and do have have non-mesh armor. They're just lazy

1. The game is very old and despite new expansions its still the same game. That is now more of a negative than a positive.

2. Legion (and WoD) are structured in a way that encourages micromanagement with the follower systems. There is a lot in the expansion that is made to be incremental increases and small progressions. When you're playing this makes you not want to stop. When you're not playing anymore it makes you not want to get back invested in it.

Legion was a very good expansion mostly. Maybe even they realized the writing is on the wall and the basic way the game plays and functions is just too fucken old. They are clearly closing up loose ends in the lore and winding this bitch down.

It won't die because at least 1 million dead-eyed shitlords buy it and every expansion in the hopes that it'll restore WoW to its former glory. Every the shittiest korean MMO beats out WoW at this point and for whatever reason WoW still attracts a legion of stockholm syndrome fuckwits who love to bring everything down to WoW's level just to say "look all MMOs are bad" as if it wasn't WoW's fault the genre stagnated and offed itself to begin with.

blizzard killed it by killing arthas

I guess the community got shattered when they started pleasing everybody. But i have to say that they did good job keeping it half-alive this far, WoW is some weird Frankenstein monster with different gameplay decisions slapped in every expansion, which works somehow. Of course it also brings tons of problems which they can't really get rid of.

Only way to remove those problems is to start over, and people who are playing are just too invested in the game, so there's probably never going to be WoW 2. MMOs aren't really that popular anymore anyway.

Well you can pay your sub with gold, it was super trivial up until blizzard fucked everyone to do so.

Now its 100k~ a month in gold to do so. Which isn't too impossible to get but not really doable super casually like it was

The move of Jay "fuck that loser" Wilson to WoW was the coup de grĂ¢ce for it. It had been slowly rotting away but when this motherfucker moved over all was lost.

Tried to play it a month ago.
My god.

What an awful fucking experience.
How did anyone ever enjoy this.

WoW has aged so poorly. Blows my fucking mind what we used to consider good.

Literally no reason to play WoW these days when you have the likes of FFXIV.
For the record, I don't play FFXIV either. (anymore.)

Just saying.
Terrible MMO. Christ.
>gnome starting zone

I'm out.

Cata killed it user

fucking catababies need to die

>not just farming gold
what are you doing

This user gets it.

Find me a single chestpiece in the game thats not bodypaint.

They literally said its impossible in their engine to have normal chestpieces. Shoulders, legs, helms sure but the main goddamn piece of armor visually will always be painted on.

i think i made that ashbringer sword way too small

WoW is past the point of no return. It doesn't matter how many expansions they churn out, the game won't go back to how it was. A proper sequel, if done right, could bring some fresh air into the game. As of now, expansions are just bandaid fixes, and are slowly making the game worse. A lot of people complain about how the player characters are too important, like being a general and being buddy buddy with the top faction leaders. If everyone got reset with a sequel, it might bring some of that magic of just being an adventurer out in the world again.

>2 DPS specs for pure dps classes and the split to 3 specs is diluting them.
what in the fuck

They reduced most classes to basic-bitch bullshit and relegated all the neat and unique tools to their three or so favorites.

12 years old. They need to go back to STR warcraft

Warforge/Titanforge is what I blame.

>raid weekly
>pushing hard content despite gear but still clearing a good amount
>friend that only does heroics/WQs has more 900+ peices than I do purely from TF/WF and the overpowered pvp bits

WF/TF is fine for early gearing, and being a RNG chance to boost you up to raid levels with fewer bits, but once you can replace mythic gear with lucky heroic gear it feels pointless.

I'm 8/9 heroic and only got one heroic drop, WQ friend got TWO 910 items this week from normal mythics.

i think a majority of people who say there is nothing else to do haven't actually done a lot of the side content the game has to offer.

>mages still have bloodlust, despite all the other utility they have

Welcome to World of Hybrids: We Can't Make Diverse Toolkits Anymore so Make Everything Hybrid

Did you not see how terrifically they managed to fuck EVERY SPEC of Warlock and Hunter, and after a few nerfs Rogue too?

They still runs it on the same engine?

Get better gear faggot.

You can get well over 900 without setting foot in a single raid.

Two legendaries and your weapon with all nethershard gear will put you at 900 even if you dont get a single piece of titanforged loot.

Worded that poorly. According to the devs if pure DPS classes had only 2 different specs instead of 3 like Mage/Hunter/Warlock have now they would be more fleshed out and better balanced. Instead in the pursuit to try and make 3 different specs that all do the same thing for each pure dps classes you end up with them cannibalizing each others abilities.

the thing is why would you do it
the only thing you need to do now is farm gold, why do you want gear, why do you want to raids/instances? they fucked it up with token being blizz money

WoW pretty much started with Diablo elements. Itemization was so backwards that you could raid in greens of the right animal, as proven by private servers. It's not like resist gear gave a lot of stats either.

New pieces of armor are all 3d models, unless they're meant to be flat. They have objects with physics hanging off some too.

All the old content needs to remain in tact, so they can't really change the engine without having to remake most of the early game.

>only 100k

Wow you NA faggots sure do bitch about nothing.

>tfw EU tokens are 230k+ and the gold gain is the same.


mommy might pay for your sub and all the tendies you need in your basement hovel but some of us have actual obligations outside of playing mmos for 14 hours a day. poopsocking garbage was allowed when youre a 16 year old on summer break, but 16 year olds dont play wow anymore.

>a lot of the side content the game has to offer
God awful pet battle dungeons even people who LIKE to pet battle fucking hate?


Legitimately dont get what side content you seem to claim exists people aren't doing.

>YOu'll never raid at 800x600 ever again
>You'l never have bants on vent
>You'll never be inspected in Ironforge for your epic gear again and be surrounded by noobs
>You'll never actually meet a new player again and take them under your wing ''No need to pay me 10 copper, just be kind to others, friend.
>You'll never get your first helm then shoulder piece then long cape

>friendly reminder that BC added the option for casuals to get gear if they grind long enough

>want nothing more than for Ghostcrawler to leave WoW
>he finally does
>Jay Wilson takes his place

We really monkey paw'd the fuck out of this one, boys.

>people in guild complaining that Enginmatic is too hard

Guess I know who to leave off the raid team.

130k now and only raising because overwatch and hearthstone niggers.

I'll agree that there's more to do than ever in Legion, the problem is that you're doing all this shit with training wheels class kits that underperform unless you're an FoTM dicksucker (not that you can notice since it's piss-easy until the top end shit) and boring NPCs that try to force connections with you for the sake of feels.

you do it for fun? if you are at the point where you are only playing to grind gold for tokens, and not actually enjoying any of the content, you should probably take a break.

yes, pet battles and secondary professions are some of the content included in things people don't do. people just pretend it doesn't exist and never try them out, then complain after they ignore a lot of content.

I would be apt to agree with you if it were not for the fact with all the lose ends and other lore tidbits they finishing they just opened up more story leads that they seem to be pursing they are not winding down they will milk the fuck outta this cash cow until there is nothing left because even at its lowest point 1-2mil subs thats alot of monthly income plus all the other shit stuff u can buy blizz will be around for awhile

should i do it?

i didn't even get an email so i don't know what the time limit for this promotion is, i just knew about it because a friend boasted about blizzard trying to get him hooked with a 7 day free dose again
although if any other user got the email it would be appreciated if you could tell me how long i can delay this for

Why do you still play this game?
Just uninstall it and move on.
It's never going to get better. It's never going to be like it used to be, not even the Cata/MoP era.

wowhead.com/item=147067/wave-hammered-breastplate&bonus=3561:1482#modelviewer:1 0

Faggot here is literally a chest piece from the latest raid.

They literally cannot do anything but bodypaint for chest pieces in their engine.

Just go on moonguard and get totalrp for a addon

the shit you can read in goldshire is hilarious

Its a style of combat, of course people care about it you mong. It's like saying turn based or isometric RPGs are irrelevant and shouldn't be made anymore.

Then go fuck right off, normie faggot. WoW was our home, we used to ecape the real world in here. Back in the golden era I wasa fucking God on my server. I walked around Stormwind in Purples and my rare mount and had noobs following me everywhere.

Now it's just pathetic shit. It should take newbies months if not years of hardcore grinding to be able to do endgame bosses. Now they can boost to 100 and start raiding in a day or two. Fuck you shitface.

Tell them only that the Lich King is dead...and that World of Warcraft died with him.

Erotic Roleplay

Fuck off. Pet battles and fishing aren't content you blizzard drone

>Diablo elements.
I haven't played since Cataclysm and I only played a little bit of D3:RoS. What elements do you speak of?

>literal crack addict whinging and tantruming because his crack was made slightly healthier
seek help

Can a human impregnate a Panda?

yea, it's unfortunate legion class kits have been normalized and casualized. at least you can do competitive dps if you play well.

>Robes still go down to your goddamn feet

Life is suffering.

I dont need a nigger like you telling me how to run my life. I have been alive for 33 years and WoW is my only escape from the horrible life outside.

I play WoW 24/7 almost and have since release.

but then they wouldnt be robes?

I wish they were, but it's been revealed a literally EVEN BIGGER BIGGERER ANCIENT EVIL HAS AWOKEN in the void.

they are content, with quests, currencies, achievements, and goals of their own. how do you define content in wow then?

who pays your bills dude