>Your favorite multiplayer game is dead or is dying (less than 900 players online)
Whats her name Sup Forums?
>Your favorite multiplayer game is dead or is dying (less than 900 players online)
Whats her name Sup Forums?
Atlantica online
>game is dying fast and is only alive because of montly events
>gets sold off to Valofe who can't even set up an event and just keep promoting cash shop like a jew
>killed the forums because of the backlash and you can only voice your hatred on facebook which they completely ignore
>playerbase isn't even 1/20 of when i left a few months ago
>markets are ruined so badly you can't even buy regular items since they cost billions because nobody is playing and supplying it
Battlefield 3
>Hated Bf4
>There was still a sizable amount of Bf3 players when Bf4 released
>Went back recently to try and play a game or 2
>There are only a handful of servers still up
Lost planet 2
It fucking hurts
RIP bro company 2. You had a good run
Pirates Vikings and Knights 2
sauce or is it an edit?
If I had astounding amounts of money, I'd buy it up and do something with it. It honestly still has fantastic potential, but nothing will ever come of it.
Latest Oglaf.
>Day of Defeat
Day of Infamy is there, but its just not the same. Kudos for the devs shamelessly copying some maps from DoD tho
Ragnarok Online
What's the name for those breaks you get in between (zombie) games
GunZ: The Duel, the oficial servers are dead, but I believe there should be a couple of private servers around.
Urban Terror, by far my favorite fps game, I haven't played it in some years because reasons, but last I heard the player base was slowly declining. If anyone is looking for a decent fast paced fps, I'd recommend giving this one a go, everything is free from the start and there's no cash shop.
World of Warcraft
Titanfall 1
I really love 2 but the maps in 1 were so stupidly good.
Well-coordinated and heavily practiced Reddit team beaten by a rag-tag group of Sup Forumsirgins run by a furry tripfag and a BR with 140 ping
Good night sweet prince, you were too good for this world.
Killing Floor 1
>Set filters, select any difficulty and press "refresh"
>Instantly get a flood of servers to join
>Set filter for Hard or below
>4-5 servers slowly pop up over 30-40 seconds
>Set filter for Suicidal or above
>2-3 servers if I'm lucky
I want to go back. There are significantly more players than usual right now because of the sales and whatnot, but it's still hard to find a good server without playing Biolab literally every time.
Killing floor 1 has more aesthetic but I don't get why KF2 gets a lot of shit. I wish KF1 didn't have to die but 2 is an okay substitute.
Strike Vector
>DoW 3
>Steel Division
PCfags suck, this game doesn't deserve to be dead.
They did everything right, no corner was cut, every detail detailed.
I like KF2 a lot, it just doesn't have the same feel as KF1. Aside from the aesthetic, everything feels really weightless and flighty, the character personalities are all boring, and even the way people cooperate and deal with larger zeds seems much more random rather than the careful approach you pretty much had to take in KF1 on high difficulties.
TF2, but it's dead in a different way.
Natural Selection 2, I've never understood why this game isn't more popular.
Natural Selection
Most people burned out living on NS1, that an its pretty old.
You missed the train an its glory days. It had its moment, just cause you weren't there didn't mean it never happened.
Ur moms house
Dino D-Day
I don't think that game ever made it over 900 players.
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution
>Played a lot on and off for 2-3 years
>300-500 on throughout the day, get a game within 10 minutes most of the time
>time passes and DoW3 comes out
>less than 100 on during day
>almost no one plays, EU/RUS primetime has most players
>EU/RUS primetime is fucking noon for me, basically no one on past 5 pm my time
I had a max rank Ork and Space Marine army, probably some of the best voice acting and faction interaction I've ever seen in a game.
Return of Reckoning (Warhammer online private server)
>dumbass GMs
>only WAR server atm
>Months ago had 1300+ during peak hours and lows of maybe 300 during off hours
>now its 600 peak hours less than 150 during off hours
>EU/RUS primetime was peak, lows was NA primetime (8 pm)
>have multiple max characters and months of playtime on it
Had so much potential, was pretty fun, met a lot of europeans but its fucking tanking hard.
WH40k: Eternal Crusade
>knew it had a shit dev, bought it on sale a while ago
>played for fun as an ork
>lots of updates and new shit at the time
>devs leaving, big updates pushed back/never released, playerbase dying
Why is liking WH 40k/fantasy suffering?
Maybe not fabourite but first MP game I ever played.
Sniper Elite.
Shit was do fun, even if map were not balanced at all, you could get to places where you could kill everyone and they didnt see you. God damn it, it was so fun.
Plenty of people still playing in arena, but none of them are good or fun to play against.