ITT: best game in their respective series
ITT: best game in their respective series
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You need to leave.
Good but 6 is better.
>linear trash
The best FF is still 6.
4 5 6 7 8 9 are all great, with 6 and 7 hitting the golden age of squaresoft. 10 is a crappy pilgrimage
Linear isn't a bad thing you fucking normie
Well, yeah, it makes a game accessible to literal retards, and what can be better than a wider audience.
Is this b8? If anything, Open World is more normie than linear games. Just look at what the most mainstream franchises are. Thinking linear games have a lower barrier to entry is nonsense, senpai.
Every FF is linear though except XV, does that mean XV is the only good FF?
>non-linear is the same as open world
That's a fucking lie and you know it faggot. Kill yourself, reddit.
Alright, but if FFX's linearity really made it so much more accessible, then why is FF7 the overwhelming pick for favorite FF game?
>you didnt fall for the Linear = bad meme
Because people were mesmerized by VII's 3D and cutscenes. In other words, first (3d) game wins.
>Episode 4
Better story, no awful voiceacting that you cant skip, better illusion of choice regarding how you progress (10 sucks balls at this and makes it overly linear)
>better illusion of choice
It's still linear though.
I blame FF13 for drilling that into people's heads.
You can make anything to be linear if you choose your parameters well. Fact is that 7 allowed for more lateral movement against the defined literal path that progressed the plot. You could get lost, you could discover things.
And XV allowed for more lateral movement than VII and had more to be discovered.
Yes, and?
still wish they made 3.
Since it's less linear it's less casual and therefore better, you cannot refute that.
Any game that is predominantly linear is objectively bad.
I agree that the first Tomba is better, though 2 is still good. Too bad there weren't more.
>Any game that is predominantly linear is objectively bad.
My argument wss only that 10s lacking illusion of choice was what hurt it the most. Not linearity in itself. When most of the game is just travelling a linear path and watching cutscenes, player agency isnt being engaged.
Linear is inherently less.
What's wrong with a game having inherently less content?
Thats not Phantasy Star IV
>has one of the best skill/magic learning systems in the entire series
>never used outside of rereleases and remakes
>Great game
You have to go back.
What's funnier is that so many retro FF games are actually linear but somehow people are memed into thinking they have freedom just because there's a world map.
Except FF6's second half actually was nonlinear. It built upon and made better the nonlinear endgame of FF5.
incorrect, but still a great game, and an infinitely superior PM game than the two that followed it
MR. ROBOT!!!!!!!!
>muh open world xDD
the worst kind of game design choice
Unfocused trash
Second best. IV's remake is better.
That their wasn't a sequel to this freed from the constraints of a movie lisence is so weak.
6 was a beta test, 7 was the real deal
The story in 5 is pretty average, but the gameplay is absolute top tier.
I like the story in 4, but wish some of the characters were a bit more useful. That kind of brings it down for me.
Ace Attorney Investigations 2
Mario and Luigi Dream Team
Sly Cooper 3 Honor Among Theives
Layton Unwound Future
Super Street Fighter 4
Mario Party 3
Fable 2
My biggest problem with V is how the music ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SUCKS compared to pretty much any other game.
I absolutely cannot find a single good track on V's OST while IV is fantastic in all regards (except for its regular battle theme, which is drastically inferior to III and II, however the regular boss theme is the best in the series)
V's atmosphere gets totally fucked by that for me. I often just play it mute.
Is this bait?
As much as I fell in love with V, I'd have to agree somewhat. There are a handful of tracks I really enjoy, but I don't think they really make it for me. A lot of tracks are pretty underwhelming.
That said, I love all the battle themes, the fanfare and obviously Battle at the Big Bridge