Break rule on one autistic board with a bad moderator

>break rule on one autistic board with a bad moderator
>get banned from ALL boards
Why do global rules exist?

Other urls found in this thread:

cry more, shitposter

I agree with pic related.

Since gamergate, Sup Forums has been heavily censored and changed.
Mods are also newfag failed reddit mods who came here in 2011

Apologists should be burned at the stake

They eat dick.

Never even shitposted, just advertised a server and got a week ban. Rule 11 is aids and needs removed.

Nice video game thread you stupid faggot.

you're shitposting right now

A rule is a rule. Take it to if you have problems with it.

You'll fit in better there, maybe people will actually take you seriously you hotpocket eating lardwhale.