How can videogames expect to compete with this kino?
How can videogames expect to compete with this kino?
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Like piss in rain
the cringe is unbearable.
Shit, that's unwatchable.
They can't. It was a combination of a lot of people at the top of their game that probably won't ever be surpassed before movies are outdated as marble statues.
blade runner wasn't even ridley scott's best movie, let alone some insurmountable masterpiece
You hear that noise?
That's the pleb detector going off.
it's been going off this whole thread, with someone plebbily exalting upon a self-serious snoozefest like blade runner.
For you.
A matter of perspective
why is Sup Forums so good at memeing?
Is this real?
What the fuck?
Like fuck me, I get that these faggots are hacks who were trying to rip off movies, but REALLY?
divinity original sin 2 will come out in october
Just remember, this is what console fans are defending.
Videogames are truly the highest form of art
>console fans
Sony fans*
They love that cinematic trash that just rips off older movies.
c i n e m a t i c
Any games with missions where I have to pretend to be a dressing room inspector with a funny voice in order to gather evidence?
RLM is faggots
Old Sup Forums moved there after the great janitor lock down.
Wow, this is a really shitty rendition of Blade Runner's finale.
What shit.
The hacks who wrote this garbage probably think it counts as an homage, rather than the blatant ripoff it actually is.
How about a penis inspector?
Sony already supposed movies. First with The Last of Us then again with Bloodborne.
Fuck off bladerunner was just another cheesy movie and kino is the new fedora-lord word. Jump off a bridge