I-it's over

I-it's over

what game

It's shit, don't bother

>people actually thought Elise would lose

fire emblem heroes. Mobage

You were delusional to think you'd beat awakening/fates characters. Lyn winning that vote back then was a fluke.

>Ever doubting the miracle of the universe
from winning
Justice has been served

>Modern Fire Emblem wins again
>old Fire Emblem fatties are quaking in their fedoras out of anger
Keep saying how shit modern FE is. You anguish sustains me.

i'm surprised priscilla actually beat lissa. but a combined nuFEfag force is just too much i guess.

Imagine still being this angry Lucina lost to Lyn

That's a shame. Ah well. It would been amusing to see the opposite happen.

I backed Elise but I'm glad Priscilla got this far. The two of them are my favorites from this gauntlet.

can't wait until its over so people can stop pretending to care about gauntlet.

>he hasn't merged his waifu at least twice, bought her Cipher cards, put her at the front of his castle, and put her on his arena team every season



So whens the next tempest? This game is getting boring with nothing to do.

Probably in 1.5
Hope you have at least 5 different teams ready for our new mode


Lachesis was less than 1% off getting a multiplier that would have won it for her.

If Sakura had triggered her multipler one hour later she would have won.

>5 different teams

or you know a reinhardt

No, unless it's a translation error, you actually need 5 different teams.


t. sonia

They also said you needed three different teams for the last tempest but I made it to 1k position with only one team.


>using a dancer AND a mage
Found your problem



No, they didn't. And in this new mode, you lose your team even if you win

>TFW made it this far using two of my favorite units in the franchise
106k feathers between the two of them well spent!

I read somewhere online that you needed like 4.9k points minimum to stay in Tier 20, so I didn't even bother and just did easy/intermediate matches for the quests.

Your team is captured after each win

>tfw still haven't pulled Robin or Tiki from the new banner
>tfw it fucking gave me Nino

I'm sad that the SP event is already over, but I buffed the fuck out of my axe units thanks to Bikini Tiki. 12 SP/kill, what a great weekend.

Whats your camus and xander build?

>could have gotten into tier 20 scorewise
>failed to get a perfect run and wasted all my crests

Elise is a better character, unit, and is cuter then Prescilla. I don't know why people even aided with Prescilla, This is coming from someone who has two Prescilla.

Go full melee senpai and you can get to the top

So fucken close check the results this is bullshit

Not my waifu, but my first to max out Hero Merit and first merge, she killed my pity rate when trying to get Rienhardt.


I still need some Vantage 3 fodder for Camus

I want to make babies in her butt.

Clarisse!!!! What's a good A for her? while I save up for the bravebow

Awesome thanks user

DeathBlow or SpeedBlow

If you're going Brave Bow then DB3, LaD3 or Swift Sparrow

nah you just need to get lucky

What the fuck is her problem?

How many times have you fused those mages? Alternatively, how many crests did you have to burn to get a good number of points?

You are merged i am not and i don't need to waste crests. But i am curious though, what's your average in advanced with merged mages? Do you still to fish with crests or it's >690 consistently?

step up your cavalry game

Look at all those feathers

>tfw scored higher with only +3 merges overall

I'm working on it, although I'd rather have a Reinhardt than an Ursula

Is Clarisse actually good with her own bow? Against any DC enemies or 2 range ones, she still needs to take a hit to use it, and she seems pretty fragile.

And I still need a Camus for my Vantage fodder.

What's a good Cecilia A skill? I was looking at death blow, but I still need DB for thundercock


For raven TA, for blades fury is good too. If you got +speed, you can use life and death

Mine's +atk/-hp, so I was thinking of going with a Gronnblade+ build

clarisse sucks, shes neither a killer nor support, shes too much in the middle of those

I've spent about $40 trying to get Gaius
Got 2 Freddys and a Sakura instead

Try again :3

pic taken from last week, this week still same ~4900

kys Anna
When can we expect to get our 10 gauntlet orbs again?

Don't give up that soon.

Rob is +4, rest are +1.
I consistently get 690+ now. Was doing the gauntlet quests and happened to get it. Probably like the 2nd time I got 4800+

after lissa lost to a literal nobody i was dead. but i took a gamble on elise to kill the reddit backed nobody. i won't shitpost FE Fates plot for 6 months. you lads are alright.

Fury then, rein needs DB more. The added bulk helps too incase you want to tank enemy thundercock


All praise our cunny healer

Cool, thanks user

But no one wants to hire a college student just for the summer

Interesting. With a vanilla team of 2 infantry, a loli dragon, and an armor, I get a similar score. I wouldn't think just a small amount of merges would be enough to push up 3mages to that.

Oh, so a mage needs +2 to get similar bst points like melee infantry. Thanks for the info

Fuck off chrom, Priscilla is cuter than your sister

$0 spent. Rate. Funny enough I rerolled for Marth at the start and now he's benched. Summer Tiki is strong, she and Female Corrin survive suicide runs out of nowhere.

Oh, and everyone except Robin has fury. All are full SI. That would definitely push their BST higher.

>Using a donut steel


>fates shit won again
At least by like 1% difference and not a curb stomp victory like Lucina VS Eirika.

And so the streak of Awakening/Fates characters winning the gauntlets goes unbroken

Finally got a summer Robin, she's +spd. What are some good skills to feed her?
I was thinking Renewal is a must and maybe Sol but I'm not sure I want to feed her my 5* Raven even if I don't use him.


Is a +hp/-spd summer Tiki salvageable? I have a +hp/-atk summer Gaius too, but I doubt he's usable.

But Elise is better then Prescilla in everyway.

I would get it if Prescilla was a better character, or healer, or unit, but she isn't.

I'm guessing you like Tiki

Fuck stats, Prescilla is cuter than whatever was her name blonde shit that gets killed for real in one route.

Red hair > Blondes


Xander will win a gauntlet before Leo.

For the next gauntlet IS needs to implement the multipliers in such a way that 80% of the army need to use up all of their flags.

Yes, Elise has won by a slim amount at basically all of her rounds, but the problem is for everyone to catch back up to her with the multiplier, people have to use up their flags to get ahead and in that time, most of Elise's army is holding on their flags. So Elise only needs a couple hours to close back the gap and win because her army is significantly larger and there's no need to use up all your flags like the underdog teams.

The only time there felt like a serious match was with Elise vs. Sakura. Where the multiplier was constantly in effect for the both of them. Though even then, you could tell there were a number of Elisebros who were able to stock up on over a 1000 flags by the end.

So? Clarine is cuter than both of those but she lost in the first round.

best daddy bodyguard ever!!!!!
Elise-chan is so lucky :3c

Both are cute. I find Elise cuter and the better little sister healer.

I prefer blondes though.
Blonde men specifically.

For the next gauntlet IS just needs to not put in an overwhelmingly popular Fates/Awakening character to make it interesting.
Give us Sully or Niles or whatever, but gauntlets aren't fun when the victor is obvious.


I don't like keeping the young one but tier lists have her as OP so I won't sacrifice her for skills. I'm annoyed I raised a *3 Awakening Tiki to LV 32 *5 only for the summer one to come out. The two non Summer Tikis can warm the benches with Marth.

>not always benching Harold and dicking Elise yourself

I just want a gauntlet of literal whos.