Can we pinpoint the moment Valve ceased to be the company that made Half-Life and Half-Life 2, and turned into the microtransaction-funded monstrosity it is today?
Can we pinpoint the moment Valve ceased to be the company that made Half-Life and Half-Life 2...
Obvious answer.
The polycount halloween update.
Which halloween update was that? I don't remember any of them being particularly bad
after they finished the Half-Life series with HL2 Episode 2
April 1 2009 Sniper vs spy update. When hats first came to tf2.
They'd also started work on l4d2 which was just a cashgrab.
Since they did Counter Strike Go and Dota 2
I miss the old Valve
Sniper vs spy was a red flag but the real point of no return was Mann-conomy.
when LoL got big.
not even joking
Crates in tf2 being a success has ruined the entire company
Not even sure that they'll make another game unless they're confident that they can make money off of digital cosmetics within it
This, when Hats came to TF2.
There has been CS:GO and Dota 2 since but they're arguably nothing new that Valve have brought out.
Why put the effort to make a game when you can just keep banking on steam, and micro-transactions.
Since CS:CZ, valve issue, and the shitstorm with gearbox. I don't like how gearbox is today but back then they did a good job developing stuff for valve.
>tfw TF2 became gaudy and ugly with all the stupid cosmetics
>tfw TF2 became annoying to even pick up and play since the 'competitive lobbies' were implemented
Losing my sight, losing my mind, wishing somebody would tell me I'm fine
When the Episode 4 developed by Arkane was canned
>you feel it too don't you
>the balance we've lost
>the art style we've lost
>it won't stop hurting
>Windows users still don't know why Valve hasn't made a new game
Valve have been spending millions hiring up big name senior open source developers precisely because they can't "just keep banking on steam", without an open platform that allows PC gaming as we know it Steam is doomed.
Switch to GNU/Linux, be part of the solution.
Orange Box desu. It was basically a "eh we've given up making a proper game, here's a chance to buy all these little projects we've been fucking around with".
VALVe is a waste of profit and budget. They could at least port Source to directx 12 to stop games like CSGO stuttering since dx9 doesn't have multithreaded support
But then they turned one of those projects into a full game
I guess memes are to blame
So what, once Valve finally trojans its OS onto everyone's PCs via Steam (which they started doing, what, 6 years ago?), and have a big enough market share, then they drop HL3 as the GabenOS killer app?
>its OS
There is no such thing.
Got it in one.
>then they drop HL3 as the GabenOS killer app
I fucking hope so. I'm so tired of MS kikery
>you will never live in an alternate reality where crates failed and microtransactions stay exclusive to f2p games
since prospero before hl and hl2
Thread already over
>Replacing MS kikery with Valve kikery
Steam records your telemetry including your purchases to track you. It would be Android on steroids.
80-90% of steam users only own 1 or 2 games (most of the time any of the top5 games) and play nothing else.
if you have a library and own a bunch of games, you are like the 10%
of course valve does everything to get money out of its most played games.
SteamOS is not an OS, it's a shitty modification of a distro, barely works.
You can just as effecitvely, or better, get Linux Mint instead.
The proprietary drivers are there, and it's a more popular platform. And currently, you can't dual boot with SteamOS and all your games are separated into TV mode and Desktop mode via 2 accounts.
The moment they changed logo from awesome valve for an eye face, to no face random black dude.
didn't someone else make CS GO too?
The half life games have got to be the most overrated series in gaming history
Valve doesn't need people to use SteamOS, by investing in GNU/Linux they benefit all distributions.
Though you're not entirely wrong. Gaben said in a closed door off the record conference at dev days a few years ago that they needed 3%, about 3-5 million users on GNU/Linux before they could seriously think about investing in games again. They've gotten close enough apparently they've started again, but switching off Windows will help them invest more in games again.
>9/10 people spend like $20 total on Steam
>if the remaining 1/10 spends $200 each then they've already made Gaben more shekels than the rest of the userbase combined
>then account for the 1/10 of the 1/10 that buys keys and bullshit like that, if they spend $2000 avg which they likely do then they outclass the people who just buy games
There's a reason Valve hired the fucking Finance minister of Greece, there's a lot of economic factors at play here
iirc it was made by the people who did some stuff for left4dead (probably why the game was and remains garbage)
>Steam records your purchases
Well no shit, how else would they give you your library? Every online store does. The Windows Store which you'll soon have no choice in using if you stay on Windows does that. Even GoG and Humble with their DRM free offerings store what you've purchased.
It was made by the hidden path, the defense grid devs. All updates since release are valve though.
L4d was turtle rock.
or when they let the Turtle Rock guys make left for dead, the first bad game from valve, and quickly followed and superseded by L4D2 the worst game valve ever released.
>i cannot wait for l4d3 lol gaben 4 lyfe
SteamOS's goal is to be for modern PC gaming what Lakka and RetroPie are for retro gaming.
All are based off of debian, would you rather they start from scratch and create yet another distro?
Valve have been putting their money for Linux development where it matters, not on yet another package manager, but instead funding drivers. Their results so far have been pretty impressive.
>it's a valve-related thread gets flooded with linux shills episode
Linux literally makes up less than 1% of personal computing but these faggots are so loud and annoying it makes it seem like 80%
This user summarized it pretty well.
>September 30, 2010: The Mann-Conomy Update. The beginning of the end. This update introduces trading, which is not a bad thing by itself It also introduces the Mann Co. Store, which, although sketchy, is still not a bad thing by itself (Especially since community item-makers can finally receive compensation for their work.)
>No, the problem with the Mann-Conomy Update comes with two simple items: crates and keys. Pay $2.50 for a key, and you can play for the slim chance of winning a coveted unusual hat. Most likely, of course, you'll end up with a normal weapon, or even paint.
Paying for the item you want is understandable. Paying for a chance at the item you want is understandable. At this point, TF2 crosses the line. It has gone from a game with no gambling, to free gambling, to virtual gambling, to real gambling.
>At this point Valve stops seeing TF2 as an FPS.
No, thanks. I don't need a dedicated VALVe-made wrench-in-turbine distro that will only hog resources with its ugly interface; one that is currently aimed at emulating the console experience.
I think VALVe should just stick to Ubuntu or Mint.
What I do, however, wish they do with their enormous piles of cash, is incentivise developers to optimise their games for GL and Vulkan and outright ban the shipment of Wine or any other to-GL software in their store by studios.
releasing l4d2 a year after l4d1 came out was the turning point
>Linux literally makes up less than 1% of personal computing
Your figures seem badly out of date.
51% of personal computing devices
3% of desktop users
30% of enthusiast users
1-2% of Steam users*
25% of Steam users with more than 10 games
*survey results not entirely accurate due to undercounting from dual booting / use of compatibility software
Odds are very good you're a user of Linux or BSD without even knowing it.
Baby boboo mad intellectuals are using a superior OS?
Think down the road a few years. Single board computers will be the norm. You'll be able to build a system with a fairly reasonable SOC for gaming for less than $100.
SteamOS makes perfect sense as an OS for raspberry pi style x86 gaming hardware.
An ex-Valve staffer said that Valve laid off 90% of their Linux team last year and Gabe doesn't really care anymore now that he's got the hotline to Microsoft and Valve are on the W10 advisory board. Valve were even the first 3rd party to be shown the XboneX. If anything the stagnation in game dev from Valve might be Gabe's attempt at fattening the Acquisition price up as much as he can because Valve is only growing in MAU's and revenue. Company growth has completely stagnated in regards to new products or investment in active users like better customer support. It's almost as if Gabe wants to cash out and is going to sell to whoever stumps up the highest price be it Tencent, Softbank or Microsoft
Valve should be using their gargantuan cash to start funding ports.
> you can only install apps from the windows store
what the fuck did i just see
What an absolute sham, I want to be able to upgrade my PC. What the hell are you smoking/reading/imagining?
Whats so bad about it?
no, uber update
The reactions will be hilarious if MS buys Valve.
Am I the only one who likes the aesthetic markets of doter, tf2, and csgo? I dunno why shit like that just tickles me
Maybe from a shill's or CEO's standpoint. Fuck off, nihilist.
>An ex-Valve staffer said that Valve laid off 90% of their Linux team last year
However, Valve has hired about a dozen Linux developers this year, and they're senior or otherwise proven Linux experts not their previous internal devs who had switched over to Linux to produce ToGL. If you don't believe it you can check the mailing lists of several open source projects and spot the Valve employees pretty easily.
>he's got the hotline to Microsoft and Valve are on the W10 advisory board
The reality of Windows 10 S put an end to that.
>Valve should be using their gargantuan cash to start funding ports.
They have. They're responsible for several ports including Rocket League.
Why would gabe want to cash out when he's already rich as fuck.
something teamfortress
CSGO and DOTA 2 was the obvious beinning of the end.
TF2's hats were bad enough but they took it even further.
By time Steam Greenlight launched they had become a shadow of their former selves
>Gabe leaves MS to found Valve
>Sells Valve to MS for billions 20 or so years later
p o t t e r y
The future of Windows. Its included in every copy of Windows 10 now, it will be enabled by default in 10 S where you'll have to buy $50 DLC to disable it. By the time Windows 7 is EOL 10 S will represent the majority of new Windows systems.
I prefer that they get in full jew mode before they get ruined for any reason and my 200 games disappear
>"The reality of Windows 10 S put an end to that."
>Enterprise/education distro that is incredibly easily to install non-store W32 on that isn't designed for games and designed for VM's or controlled education environments
>Valve ever feeling threatened by something that Steam client would barely even be able to run on
The delusion is amazing
>but are we gonna see it?
>uuuh no
Watch a handful of amateurs defeat a multi billion dollar company.
Gabe is basically Lucas at this point
it will be enabled by default in 10 S where you'll have to buy $50 DLC to disable it.
i refuse to believe there is no free way to disable this bullshit. they can't just stop you from downloading shit
Valve is busy making a next generation VR game engine and some top quality "nine years in development" games.
>Thinking they are putting 10S on every OEM when it's being sold in bulk to enterprise and education
Linux fantasists and conspiracy theorists are the best entertainment
If I'm not mistaken, Steam Machines and controller mostly failed.
Steam OS failed hard, if Steam's own survey is to be believed
SteamOS didn't "fail hard", it is still under development. Major downside is, the installation needs to format your entire HDD.
>it is still under development.
Yes, and it will come out the same year as HL3 and Star Citizen.
there's a proverb that says "don't try to be more christian than the pope" if players are willing to pay shitloads of cash just for a virtual item there's no reason for valve not to make cash from this, technically they are giving their usebase what they want. it's a shame things turned out like this but that's just the natural evolution of things
source: my arse
>There's a reason Valve hired the fucking Finance minister of Greece,
It was the other way around.
The Orange Box was the best thing Valve ever made though and it pisses me off that we'll never get a second Orange Box with new Valve projects.
If it weren't for that package then I might never have gotten into PC gaming (I bought it on the 360 originally).
pretty sure they've stopped working on l4d3 at this point too.
when the orange box was released, brought in all the casuals with the new half life episode, tf2, and of course portal and then steam actually became a platform for pc games
>L4D and L4D2
nigga what
vanilla TF2 is still good though, a shame nobody plays it
What's all this?
As much as I wish it so, I doubt it. MS is getting out of consumer computing and integrating Steam directly into the W10 store would be too much of a hassle.
If anyone buys them it'll be Tencent or Amazon.
all the telemetry on w10
But the Sniper VS Spy update only added like, 1 or 2 hats for each class.
And this was back in 2008 or so, when microtransactions in games really weren't a thing yet
don't see how it's a "red flag"
Controllers are doing ok
>TF2 F2P
>hiring an economist
I'm fine with them being just the Steam company, I don't play their games.
When all of you retards worshipping Gabe for no reason shrugged it off as nothing.
Tools to remove unecessary features in windows 10. There's at least 100 of them.
Left4Dead 2 is pretty fun though.
Aren't we past the whole "based Half Life" meme?
The series was always ho-hum shitware. It had a few weeks in the sun if you were a late 90's computer psycho, but it was never any good. It was the original scripted shitfest and moviegame, HL2 and that episode shit they were all trash too, just bad design all around.
Who cares that PC GAMER and those other shitrags at the time babbled on and on about Valve's insipid, overdone shitware, or Gordan Freeland's terrible design, awful control and the horrendous "world" he was meant to inhabit, and who could forget le cigaraette mystery man he was le best I cannot ait to see more of him walking around somewhere else where I cannot go because le skripts are le future wat good storytelling what a masterpiece the ground got messed up and there's like, fish head dudes running around I am SO SPOOKED only Gordon can solve these problems and only valve can make gorton good he is le best main character he is so good he could beat WoW have you heard of that game because Half Lifes 3 will sell even more copies it wil be so groundbreaking I just cannot wakt
When did AFK TF2 servers started appearing? That's when the downfall happened. People would rather AFK for days for cosmetics than actually play the game.
That was actually good, it kept servers free from traders and non-PTFOers
Such as this?
Are you having a stroke?